Posts Tagged ‘closer’

Connecticut lawsuit against Exxon one step closer to trial in state court

Superior Court Judge John Farley said that by registering to do business in Connecticut, Exxon Mobil “has consented to jurisdiction” in the state. His decision puts the case one step closer to trial in state court. Source

WARNING: Self-Spreading Vaccines Are Closer Than You Think

Investigative reporter Jefferey Jaxen brought to light an alarming reality on The Highwire Thursday: the ability to “vaccinate” the entire world without injecting large amounts of the population is upon us. What we’re referring to is self-spreading vaccines, a technology that was almost ready to be deployed for the coronavirus pandemic — but ultimately passed […]

Iraq Closer To Expelling US Terrorist Occupation Troops After Murder By Drone In Busy Neighborhood

It has been proved to anyone with a brain except those who’s head and brain are shoved up their own ass, Israel and Israel controlled US politicians and military officers did 9-11. If you had family members die in the War of Terror based on the false flag of 9-11, they died for the Rothschild’s […]

Somalia First? A closer look at Ilhan Omar and her political ‘family business’ in Mogadishu

Her first husband and the father to her three children is a senior adviser to the Somali president she calls her “uncle,” who allegedly sold out his country to foreign powers. Source


“If I Don’t Make it Back Alive…”: A Closer Look at the Armed Man (Disguised as a U.S. Marshal) Who Demanded a Meeting with RFK, Jr.


Gaza Draws Closer To Total Collapse With Humanitarian Aid Blocked At Egyptian Border

As Israel prepared a likely ground offensive into Gaza that would mean deadly house-to-house fighting, fears rose over the conflict spreading. Source

Understand what time it is in America – our lives are closer to Russia under Stalin, Cuba under Castro, China under Mao or Venezuela under Maduro than we are to the Constitution

(NaturalNews) The Democrats are making no effort to hide their totalitarian impulses. Certainly, Hillary Clinton isn’t. In an interview last week with CNN’s… Source

The collapse of reality is coming closer

Warning : Reality Is Escaping Out The Back Door his needs to be released to the world as a stark warning: The total collapse of reality may be at hand. We have already witnessed mass formation during the Great Panic of 2020, where large swaths of the world seemingly lost touch with reality. That was just […]

Retired General Explains Why Putin Is Reportedly Seeking Closer Ties To Kim Jong Un

The New York Times on Monday reported that Kim is planning to travel to Russia, likely using an armored train, this month to hold talks with the Russian president. Source

Washington Post and MSNBC voices say ‘Apartheid’ (and J Street inches closer)

The letter accusing Israel of apartheid initiated by Israeli Jewish scholars has given permission to commentators at mainstream publications to echo the accusation. Even J Street acknowledges it’s two sets of law based on “racial and ethnic” distinction. Source

Israel Gets Closer to Azerbaijan 

Israeli Minister of War, Yoav Gallant, is set to visit Azerbaijani president Aliyev on Wednesday 12 July 2023 to discuss issues which are not disclosed to the media yet. Gallant will also meet Azerbaijan’s Minister of Defense, the Commander of Border Security, and other officials. Some believe that the quickly scheduled trip is the result […]

Interview 1812 – Moving Ukraine Closer to NATO – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: NATO talks about a Ukraine-NATO council that will move Ukraine closer to NATO…but they’re totally not inviting them in, guys; the IMF is working on a CBDC platform (along with every other globalist bankster institution); and Obama calls for digital fingerprints to counteract disinformation. The post Interview […]

Matata existing use rights cull one step closer after Bay of Plenty Regional Council decision – another Agenda 21/30 land grab?

Originally posted on Environmental Health Watch NZ: This looks like Agenda 21/30. Land grabs in other places also. Search other articles in ‘categories’. See all of our Agenda pages at the main menu, also see Local Govt Watch pages also at the main menu. Similar happening in the Christchurch rebuild. from Matata landowners have… […]

Three Steps closer to the Red Line

In late April and early May 2023, the Yoon Suk-yeol administration took several steps towards aggravating inter-Korean relations. However, although the Washington Declaration was the most notable of them, the author draws attention to three less noticeable events that can make a much more serious contribution to the aggravation of the situation on the Korean […]

Are We the Carbon They Want to Reduce? A Closer Look Behind Climate Change Vernacular

23 may 2023 “I don’t think that emphasis on the anthropogenic [human-caused] principle when it comes to global warming or when it comes to health is by accident,” expressed investigative journalist James Corbett. “And we do not have to take your word for it or my word for it,” he stressed. “We can read the […]

A Closer Look At Vintage Rolex Datejust Features

The Rolex Datejust is a pretty important fake watch in the history of the brand. I won’t pretend to be able to cover that history here. However, a quick recap is nice to provide the most basic background. The Datejust was introduced in 1945. The first model, Ref. 4467, was made from the 1943 Ref. […]

Iraqi Resistance Leader to Al-Ahed: Relying on Resistance Takes Us Closer to Praying in Al-Quds 

April 16, 2023 By Mostafa Awada He is one of the key pillars of the Iraqi resistance movement and a jihadi leader who played a prominent role in liberating his country from the Daesh terror group. The United States, which created Daesh, and the temporary Zionist entity, wanted to divide Iraq. The borders established by […]

Taiwan Pushed Closer to Conflict by Washington

The island province of Taiwan has been pushed closer still to conflict by Washington recently as the US hosted a visit by Tsai Ing-Wen of the Democratic Progressive Party who currently heads the administration in Taipei. During her trip to the United States, Tsai Ing-Wen met with the current US Speaker of the House Kevin […]

New Israeli Government Seeking Even Closer Ties with Russia and Putin – Israeli Foreign Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu was notorious for his extremely warm relationship with Soviet Russian president Vladimir Putin and the Eurasian Bloc as a whole. That certainly explains why Putin is very delighted with Netanyahu’s return to power. Source

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