Posts Tagged ‘small’

Sinaloa Drug Cartel Co-Founder Tricked Into Flying To Small US Airfield, Greeted With Handcuffs

Sinaloa Drug Cartel Co-Founder Tricked Into Flying To Small US Airfield, Greeted With Handcuffs In a story destined to be dramatized on the big screen, a major Mexican drug lord was tricked on Thursday into flying aboard a small plane that landed near El Paso, Texas, where federal agents greeted him on the tarmac with […]

How Did a Small Group Do This?

A very interesting study appeared last week by two researchers looking into the pandemic policy response around the world. They are Drs. Eran Bendavid and Chirag Patel of Stanford and Harvard, respectively. Their ambition was straightforward. They wanted to examine the effects of government policy on the virus.  In this ambition, after all, researchers have […]

Small US Businesses to be Forced to Serve as NSA Spies

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was enacted to make it easier for the government to address foreign terrorist threats. Targeting Americans is prohibited but intelligence agencies have used Section 702 to spy on hundreds of thousands of Americans every year. And this week it’s looking to get a lot worse. Elizabeth Goitein […]

Company backed by Bill Gates wants to deploy small modular nuclear reactors across U.S.

Company backed by Bill Gates wants to deploy small modular nuclear reactors across U.S. TerraPower, a company founded by billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates, is planning to build a new type of nuclear power plant known as a small modular reactor (SMR) that it wants to blanket across the United States. According to reports, an SMR […]

Government surveillance of small businesses via Corporate Transparency Act ruled unconstitutional by federal district court

Government surveillance of small businesses via Corporate Transparency Act ruled unconstitutional by federal district court The National Small Business Association (NSBA) announced on its website a major win for the small businesses sector – a federal district court held that the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is unconstitutional, stating it “exceeds the Constitution’s limits on Congress’s […]

“This Is Our Town” – Inside A Small-Town Battle Against A Giant Chinese Battery Plant

Authored by Nathan Worcester via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Two common signs stood out on the front lawns and street corners of Manteno, Illinois, on Dec. 13: “Keep Christ in Christmas,” sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, and “Choose Manteno: No Go on Gotion!” Ten miles south of where Chicago’s suburban sprawl finally peters […]

Power consumption of AI servers nears that of a small country

Fresh report analysing total power usage of AI servers suggests consumption is through the roof! The likes of the Nvidia H100 GPU consume up to 700W alone, let alone all the other components around it. French firm Schneider Electric reports that power consumption of AI servers will total around 4.3GW in 2023, which is slightly […]

WTI Holds Gains After Small Crude Build, Cushing Just Off ‘Tank Bottoms’

WTI Holds Gains After Small Crude Build, Cushing Just Off ‘Tank Bottoms’ Oil prices surged overnight, recovering all of yesterday’s losses after EIA made substantial upward demand revisions in its monthly reports (again) to the highest in four years. This combined with renewed war premia amid continuing escalations in the middle east with further incursions by Israel […]

Direland! Direland! Forever Standing Small…

‘Heartbroken’ over rugby but not the death of their country, the hysteria surrounding last weekend’s bread and circus cult event shows Irish men have an awful lot further to fall Gemma O’Doherty 19 Oct 2023 It felt like another nail was driven into Ireland’s coffin last weekend. I had managed to shield myself completely from […]

AI tech could require as much electricity as a small nation, study finds

AI has limitations and shouldn’t be used for everything, especially considering its privacy concerns and high energy demand. Source

China’s “National Team” Has Small Cash Pile To Rescue Tumbling Stocks

China’s “National Team” Has Small Cash Pile To Rescue Tumbling Stocks By Ye Xie and Amy Li, Bloomberg Markets Live reporter and strategists The sovereign wealth fund’s investment in the big banks shows that Beijing is committed to putting a floor under the stock market. The purchase is limited in size, but the signaling effect could be […]

China’s “National Team” Has Small Cash Pile To Rescue Tumbling Stocks

China’s “National Team” Has Small Cash Pile To Rescue Tumbling Stocks By Ye Xie and Amy Li, Bloomberg Markets Live reporter and strategists The sovereign wealth fund’s investment in the big banks shows that Beijing is committed to putting a floor under the stock market. The purchase is limited in size, but the signaling effect could be […]

CNN: Babies Decapitated in Hamas Terror Attack on Small Israeli Farming Community

CNN has reported that a Hamas terror attack on Kibbutz Kfar Aza in Israel resulted in babies being decapitated in a bloody massacre. Source

“Fossil Fuel Treaty” activism is funded by a small group of global foundations

BY RHODA WILSON ON SEPTEMBER 28, 2023 • ( 19 COMMENTS ) A network of activists is calling for a “Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.” They want a treaty to complement the Paris Climate Agreement to accelerate a global shift from using fossil fuels. In 2021, ahead of COP26 in Glasgow, the World Economic Forum promoted the initiative as: “A new wave of activists is […]


15 Years Ago, UFO Sightings Rocked a Small Texas Town. The Mystery Remains.

Stephenville is often referred to by locals as the “milk capital of the world.” But after the events of January 2008, the Texas town of Stephenville became known for something otherworldly. In "Messengers", the first episode of VICE Studios and Netflix’s new series Encounters, residents of Stephenville and the surrounding area recount seeing something strange […]

Report: U.S. Taxpayers Subsidizing Small Businesses in Ukraine, Including Designer Knitwear

While American taxpayers are battling inflation and struggling to make ends meet, their money is subsidizing small businesses in Ukraine. Source

PIRATES are attacking small boats along California coast

(NaturalNews) The San Francisco Bay Area has become known for smash-and-grab robberies at high-end luxury stores; poop and drug needles all over the sidewalks; and… Source

Whether You Live in a Small Town or a Big City, the Government Is Still Out to Get You

While we may claim to value freedom, privacy, individuality, equality, diversity, accountability, and government transparency, our actions and those of our government rulers contradict these much-vaunted principles at every turn. Source

Woke Fail: Jason Aldean’s ‘Try That in a Small Town’ Rockets to No. 2 on Charts

Proving once again the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about, Jason Aldean’s Try That in a Small Town is basking in exponential sales growth driven by the controversy surrounding its associated music video. Source

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