Posts Tagged ‘boats’

Hezbollah urges Lebanon to “OPEN THE SEA” to migrant boats to further destabilize Europe

(NaturalNews) Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is urging Lebanese authorities to “open the sea” to migrant boats as a means to pressure Europe. His announcement… Source

Israeli Nazi Supplier Paradox – Krupp Dolphin U-Boats & Sa’ar 6-class of corvettes

Given the shambolic and underfunded armed forces of Germany  German taxpayers may well wonder why their money has been used to subsidise arming the Apartheid state of Israel rather than bolster their own defences. Given the Israeli version of history Israeli taxpayers may well wonder why their government is employing Krupp former taskmasters of Nazi […]

Israel Sends Missile Boats to Red Sea as Houthis Threaten South

The Israeli navy sent missile boats into the Red Sea on Wednesday to defend the southern approach to the country from missiles, drones, and other long-range attacks mounted by Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist rebels operating from Yemen. Source

Ukraine’s experimental DRONE BOATS strike two Russian Navy ships in Crimea

(NaturalNews) Ukrainian drones have struck two Russian Navy ships in Crimea in two separate attacks that involved sea-borne drones allegedly carrying experimental… Source

PIRATES are attacking small boats along California coast

(NaturalNews) The San Francisco Bay Area has become known for smash-and-grab robberies at high-end luxury stores; poop and drug needles all over the sidewalks; and… Source

Watch: women in Venezuela are working on fishing boats to feed their families

Venezuela’s socioeconomic crisis has seen women take on some of the jobs once exclusively done by men including fishing Source

Italy to take action against NGO migrant ferry boats to stop the invasion of Europe

The threshold of 100,000 illegal migrants who arrived by sea in Italy this year was crossed on Dec. 21, and the number is not only a symbolic milestone but also serving as a call to action for Italy’s conservative government. The figure of 100,000 can be compared with the 64,055 on the same date a […]

Thessaloniki: Two boats engulfed in flames in Thermi

Shortly after 2 am on Tuesday, two 20-meter boats were engulfed in flames in Thermi Thessaloniki. Locals immediately raised an alarm to the authorities and fire brigades rushed to the marina to fight the flames. The two 20-meter boats in which the fire broke out, due to an unknown cause, were in an outdoor area… […]

Hundreds of migrants rescued from smugglers’ boats in Mediterranean

Hundreds of migrants from Africa and Syria were rescued from smugglers’ boats in the Mediterranean by a Spanish charity over the weekend.  Rescue ship Open Arms Uno said it picked up 372 peopl trying to cross the central Mediterranean Sea to the mainland of Europe in unseaworthy boats. They also rescued the body of a man […]

Hundreds of migrants rescued from smugglers’ boats in Mediterranean

Hundreds of migrants from Africa and Syria were rescued from smugglers’ boats in the Mediterranean by a Spanish charity over the weekend.  Rescue ship Open Arms Uno said it picked up 372 peopl trying to cross the central Mediterranean Sea to the mainland of Europe in unseaworthy boats. They also rescued the body of a man […]

Hundreds of migrants rescued from smugglers’ boats in Mediterranean

Hundreds of migrants from Africa and Syria were rescued from smugglers’ boats in the Mediterranean by a Spanish charity over the weekend.  Rescue ship Open Arms Uno said it picked up 372 peopl trying to cross the central Mediterranean Sea to the mainland of Europe in unseaworthy boats. They also rescued the body of a man […]

Hundreds of migrants rescued from smugglers’ boats in Mediterranean

Hundreds of migrants from Africa and Syria were rescued from smugglers’ boats in the Mediterranean by a Spanish charity over the weekend.  Rescue ship Open Arms Uno said it picked up 372 peopl trying to cross the central Mediterranean Sea to the mainland of Europe in unseaworthy boats. They also rescued the body of a man […]

Six people rescued from river after two boats collide in Rotterdam

A family of five and the boat’s captain were taken to hospital after the incident. Source

Number of People Smuggled Into UK in Small Boats Triples in 2021

Around 28,400 people have entered the UK in 2021 by the clandestine crossing of the English Channel, triple the number for 2020. Analysis of Home Office data by the PA news agency showed that at least 28,395 illegal immigrants had arrived in small boats in the past year, while the BBC’s analysis counted at least 28,431 crossings. […]

UK panel asks government to scrap plan to turn back migrant boats

A UK parliamentary committee on Wednesday criticised government plans to deter migrants and refugees from trying to reach Britain in small boats, saying the measures would endanger lives without stopping dangerous journeys across the English Channel like the one that killed 27 people last week. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has proposed legislation that would […]

Britannia Turns Back The Boats

Pushing people back across borders; turning asylum seekers away from shores.  When such tactics were openly adopted and used with impunity by Australia’s navy and border force, it caused outrage and concern in the maritime community and pricked the interest of border protectionists the world over. Disgust and outrage have, in time, been replaced by […]

Italy’s navy accuses Turkish fishing boats of aggression in the Mediterranean

Italy’s navy has accused Turkish fishing boats of launching stones towards two Italian vessels in the Mediterranean Sea. The clashes allegedly took place on Tuesday morning north of Cyprus, the Italian navy said in a statement. “At approximately 10.10, in the waters north of Cyprus, there was an interaction between an unspecified number of Turkish […]

Philippines turns up heat on China over boats massing in South China Sea

Aides of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday criticized China for what they called territorial incursions by hundreds of its vessels, which his legal counsel warned could damage ties and lead to “unwanted hostilities.” In some of the strongest words yet from Duterte’s camp about China’s conduct in the South China Sea, his lawyer Salvador […]

Dozens of migrants rescued from boats as France and UK sign new deal

Dozens more migrants were rescued by the French coastguard in the English Channel over the weekend as officials agreed a new deal with the UK to reduce the number of crossings. A boat carrying 19 migrants was stopped by customs officials early on Sunday morning off the coast of Boulogne-sur-mer. The regional radio network France […]

Saudi-led coalition intercepts two explosive-laden boats in southern Red Sea

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