Posts Tagged ‘bashing’

Biden tries to appeal to union workers by bashing Trump for inheriting his wealth

President Biden worked to appeal to union workers Friday by bashing former President Trump for inheriting his wealth. The president painted a picture of his upbringing compared to Trump’s while talking at a Washington, D.C., conference for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), a big labor group that has endorsed his reelection bid. “Some… […]

Conservative nonprofit plans to spend millions bashing ‘woke’ left in midterms

A conservative “dark money” group is claiming that it will spend millions of dollars in the run-up to the midterm election blasting what it calls “the woke ideology of sheltered white liberals.” Citizens for Sanity, a tax-exempt nonprofit organization working with prominent Republican consultants, has begun running a television, newspaper and billboard advertising campaign in […]

Trudeau-bashing children’s book a best-seller

“How the Prime Minister Stole Freedom” by Derek Smith has topped the Amazon Canada best-seller chart.  The picture book illustrated by Kaeda Knipe pokes fun at Trudeau’s response to the Freedom Convoy and his subsequent clampdown on the rights of Canadians.

Watch: Trump Releases Brutal Ad Bashing Biden’s Afghanistan Disaster

On Tuesday, former President Trump flexed his attack muscles when he released a brutal ad bashing President Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Released shortly after President Biden’s press conference in which he committed to the original deadline of pulling troops out of Afghanistan by August 31 – a lofty goal, according to Washington insiders – […]

Trump-Bashing Democrat Terry McAuliffe Has His Own Trump Ties

Former Virginia Democrat Gov. Terry McAuliffe, who is making another run for governor in the state, has spent the past week drawing connections between Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin and former President Donald Trump, but McAuliffe himself has his own ties to the former president. The history between McAuliffe and Trump, as first detailed by Fox News, […]

Bashing Russia for US-Orchestrated Ukraine Aggression

April 18, 2021 By Stephen Lendman Source All the news that’s fit to print is banned in NYT editions — state-approved reinvented reality featured instead. Since the Obama/Biden regime installed Nazism in Ukraine over seven years ago, US-orchestrated intermittent war raged against Donbass by puppet regime conscripts. Since February, things dangerously escalated. On Friday, Donetsk […]

Bill Burr’s “Controversial” SNL Monologue Was All About Bashing White People

I do not actually watch SNL, but I saw a bunch of headlines about Bill Burr’s “controversial” stand up routine at the begging of SNL and it was anti-White garbage. He starts bashing White women and uses it as a way to bash the White race throughout history. Bitchute link Full monologue: [embedded content]

EU Chief calls for an end to ‘Russia-bashing’

The End Of US Hegemony: EU Chief Juncker calls for an end to ‘Russia-bashing’ Some within the EU have been looking to better relations with Russia With America’s increasing unreliability and erratic behaviour both as it relates to international accords and relationships with its allies and partners, especially as regards trade, some within the EU […]

The New York Times Discourages Democrats From Bashing Trump

Opinion — Days ago, the Democratic Party disappointingly caved to Republicans and President Donald Trump and ended the government shut down without achieving anything meaningful. They were promised the potential for action by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that could help 800,000-plus immigrants known as Dreamers avoid deportation, but there are few signs that will […]

WPost Pushes More Dubious Russia-bashing

WPost Pushes More Dubious Russia-bashing By By Robert Parry, the investigative reporter who many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. Originally published at Parrys Consortium News (republished with permission). Some people are calling the anti-Russian hysteria being whipped up across the U.S. mainstream news media a new […]

WaPo Pushes More Dubious Russia-Bashing

(Analysis) — Some people are calling the anti-Russian hysteria being whipped up across the U.S. mainstream news media a new “golden age of American journalism,” although it looks to me more like a new age of yellow journalism, prepping the people for more military spending, more “information warfare” and more actual war. Yes, without doubt, […]

A Streetcar Named "Family Bashing"

Long before feminists portrayed men as rapists, Tennessee Williams depicted Stanley Kowalski in these terms.  A Streetcar Named Desire shows how much of  modern “art” is Communist agitprop.   A Jewish producer, Irene Selznick and a gay playwright, Tennessee Williams, used theatre to subvert the family.  (from Sept 16, 2012) By Henry Makow Ph.D. In my view, feminism and “homosexual rights” mask […]

Michigan Official Tried to Manipulate Lead Tests—Eight Years Ago

A newly resurfaced email demonstrates that in 2008 an official from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) tried to game lead tests by suggesting that technicians collect extra water samples to make the average lead count for a community appear artificially low. The email was sent in response to a test result […]

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): Will Governments Agree to Pass Massive Powers to Transnational Capital?

Roger Godsiff MP for Birmingham Hall Green, has tabled a Parliamentary Question asking whether government will reconsider support for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership trade deal, following the announcement that a tar sands company is suing the American Government under existing trade law after it decided against a massive new tar sands pipeline. He said […]

“Progressives” Whine About Hillary Bashing

  Steve Watson January 22, 2007 The announcement that Hillary Clinton is to run for President has rightfully worried many into debating the problems of political dynasties in America. Commentators have pointed out that should Hillary be elected it would mean America being under the control of either a Bush or a Clinton for […]

Putin Bashing — Western Press

by Stephen Lendman   On September 24, Russia’s Vladimir Putin announced he’ll run again for president in 2012 after serving eight years as Dmitry Medvedev’s Prime Minister. America’s media have better memories than elephants. In November 2007, they recall Putin on National Unity Day telling military cadets and youth groups that while: “an overwhelming majority […]

Putin Bashing

by Stephen Lendman   On September 24, Russia’s Vladimir Putin announced he’ll run again for president in 2012 after serving eight years as Dmitry Medvedev’s Prime Minister. America’s media have better memories than elephants. In November 2007, they recall Putin on National Unity Day telling military cadets and youth groups that while: “an overwhelming majority […]

Man critical after bashing at Manly

A man has been left with a critical head injury after being bashed by two men outside a hotel in Sydney’s north. The three men became involved in an altercation outside a hotel near the intersection of The Corso and Darley Road, Manly at about 1am (AEST) on Sunday, police said. A 23-year-old man from […]

Fifth Ivy bouncer arrested over bashing

Posted September 03, 2011 06:27:59 Photo: A fifth Ivy bouncer has been arrested over the bashing (ABC TV) A fifth security guard has been arrested over the alleged bashing of a teenager in the basement of an exclusive Sydney nightclub. Police say a 19-year-old was ejected from the Ivy nightclub last weekend and confronted by […]

Four men wanted over bottle bashing in Clayton

UPDATE 10.45am: A VICIOUS assault on a man who was smashed with a beer bottle then bashed on the ground appears to be random, police say. The 30-year-old man was walking along Haughton Rd, Clayton, about 10.45pm on Sunday when he was hit from behind with the empty bottle. After he turned around, four men […]

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