Posts Tagged ‘skeptics’

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Wants a Law to Punish Global Warming Skeptics

If you’re looking for reasons to pick a candidate, any candidate, I would consider medical freedom and an anti-CBDC (central bank digital currency) stance to be minimums. If you agree, Kennedy is the only option so far. DeSantis is for medical freedom and against CBDC, but he isn’t running. (At least, not yet.) It’s hard […]

Look who’s talking: Skeptics of COVID-19 vaccine safety branded “criminals” by nefarious Pfizer CEO

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has branded people who he claims spread “misinformation” about the safety of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines as “criminals” responsible for the loss of “millions of lives.”The head of the New York-based vaccine manufacturer claimed there is a “very small” group of people that … [Read More…] Source

Media Slam Catholic Archbishop for Giving Space to Climate Skeptics

Australian media have censured Hobart (Tasmania) Archbishop Julian Porteous for allowing a known skeptic of the climate crisis to speak at a local Catholic thinktank.

Skeptics Question Whether Antikythera Start Date Has Been Found

The contraption known as the Antikythera mechanism, often dubbed the world’s first computer, was first “turned on” on 22 December 178 BC, claims a study published in preprint online journal arXiv. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later 

New Documentary on The PCR Test Deception – Share this Film with Skeptics

December 8th, 2021 Film producer Rai Gbrym reached out to me last week about a new documentary he had just produced that exposes the fraud of the PCR test. He had just posted it on YouTube and it already had thousands of views. I immediately downloaded the video so that I could view it when […]

New Documentary on The PCR Test Deception is Banned on YouTube – Share this Film with Skeptics

by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Film producer Rai Gbrym reached out to me last week about a new documentary he had just produced that exposes the fraud of the PCR test. He had just posted it on YouTube and it already had thousands of views. I immediately downloaded the video so that I could view […]

Palestinians woo vaccine skeptics with a lottery

Palestinian health authorities are launching a vaccination drive for students aged 16-18 in the Gaza Strip as the territory contends with a third wave of coronavirus infections, on September, 1, 2021. (Photo: Ashraf Amra/APA Images) The Latest: 396,088 Palestinians tested positive for COVID-19; 359,973 recoveries; 4,053 deaths Of those who tested positive, 222,496 live in […]

Facebook’s Massive Global Censorship To Silence Vaccine Skeptics

Two whistleblowers have came forward to Project Veritas to expose that Technocrats at Facebook have weaponized the platform to cancel vaccine hesitancy and skeptics worldwide. These Facebook Technocrats are in league with Technocrats at Big Pharma to promote untested and unapproved gene therapy shots for the whole world. ⁃ TN Editor Two Facebook Insiders have […]

MIT: Covid Skeptics Champion Science

So you know how anyone who points out any problems with the rush to inject everyone on the planet with an experimental form of gene therapy is portrayed as a stupid, scientifically illiterate, COVID denying, grandma killing anti-vaxxer by the dinosaur media? And you know how any of your attempts to articulate these problems to […]

After Ridiculing Vaccine Skeptics, German Man Develops Severe Paralysis From COVID Vaccination

A German man posted a video online that first shows him right after he dutifully received his COVID vaccine — first in his car, jubilantly making fun of those who warned him that it was dangerous — and then follows him a few days later as he somberly describes his struggles with severe neurological problems […]

MSNBC Host Suggests Treating COVID Lockdown Skeptics Like Domestic Terrorists

The New York Times has amplified claims by “experts” who are calling for Joe Biden to appoint a “reality czar,” prompting critics to compare the idea to the Ministry of Truth in George Orwell’s 1984. In an article entitled ‘How the Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis’, the NYT’s Kevin Roose cites “experts” […]

Phil Spector’s death resurrects mixed reaction from skeptics

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Phil Spector was viewed as a man with two distinct personas. The late US music producer was regarded as a rock ‘n’ roll genius who elevated the genre with his “Wall of Sound” style in the 1960s and created hits for several big names from the Beatles to Tina Turner. But […]

Wales ID cards & UK Military INFOWAR unit against skeptics — The Duran

[embedded content] Wales ID cards & UK Military INFOWAR unit against skeptics *****News Topic 188***** Report: UK Deploys Military INFOWAR Unit Against Vaccine Skeptics Psyops outfit turned on the public to ensure no one strays from the acceptable opinion on the vaccine… 75 more words Wales ID cards & UK Military INFOWAR unit against skeptics — […]

The Korea Summit: Skeptics Gloated Too Soon

President Trump’s sudden cancellation of the Singapore Summit had his enemies, left and right, ecstatically tweeting “I told you so!” In all the domains of Hate-on-Trump-landia, from the neoconservative netherworld of the Weekly Standard to the highfalutin liberal highlands of The New Yorker, the gloating rose up into the stratosphere like a mushroom cloud, blotting […]

New Study Finds Climate Change Alarmists Are LESS Eco-Friendly Than Skeptics

New Study Finds Climate Change Alarmists Are LESS Eco-Friendly Than Skeptics Skeptics more likely to recycle & use public transport than hypocrite leftists Paul Joseph Watson May 9, 2018 A new study has once again exposed how leftists value virtue signaling over action by revealing that people who express the most alarm about climate […]

Skeptics who see Russiagate as warmongering will never get respect in the press

A week ago I prepared a draft of a post about Russiagate, intending to revise it and publish; but since then I was scooped by everyone–even in one limited respect by freaking Ross Douthat who is the least obnoxious conservative columnist at the New York Times. (Actually, on his best days, or the others’ worst, […]

Insane vaccine zealots now calling for vaccine skeptics to be PUT TO DEATH so that resistance to mercury in vaccines can be eliminated

(Natural News) The authoritarian Left is alive and well and continuing to push vaccine madness on every single man, woman and child, even to the point of murdering anyone who dares to disagree with the globalist orthodoxy. A recent editorial in the Boston Herald, usually the Democrat-controlled city’s lone voice of constitutionalism, liberty and freedom, […]

Zionists Plot Against Islam, Blaming it for Terrorist Attacks, Istanbul and More – Proof

Fake blood, dummies, phony wounded, and fake body parts as well as fake bombs are all used to denigrate and degrade the Islamic faith, proven, here. Spread this post wide and far. It’s the unbridled truth; let the blame fall where it belongs, against arch-hedonistic, terminally corrupt Zionist elements. The faith of Islam originated through […]

100,000 People In Alabama Warned Their Tap Water Is Poisonous

Over 100,000 Alabama residents have been told not to drink their tap water after chemical contamination has left it in a state unsafe for human consumption.  The West Morgan-East Lawrence Water Authority have advised residents that their water will be unsafe to drink until at least the fall. The water has been contaminated with chemicals that […]

FDA allows unlimited heavy metals in most foods, but now seeks to limit arsenic in rice formulas for infants

(NaturalNews) The US Food and Drug administration (FDA) recently proposed a maximum limit for inorganic arsenic, after several rice cereals for infants and toddlers were shown to have alarming levels of the substance. Although the proposal would seem to be cause for celebration, the FDA’s suggestion trails behind the European Union’s food safety […]

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