Posts Tagged ‘holding’

Why Biden is holding back heavy bombs from Israel

The heavy bombs that President Biden has held back from sending to Israel have been a major point of controversy in the Gaza war, as a key tool for Israel’s decimation of the territory. Biden has paused a shipment of some 3,500 bombs, which includes heavy 2,000-pound versions along with the lighter 500-pound munitions. Both… […]

GOING VIRAL: Father Accuses School of Holding Son “Hostage,” Claims Principal Denied Him Access and Information About His Son’s Condition

GOING VIRAL: Father Accuses School of Holding Son “Hostage,” Claims Principal Denied Him Access and Information About His Son’s Condition Source

WATCH! Woman wheels a CORPSE into a bank and tries to get him to ‘sign off’ a loan in her name while holding his head up in front of suspicious staff who ask why he looks ‘very pale’


Elderly Pastor Arrested for Holding Sign That Disapproves of Abortion

A pastor who was arrested in the UK for holding a biblical sign near an abortion clinic has been found guilty of breaching a Public Spaces Protection Order. The UK currently prohibits any ‘act of disapproval’ […] The post Elderly Pastor Arrested for Holding Sign That Disapproves of Abortion appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

UPDATE: Secret China-Linked Bio-Lab in California Was Holding Deadly Viruses, Including Refrigerators Full of Ebola, COVID, Herpes, HIV and E. Coli and Hundreds of Mice Engineered to Carry COVID Virus (VIDEO)

UPDATE: Secret China-Linked Bio-Lab in California Was Holding Deadly Viruses, Including Refrigerators Full of Ebola, COVID, Herpes, HIV and E. Coli and Hundreds of Mice Engineered to Carry COVID Virus (VIDEO) Source

Biden Orders Border Patrol To Cut Barbed Wire Fences Holding Back Masses Of Migrants

(ZH) Only five days ago, the Mayor of Eagle Pass, Texas issued an emergency order due to a Source

California School Under Fire for Holding ‘No Whites Allowed’ Kids Playdate

A California elementary school has come under fire by parents for sanctioning a playdate for children that segregated them by race, and excluded white kids. A flyer for the event at Anthony Chabot Elementary School in […] The post California School Under Fire for Holding ‘No Whites Allowed’ Kids Playdate appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Parent Slams California School For Holding ‘No Whites Allowed’ Kids Playdate

A parent at a California elementary school has slammed officials for sanctioning a playdate for kids that essentially segregated them by race, and excluded white children. A flyer for the event at Anthony Chabot Elementary School in Oakland, CA notes that it is “for black, brown and API families.” “If your family identifies as Black, Brown, […]

No Charges for Concealed Carrier Who Shot Alleged Robber While Holding Six-Pack

The concealed carry permit holder who shot an alleged robber while holding a six-pack of beer in Cassopolis, Michigan, will face no charges. Source

Luttig: Constitution Disqualifies Trump from Holding Public Office

Retired federal judge J. Michael Luttig said Tuesday on MSNBC’s  “Deadline” that the U.S. Constitution disqualified former President Donald Trump from holding the office of the presidency. Source

Josh Hawley: Biden’s Energy Secretary Lied to Congress About Holding Stocks

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) says President Joe Biden’s Energy Department Secretary, Jennifer Granholm, lied to Congress when she claimed in testimony that she did not hold individual stocks. On Friday, Granholm admitted that she held stocks as recently as last Source

Victor Vernicos: “I may not have made it, but I’m holding my head up”

Victor Vernicos and “What They Say” did not qualify for the final of Eurovision 2023.  On the evening of Thursday, May 11, the 16-year-old failed to convince the audience with his performance and did not progress in the competition. He, however, seems not to be deterred by the exclusion. He wrote in a new post on social media that… […]

Protesters storm BlackRock’s Paris office holding red flares and firing smoke bombs

The People of France have taken over BlackRock HQ. Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, is a top board member of the WEF run by Klaus Schwab. WEF/BlackRock are owned by the Rothschild-Rockefeller-Gates Mafia NWO. BlackRock buys asset for the Rothschild-Rockefeller Federal Reserve. Vive la France! Source

What If the Strategy Is to Leave Russia Holding a Gas Bag?

America is on the ropes. As a citizen of the United States, someone whose family helped shape a great nation, it is a tragedy beyond comprehension. But it is real, I assure you. For decades now, those who watched closely took in the incremental devolution of the republic. Then, with the resignation speech of President […]

Ukraine holding out in cities of Soledar and Bakhmut amid fierce fighting

Fighting continues in Soledar as Ukraine denies Russia’s claim to have taken control of the city Source

Oldest Narrative Scene: A Man, Holding His Penis, and Fighting Leopards!

An 11,000-year-old carving from a Neolithic bench in south-eastern Turkey maybe the world’s oldest narrative scene. It depicts menacing leopards, amongst other animals, flanking two men, one of whom is holding his genitalia as he is being attacked. The other man is shown squatting and shaking a rattle (or snake, or weapon) at a ferocious […]

WATCH LIVE: Former President Donald Trump Holding ‘Save America’ Rally in Robstown, Texas

Former President Donald Trump holds a “Save America” rally in Robstown, Texas on Saturday, October 22. Trump is joined on stage by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Attorney General Ken Paxton, and Rep. Michael Cloud. According to Newsweek, Trump’s likely motivation for holding a rally in Robstown is to support two congressional candidates in south Texas — […]

Interview 1752 – James Corbett Discusses Al Qaeda on Holding The Line

In the interview with Rusere Shoniwa, James discussed one of his latest pieces of work – an epic three-part documentary series entitled False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda. The trilogy is jaw-dropping and gut-wrenching in equal measure, even for those who already know about the vast holes in 9/11’s official narrative and the […]

Brits Do Love Their Slavery-Woman arrested after holding ‘abolish monarchy’ sign in Edinburgh

A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city. She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace ofHolyroodhouse. Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king […]

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