Posts Tagged ‘bill’

We Are the Universe Becoming Aware of Itself

Jocelyn Mercado, Pachamama AllianceWaking Times “Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.” – Alan Watts “You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an […]

‘Monuments to Racism’: Anti-Trump activists and RNC attendees debate separation walls in the US and Israel

The first day of the Republican National Convention passed only with new heights of bizarre offensiveness, but not violence. But there are still three more days to go. Melania Trump looks like she plagiarized Michelle Obama’s 2008 DNC speech, Iowa Congressman Steve King went on MSNBC and said that white people have contributed more to […]

The Pokemon Pied Piper zombie apocalypse has begun: Hoards of mindless, obedient sheeple now stampede anywhere the puppet masters plant fictitious monsters

(NaturalNews) By now, you’ve probably heard of Pokemon Go, the new “hybrid reality” mobile app game that overlays real world geographic locations with virtual monsters that are collected for points. What you may not yet know is that the game was actually developed by a CIA-funded software front group for the purpose of […]

Don’t make these detoxification mistakes… they might cause you harm

(NaturalNews) In today’s world, toxins are all around us – making detoxification essential for optimal health. For example, an estimated 3 million tons of pesticides enter the environment thanks to conventional farming practices – every year. In addition, there are about 475 toxic chemicals within a typical woman’s daily personal care products. From […]

Selected Articles: The Rising Tide of Neo-Nazi Politics in Croatia

Iran’s coverage: Iran approves new petroleum contracts

Daily look at Iran’s late-breaking news and upcoming events:   Iran body approves new oil deals An Iranian advisory body has approved the text of the new format of its oil sector contracts after they were put through certain amendments that had earlier been raised by the critics in the country. Iranian central bank, U.S. […]

Black Sea Breeze: 1,700 personnel, 25 vessels take part in NATO naval drills

Held every year, the drills officially began on Friday in Bulgaria’s territorial waters and exclusive economic zone, and on the coast off Burgas. As many as 25 military vessels, two planes, two helicopters and some 1,700 personnel are taking part in the exercise conducted in the international waters, reports Sofia New Agency. All NATO member […]

Why NRA Ignores Philando Castile’s 2nd Amendment Rights

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group   Attorney Tom Kelly, representing St Anthony Police Officer Jeronimo Yanez in connection with the shooting death of Philando Castile, told the press that “race did not play a part in the use of deadly force at all.” Kelly said his client […]

This 90 Year Old Woman With Cancer Opted Out Of Chemotherapy. She Chose Joy Instead

At the age of 90, Norma, a frail woman weighing approximately 100 pounds and standing no taller than 5 feet, lost Leo, her husband and best friend of 67 years. To make matters worse, within the same two week span Norma herself was found to have a cancerous mass on her uterus. Wanting to do […]

Time For Silence Is Over: Grasping Reality Of Nonviolence

Print Friendly Above Photo: From “With a rainbow pin on his lapel, signifying–on that day at least–the most recent gun massacre in the United States, Congressman John Lewis made an impassioned cri de coeur before members of Congress and the people…” The Background: With a rainbow pin on his lapel, signifying–on that day at least–the […]

Ayatollah Khamenei says Iran won’t coordinate with US on Syria

“We don’t want such coordination as their [the US’] main objective is to stop Iran’s presence in the region,” Khamenei said, according to the transcript of his speech published on his website Sunday. U.S. main objective of welcoming talks & coordination with Iran in regional issues & Syria is to end Iran’s presence in region. […]

‘I hope that peace will be here’: 10yo girl reports from West Bank to highlight her people’s plight

Janna Jihad, as she is known, is something of a veteran. She began her reporting career at the age of seven. “There were not enough journalists covering things that happened, like when my friend was killed and when lots of people were injured. Others were arrested and things like that, and it was not reported […]

Business Owners Arrested; Dozens Halt Pipeline Construction

Print Friendly Above Photo: Aravinda Ananda sitting in on construction site. Photo credit: Jimmy Betts West Roxbury, MA – Two business owners, Aravinda Ananda and Joseph Rotella of Spencer Organ Company, were arrested for disrupting construction on Spectra Energy’s West Roxbury Lateral pipeline. They were arrested Tuesday morning and arraigned that afternoon at West Roxbury District […]

19-Year-Old Develops Robot Lawyer that Dismisses Your Unjust Parking Tickets

Vic Bishop, StaffWaking Times Simply and aptly named, Do Not Pay, the ingenious business of a 19-year-old Londoner has already saved citizens of the UK an estimated £2.9 million in civil fines for unjust parking tickets. Less than 2 years old, the already popular ‘Robot Lawyer’ service has assisted people in absolving some […]

Introduction to the ‘Growing Earth’ Theory

As the days pass, there is a growing number of people who have begun to wake up and explore many aspects of life that were once thought to be concrete, only to realize that the world might operate a lot differently then they previously thought. by Tim Bryant Some of those include the banking system, […]

YouTube, Facebook ‘quietly’ boost efforts against ISIS propaganda videos – report

“YouTube and Facebook are among the sites deploying systems to block or rapidly take down Islamic State [IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL] videos and other similar material,” the news agency reported on Saturday, saying the “major step” has been confirmed by two people familiar with the process. READ MORE: ISIS announces Asia pivot in propaganda video targeting […]

Physically inactive women have 34 percent higher risk of ovarian cancer

(NaturalNews) Ovarian cancer is the deadliest of all of the gynecological cancers. With the CDC reporting that it is the eighth most common cancer to strike women, and the fifth leading cancer-related cause of death in women, we should be doing all that we can to reduce our chances of getting it. The […]

FDA finally admits the dangers of fluoroquinolone antibiotics

     Antibiotics are life savers. But like all drugs, they have side effects, and some may be dangerous and deadly. This is especially true with a class of drugs called fluoroquinolones that include Levaquin, Cipro, and Avelox. Over 33 million Americans take one or more of these antibiotics each year, and in 2010, Levaquin was […]

Israel lawfare group plans "massive punishments" for activists

Ali Abunimah Lobby Watch 25 June 2016 “Why are we using the word Palestinian? There’s no such thing as a Palestinian person,” Brooke Goldstein declared to enthusiastic applause at a meeting of key Israel lobby operatives in New York earlier this month. Goldstein is the director of the Lawfare Project, a legal group […]

This Amazing German Cave Contains Special Art That Was Not Made By Humans

Germany’s finest and earliest Stone Age cave art, attributed to be the some of the most ancient pieces of art created by humans, probably turns out to be a hoax as a new study suggests. These ancient cave markings present at the 75m-long Mäanderhöhle cave were studied by an archeologist for several years, and his research […]

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