Posts Tagged ‘qaeda’

Confirmed: New Evidence Shows CIA worked alongside al Qaeda sympathizers in Somalia

The CIA began its expansion in Somalia around 1960s, using an extensive set of tools of political influence, such as kidnapping, operating black sites, promoting Somali politicians and funding warlords. Specifically, the last point was seen as a way to avoid re-sending American troops after the Black Hawk Down incident. Source

Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist (2009)

A listener has pointed out that the version of Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist (Part One) on the 2009 USB archive has corrupted audio. In order to correct that, I’m providing the download of the full video file in the highest quality I have here. Source

Idlib, Syria: The War on the NATO-sponsored Al Qaeda Update

SEPTEMBER 19, 2023  ARABI SOURI The war on the US-led NATO-sponsored al Qaeda and ISIS terrorism in the northwestern Syrian provinces of Aleppo, Latakia, Hama, and Idlib, the de facto Al Qaeda Levant capital continues around the hour, NATO escalated its attacks on the Syrian people. The Syrian Arab Army and their allies are retaliating. Since our […]

Al-Qaeda Magazine Released On 9/11 Anniversary Threatens Future Attack On U.S. More Devastating Than Israel’s and US’s Attack on America on 9/11 SOURCE OF FEAR PORN TRYING TO DEVERT ATTENTION OF ISRAEL’S TERRORISM AWAY FROM ISRAEL TO “RADICAL MUSLIMS”: Source

Al-Qaeda tells Muslims to shun ‘immoral’ Qatar World Cup 

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has called on Muslims around the world to shun the FIFA World Cup currently underway in Qatar, although the terrorist group stopped short of issuing any threats to carry out attacks or calling for acts of violence. AQAP, which is an affiliate based in Yemen, condemned the tournament's host […]

Interview 1752 – James Corbett Discusses Al Qaeda on Holding The Line

In the interview with Rusere Shoniwa, James discussed one of his latest pieces of work – an epic three-part documentary series entitled False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda. The trilogy is jaw-dropping and gut-wrenching in equal measure, even for those who already know about the vast holes in 9/11’s official narrative and the […]

False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda — Part 3: The War of Terror

11 sept 2022 But, when viewed in its proper context, the war on terror was no failure. In fact, waged on fictitious grounds against a shadow enemy, the great military campaign of the 21st century was not a war on terror at all. It was a war of terror, a pretext for the construction of […]

False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda — Part 3: The War of Terror

11 sept 2022 But, when viewed in its proper context, the war on terror was no failure. In fact, waged on fictitious grounds against a shadow enemy, the great military campaign of the 21st century was not a war on terror at all. It was a war of terror, a pretext for the construction of […]

False Flags: A Secret History Of Al Qaeda – Watch Along And Q&A Part 3

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Email | RSS Joining me today is James Corbett, founder of The Corbett Report, and Broc West, video editor for both TLAV and The Corbett Report, for a very special three part watch-along culminating tonight with the live (pirate streamed) world premiere of The Corbett […]

Episode 424 – False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda – Part 3: The War of Terror

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed America’s decades-long debacle in the Middle East—from the invasion, occupation and eventual choatic retreat from Afghanistan to the illegal invasion of Iraq and the rise of ISIS to the regime change operations in Libya and Syria—had been portrayed as a “failure” of military planning. But, when […]

Al-Qaeda Terrorist Attack Kills 20 Yemeni Forces in Abyan, Says Southern Military

ADEN—Al-Qaeda terrorists killed some 20 Yemeni security force members in an assault in the southern Abyan province on Tuesday, a southern military spokesperson said, before all eight attackers were killed. The terrorists used rocket-propelled grenades, light, and medium weapons, and military vehicles in the ambush on a security checkpoint in Ahwar district, Mohammed al-Naqib, spokesperson […]

Al Qaeda attack kills 20 Yemen forces in Abyan, says southern military

Al Qaeda militants killed some 20 Yemeni security force members in an assault in the southern Abyan province on Tuesday, a southern military spokesperson said, before all eight attackers were killed, Reuters reports. The militants used rocket-propelled grenades, light and medium weapons and military vehicles in the ambush on a security checkpoint in Ahwar district, […]

False Flags: A Secret History Of Al Qaeda – Watch Along And Q&A Part 2

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Email | RSS Joining me today is James Corbett, founder of The Corbett Report, and Broc West, video editor for both TLAV and The Corbett Report, for a very special three part watch-along culminating with the live (pirate streamed) world premiere of The Corbett Report’s […]

False Flags: A Secret History Of Al Qaeda – Watch Along And Q&A Part 2

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Email | RSS Joining me today is James Corbett, founder of The Corbett Report, and Broc West, video editor for both TLAV and The Corbett Report, for a very special three part watch-along culminating with the live (pirate streamed) world premiere of The Corbett Report’s […]

False Flags: A Secret History Of Al Qaeda – Watch Along And Q&A Part 2

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Email | RSS Joining me today is James Corbett, founder of The Corbett Report, and Broc West, video editor for both TLAV and The Corbett Report, for a very special three part watch-along culminating with the live (pirate streamed) world premiere of The Corbett Report’s […]

False Flags: A Secret History Of Al Qaeda – Watch Along And Q&A Part 2

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Email | RSS Joining me today is James Corbett, founder of The Corbett Report, and Broc West, video editor for both TLAV and The Corbett Report, for a very special three part watch-along culminating with the live (pirate streamed) world premiere of The Corbett Report’s […]

False Flags: A Secret History Of Al Qaeda – Watch Along And Q&A Part 2

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Email | RSS Joining me today is James Corbett, founder of The Corbett Report, and Broc West, video editor for both TLAV and The Corbett Report, for a very special three part watch-along culminating with the live (pirate streamed) world premiere of The Corbett Report’s […]

Al-Qaeda in Yemen release video of Bangladeshi UN worker

Al-Qaeda’s Yemen branch have released a video on Saturday showing a UN worker who was abducted more than six months ago, according to a report by the US-based SITE Intelligence Group. The video which was purportedly recorded on 9 August was released by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and featured Akam Sofyol Anam, who […]

FLASHBACK: Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist (2009)

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Substack Long time Corbett Report enthusiasts will remember Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist, the ambitious feature length documentary project that I started (and abandoned) way back in 2009. Unfortunately, that video doesn’t exist anymore thanks to the YouTube censors, but it is preserved on the 2009 […]

False Flags: The Secret History Of Al Qaeda (Part 1)

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