Posts Tagged ‘plots’

Wolfgang Eggert — Jewish Doomsday Cult Controls West, Plots WW3

Twenty years ago German historian Wolfgang Eggert warned us that the Rothschilds belong to a fanatical doomsday cult that is planning to instigate a world war to cleanse the world of non-Satanists.  Historian Predicted Cabalist Plot to Exterminate Goyim in 2003 Lubavitcher tzaddik Menachem Schneerson (1902-1994) said Cabalists (Illuminati) would implement Biblical prophecy of Armageddon in order […]

Radical LEFT-WING CULT plots in a private online chatroom to MURDER COPS

The William McKinley Institute recently published, through an anonymous source, the Discord server and organizational documents of the anti-white extremist group Organize Against Transphobia (OAT). A private chatroom of the said radical leftist activist group has been exposed where members were found plotting the murder of cops. One of the militant transgender terrorists is Timothy Johnson […]

WHO Plots To Use EU Vaccine Passport Tech To Form Global Digital Health Certificates

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced it will adopt the European Union’s digital Covid vaccine passport framework to create a global network of digital health certificates. What was long maligned as a conspiracy theory is coming to pass. The new initiative will be called the Global Digital Health Certification Network. Source

Biden’s generation is ceding the stage as he plots his next act

Days after his 80th birthday, President Joe Biden gathered loved ones on Nantucket to earnestly begin family discussions about his 2024 plans. The talks come a week after the 82-year-old House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that she would be handing over her leadership role, declaring: “The hour has come for a new generation to lead.” […]

Dalit agricultural labour denied land plots promised in Patiala

The Zameen Prapt Sangharsh commitee on August 29th lodged a sustained protest outside the District Collectors office in Patiala, under the leadership of Zonal secretary Gurvinder and Dharamveer Harigadh. Around 50 persons participated. Mukesh Malaudh adressed a gathering, stating that the authorities in villages of Patiala reverted their decision to distribute Panchayat land for agricultural […]


Biden Doubles Down on Failed Drug War, Plots to Outlaw Nicotine

As if not unpopular enough, the Biden administration has announced plans to double down on the unwinnable drug war. This time, the alphabet boys are coming for the vapes. Source

Bolsonaro Intensifies Push For Military Support As He Plots To Undermine Brazil’s Election

Far-right Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said he would pick retired general Walter Braga Netto as his running mate in October’s election. Source

US Government Plots To Break Up Russia In Name Of ‘Decolonization’

A US government body held a Congressional briefing plotting ways to break up Russia as a country, in the name of supposed “decolonization.” The participants urged the United States to give more support to separatist movements inside Russia and in the diaspora. They proposed the independence of numerous republics in the Russian Federation, including Chechnya, […]

AMA Plots to Ban Ivermectin So That More People Die from COVID

The American Medical Association (AMA) wants people to die from the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). The reason we can safely say this is that the trade group is working overtime to restrict Americans’ access to hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin, two safe, effective and inexpensive early treatment remedies for the Chinese Virus. HJBC/Shutterstock Instead of recognizing that […]

‘Libertarian’ Boris Plots New Tax on Using Paper Cups and Wooden Cutlery

Britain’s supposedly “libertarian” prime minister is reportedly considering hitting consumers with a charge every time they use disposable paper coffee cups and wooden cutlery. The increasingly green-obsessed Boris Johnson, leader of the increasingly misleadingly named Conservative Party, is said to be mulling an extension of rules which require supermarkets to charge customers at least 10 […]

FBI Using the Same Fear Tactic From the First War on Terror: Orchestrating its Own Terrorism Plots

NBC’s Today Show, Oct. 9. 2020 The narrative that domestic anti-government extremism is the greatest threat to U.S. national security — the official position of the U.S. security state and the Biden administration — received its most potent boost in October 2020, less than one month before the 2020 presidential election. That was when the F.B.I. and Michigan […]

8 Domestic Terror Plots That Were Actually Orchestrated By The FBI

Recent revelations have confirmed that the FBI was the one who organized the attempted kidnapping of Governor Gretchen Whitmer. But did you know that almost every domestic terror attack in U.S. history was actually orchestrated by the FBI? What a bunch of classic pranksters those FBI agents are! Here are 8 terrible domestic attacks that […]

GRAPHIC: Al Qaeda in Idlib Plots New False Flag Chemical Attack

MIRI WOOD JUNE 23, 2021 Al Qaeda in Idlib and Hama are plotting a new false flag chemical attack. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates announced yesterday confirmation that the White Helmets terrorists, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS aka Nusra Front aka Al Qaeda Levant), and other related terrorists have brought “tankers loaded with raw chlorine […]

‘Like searching for a unicorn’: Few moderates in sight as GOP plots Cuomo takedown

The dynamics are not the result of choice or strategy but rather environment. The GOP is nearly decimated across the state, and with a polarized landscape on the heels of a Trump presidency, it might be impossible to find a GOP candidate who can appeal to center-right Democrats and independents — especially one who has […]

Beautiful Plots: Israel Sabotages the Natanz Nuclear Facility

Over the weekend, Iran marked National Nuclear Technology Day.  The stars of the show were going to be new advanced centrifuges at the Natanz uranium enrichment plant.  Unfortunately, the stars did not shine and President Hassan Rouhani and his officials were left with a reminder of the previous time the centrifuges at Natanz crashed.  In […]

While Biden Plots To Divide Iraq, Resistance To US Occupation Is Growing Stronger

By Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. March 29, 2021 Last year, after the United States so brutally and openly assassinated the Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and the commander of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces, Abu Mahdi al -Muhandis, the Iraqi Parliament voted for the United States to cease its occupation of the country. The United […]

‘Jewish plots and money’: In Pakistan, Israel is now an even more explosive political issue

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Joint List splits, as Netanyahu plots his path to victory

Weeks before Israel’s fourth consecutive election is set to begin, the Joint List, a coalition of Arab parties in Israel’s parliament, dissolved on Thursday after years of representing Israel’s large Palestinian minority, who represent 20% of Israel’s population. In Israel’s 2019 election, the Joint List won a record 15 seats in Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, […]

Murder Plots/Baby Sales

JANUARY 21, 2021 VIDEO (15:11) LIN WOOD RELEASES WHISTLEBLOWER VIDEOS (MURDER PLOTS/BABY SALES) Video BitChute Link for Description, Embed Code, Full-Screen Viewing, & Sharing Share 260 Tweet 5Share  Email Print  265Shares

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