Posts Tagged ‘supplier’

Profit over safety: Boeing supplier ignored safety warnings before jet door blowout, The Lever reports

Warnings went unheeded, and the employees were told to falsify records, according to a new investigation by The Lever on a federal complaint filed by workers at Spirit. Source

Israeli Nazi Supplier Paradox – Krupp Dolphin U-Boats & Sa’ar 6-class of corvettes

Given the shambolic and underfunded armed forces of Germany  German taxpayers may well wonder why their money has been used to subsidise arming the Apartheid state of Israel rather than bolster their own defences. Given the Israeli version of history Israeli taxpayers may well wonder why their government is employing Krupp former taskmasters of Nazi […]

Ukraine’s ‘biggest arms supplier’ orchestrated 2014 Maidan massacre, witnesses say

Once denounced by Zelensky as a “criminal,” gun runner Serhiy Pashinksy has become the top private supplier of arms to Ukraine. Eyewitness testimony has fingered Pashinsky as the architect of a bloody false flag operation which propelled the 2014 Maidan coup and plunged the country into civil war. Source

Volkswagen to Invest in Mines in Bid to Become Global Battery Supplier

BERLIN—Volkswagen plans to invest in mines to bring down the cost of battery cells, meet half of its own demand and sell to third-party customers, the carmaker’s board member in charge of technology said. Its strategy aligns with a wider trend of carmakers seeking greater control over parts of the supply chain traditionally left to […]

German oil supplier just shut off all deliveries amid “excessive speculation and stockpiling”

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The energy crisis that is unfolding in Germany and other parts of Europe has prompted Austrian oil and gas company OMV AG to halt all crude product deliveries indefinitely.OMV Germany, which operates two storage facilities in the southern part of the country, says a “run” on supplies has created a situation in […]

Russia Overtakes Saudi Arabia As China’s Top Oil Supplier

China imported a record volume of Russian crude in May, with arrivals surging by 55 percent to nearly 2 million barrels per day (bpd). This has made Russia the top oil supplier to the world’s leading crude importer—putting it ahead of Saudi Arabia for the first time in a year and a half. Source

Collapsing Food Supply Chain: Major Storable Food Supplier, Augason Farms, Ceases Operations for 3 Full Months

Storable food mega-supplier Augason Farms has ceased operations for 90 days, citing, “global raw-material shortages” and “substantial delays” in procurement and production. “Regrettably, BCG [the parent company owner of Augason Farms] cannot fulfill your orders on time; therefore, this letter communicates our decision to suspend business for the next 90 days, effective immediately,” says an […]

UK free school meal supplier apologises for quantity of food parcels

There has been an outcry in England over the paltry size of food parcels being sent to low-income households in lockdown. One viral tweet, shared more than 28,000 times, was posted by a UK mother complaining about the shortage of food she had received to feed her child for five days. The tweet was shared […]

Palestinian victim sues Dutch supplier of Israeli attack dogs

Adri Nieuwhof Rights and Accountability 15 February 2018 A Palestinian from the occupied West Bank is suing the Dutch company that supplied the dogs Israeli soldiers used to attack him when he was a child. For more than 20 years, Four Winds K9, a company based near the city of Nijmegen, has annually provided the […]

Has Climate Engineering Chemical Supplier Been Identified?

Has The Primary Geoengineering Materials Supplier Been Identified? The global climate engineers are spraying unimaginable quantities of materials into skies all over the world as part of the ongoing geoengineering / solar radiation management assault. The world’s most recognized geoengineer, Dr. David Keith, has stated on the record a goal of putting 10,000,000 tons of […]

Zionists Plot Against Islam, Blaming it for Terrorist Attacks, Istanbul and More – Proof

Fake blood, dummies, phony wounded, and fake body parts as well as fake bombs are all used to denigrate and degrade the Islamic faith, proven, here. Spread this post wide and far. It’s the unbridled truth; let the blame fall where it belongs, against arch-hedonistic, terminally corrupt Zionist elements. The faith of Islam originated through […]

After Palmyra: Syrian Army takes strategic mountain range near Al-Qaryatayn (plus ceasefire updates)

     The Syrian Army backed by popular forces has taken control over the Suniyat-Homs mountain range, two kilometers away from the town of Al-Qaryatayn, in central Syria. The operation to liberate the Christian town of Al-Qaryatayn from Daesh militants began on Saturday morning. Covered by artillery fire, vanguard units of the army and its allies […]

U.S. City Outlaws Vegetable Garden, Orders Family To Destroy Front Lawn

A family from the United States have been forced to destroy their vegetable garden due to new city zoning laws in the city of Sugar Creek, Missouri.  Nathan Athans has been told to trash the family vegetable patch, or face prosecution, as Orwellian new rules were introduced in April without any notices to residents. reports: […]

Poroshenko faction slams Ukraine’s committee decision to break diplomatic relations with Russia

     The decision to sever diplomatic relations with Russia will lead to the exacerbation of hostilities, member of Ukraine’s Petro Poroshenko Bloc parliamentary faction, first deputy head of Verkhovna Rada’s Foreign Affairs Committee Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze said on Thursday. “Isn’t it clear that those who offer such a path, renounce any attempts to resolve this international […]

America, we have a problem: Homelessness is out of control

Sheltering from the cold in Brooklyn. Shannon Stapleton/Reuters The poor have been with us since there was an “us.” And, as much as I would like to see zero poverty in the United States, a country that spends trillions on its domestic and international security apparatuses, I know that the political will for such policies […]

Is Bernie Sanders a Socialist?

“Self-described socialist” … How many times have we all read that term in regard to Vermont senator Bernie Sanders? But is he really a socialist? Or is he a “social democrat”, which is what he’d be called in Europe? Or is he a “democratic socialist”, which is the American party he has been a member […]

Is Bernie Sanders a Socialist?

“Self-described socialist” … How many times have we all read that term in regard to Vermont senator Bernie Sanders? But is he really a socialist? Or is he a “social democrat”, which is what he’d be called in Europe? Or is he a “democratic socialist”, which is the American party he has been a member […]

How Hollywood and The Military Industrial Complex Collaborate

The latest Bond movie, Spectre, touches on an insidious connection between certain vested interests who wish to control intelligence and spy on citizens on a global level. The movie shows how special interest groups create terror throughout countries in an effort to push through and scare the public and governments into enacting stricter surveillance and reducing civil […]

Brits call for banning Trump from entering UK

A growing number of Britons have signed a petition calling for banning the US Republican Presidential Hopeful Donald Trump from entering the UK after he suggested all Muslims should be barred from entering America. The online petition says: “The UK has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech. If the United Kingdom is to continue applying the […]

‘Absolute scum’ — Trump’s frightening anti-Muslim speech

So far, Trump is the only candidate who appears likely to introduce an independent view of Israel into the election. He’s pandering to the right-wing mob right now, but, if he wins the Republican nomination, if he’s serious about gaining power (I think he is), he will re-discover various issues that made him a Democrat […]

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