Posts Tagged ‘orchestrated’

9/11 Was Orchestrated by the Highest Levels of the US Government

9/11 Was Orchestrated by the Highest Levels of the US Government Ted Gunderson speaking at a 9/11 conference in May of 2004. by The Depop Agenda THE GREATEST COVERUPS: Former Head of the FBI confirms that 9/11 was orchestrated at the highest level by the U.S. Government. Oklahoma city bombing, JFK, RFK assassinations, World Trade […]

Will the Iranian-orchestrated attack against Israel change Biden’s Iran policy?

The truth is the first casualty of war, and already, parties are taking advantage of the fog of war to advance agendas. Source

Iran Admits It Orchestrated Attack on Israel, and Warns America: “You’re Next”

Iran has admitted that it helped Hamas plan their deadly attack against Israel, and has warned that America and other Western nations are next on their hit-list. According to a Wall Street Journal report, senior […] The post Iran Admits It Orchestrated Attack on Israel, and Warns America: “You’re Next” appeared first on The People's […]

Trump: ‘Nancy Pelosi Orchestrated Jan 6 Riot’

Former President Trump declared Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Nancy Pelosi was one of the main architects behind the January 6 riot. Transcript: TRUMP: Nancy Pelosi was in charge of security and turned […] The post Trump: ‘Nancy Pelosi Orchestrated Jan 6 Riot’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

J6 Pinned on Proud Boy Who Was Not in DC, After FBI Asset Ray Epps Admitted He “Orchestrated it,” And Antifa John Sullivan Bragged “We Did This Sh*t”

Above image: Ray Epps exhorting crowd on night of Jan. 5, 2021 “Tomorrow we need to go INTO the Capitol” Keeping faithful to the gruesome, Kafkaesque black comedy that America has become under the Biden administration, a Proud Boy who were never in the Capitol, nor even in DC, has been sentenced to 22 years […]

Ukraine’s ‘biggest arms supplier’ orchestrated 2014 Maidan massacre, witnesses say

Once denounced by Zelensky as a “criminal,” gun runner Serhiy Pashinksy has become the top private supplier of arms to Ukraine. Eyewitness testimony has fingered Pashinsky as the architect of a bloody false flag operation which propelled the 2014 Maidan coup and plunged the country into civil war. Source

World Wars Are Orchestrated

(left, Wilhelm Canaris, Abwehr Chief)  A detail in Prince Michel Sturdza’s aptly  titled The Suicide of Europe (1968)  set off my alarm bells. In August 1940, when Western Europe was conquered by the Nazis, Admiral Canaris advised the Romanian Foreign Minister that Germany would lose the war. “You will be crushed. Great Britain is always victorious,”  the […]

Bombshell: New evidence points to realization that Jan. 6 ‘riot’ was orchestrated with help of deep state plant Ray Epps

(Natural News) In the months following the Jan. 6 “riot” at the U.S. Capitol Building, the name of “Ray Epps” continued to surface as someone who likely had something to do with what took place. For a time, even the FBI had Epps on its ‘wanted’ list in relation to the incident before suddenly and… […]

The orchestrated Ukraine deception

The orchestrated Ukraine deception  … the broken Overton Window & Western extremism removes Its maskPodcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/28/22 – part 2).As always, take the information discussed in the […]

The Orchestrated Ukraine Deception, The Broken Overton Window & Western Extremism Removes Its Mask

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/5/22 – part 2). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and […]

Criminal Funding For Criminal Taliban Orchestrated By Criminal CIA Crime Syndicate

Ron Wieczorek atiAtSpugmureestios fS2ns6or slartan geft8:1n1r dAM  · Dope, Inc. and Afghan Opium TraffickingAug. 25 (EIRNS)—In a report issued to the UN Security Council in June of this year, a special Security Council Committee reported that “the primary sources of Taliban financing remain criminal activities, including drug trafficking and opium poppy production.” The summary of the brief report states that “the […]

8 Domestic Terror Plots That Were Actually Orchestrated By The FBI

Recent revelations have confirmed that the FBI was the one who organized the attempted kidnapping of Governor Gretchen Whitmer. But did you know that almost every domestic terror attack in U.S. history was actually orchestrated by the FBI? What a bunch of classic pranksters those FBI agents are! Here are 8 terrible domestic attacks that […]

Bombshell: Defector Shows Evidence That Chinese Military Orchestrated Creation of COVID-19 & Lab Leak

A high-ranking Chinese defector has reportedly provided data to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) proving that COVID-19 was manmade and leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In addition to the defector confirming non-public scientific details about COVID-19, the data was also given to scientists who re-analyzed data from published sources as well as new […]

Lancet’s Infamous Covid Disinformation Campaign Was Orchestrated by Fauci’s Buddy, Peter Daszak

by JD Rucker The cover-up started early and ran hard for months. Those who were supposed to be working to protect the American people from the pandemic had only one concern: Covering their butts. The list of people complicit in the cover-up continues to grow. That list includes Dr. Anthony Fauci, as we learned so […]

Report: Liz Cheney ‘Orchestrated Unprecedented’ GOP Sabotage with WaPo on January 3

Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney (R-WY) reportedly “orchestrated unprecedented” Republican sabotage with the Washington Post against former President Donald Trump on January 3. The New Yorker published an essay Thursday in which Eric Edelman — a “friend” of Cheney’s and a former national security adviser to former Vice President Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney’s father — said Liz Cheney “was […]

Bashing Russia for US-Orchestrated Ukraine Aggression

April 18, 2021 By Stephen Lendman Source All the news that’s fit to print is banned in NYT editions — state-approved reinvented reality featured instead. Since the Obama/Biden regime installed Nazism in Ukraine over seven years ago, US-orchestrated intermittent war raged against Donbass by puppet regime conscripts. Since February, things dangerously escalated. On Friday, Donetsk […]

DC On Lockdown: Is this what preparation for the largest false flag in US history, orchestrated with the intention of sparking a civil war looks like?

Washington DC has gone into a total lockdown ahead of Inauguration Day, with all-out martial law being implemented in response to FBI warnings of widespread violence being planned by right wing extremists. Having deemed thestorming of the Capitol led by Capitol police and shady actors including national socialists, skinheads and BLM activists on January 6to […]

Dark Winter—Pandemic 2 Is Being Orchestrated

Dr Schöning is a German doctor and one of the world-wide leaders fighting to expose the truth about COVID-19 and the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset.” In this video he confirms covid-19 is not real and discussed the term dark winter, that Trump and Biden are speaking about. A potential false flag bio attack as […]

Pearl Harbor & The Cut Off of Oil to Japan-Orchestrated by Roosevelt & Churchill (ZIONISTS)

December 7, 2020 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article Support Your Website Pearl Harbor:  An Orchestrated Event? Paul Craig Roberts In November, 1944, US Secretary of War, Henry Stimson snapped to the US Secretary of the Treasury that he was worn out “from working the last two weeks on the Pearl Harbor report to keep out anything that […]

Pearl Harbor:  An Orchestrated Event

Pearl Harbor: An Orchestrated Event? / pcr3 Support Your Website Pearl Harbor: An Orchestrated Event? Paul Craig Roberts In November, 1944, US Secretary of War, Henry Stimson snapped to the US Secretary of the Treasury that he was worn out “from working the last two weeks on the Pearl Harbor report to keep out […]

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