Posts Tagged ‘GMOs’

The Pokemon Pied Piper zombie apocalypse has begun: Hoards of mindless, obedient sheeple now stampede anywhere the puppet masters plant fictitious monsters

(NaturalNews) By now, you’ve probably heard of Pokemon Go, the new “hybrid reality” mobile app game that overlays real world geographic locations with virtual monsters that are collected for points. What you may not yet know is that the game was actually developed by a CIA-funded software front group for the purpose of […]

Globalists are pitting blacks against whites in America to incite a bloody race war… here’s how we can all win together by refusing to be manipulated into hatred and rage

(NaturalNews) This isn’t a long article. It’s a short piece put together after three days of contemplation on the insanity and violence that has now exploded across America. The situation is so severe that I haven’t been able to think about much else. I’m convinced that the events in Dallas were designed to […]

‘First Philistine cemetery’ may upend knowledge of ancient people after 30 years’ dig

“After decades of studying what Philistines left behind, we have finally come face to face with the people themselves,” Daniel M. Master, professor of archaeology at Wheaton College and one of the leaders of the excavation, told AP. “With this discovery we are close to unlocking the secrets of their origins,” he added. The Philistines […]

Up to 272 dead in South Sudan, mortars & RPGs fired near UN compound

Representatives from the UN say residents in Juba fled after “heavy ground assault weaponry” was fired. A Hind Mi24 helicopter gunship has also been spotted flying over the capital. It is reportedly being used by President Salva Kiir’s troops to attack forces loyal to the country’s Vice President Riek Machar. Machar’s residence was also attacked […]

Roundup Weed Killer (Glyphosate) Threatens Coral Reefs, Persists In Seawater

9th July 2016 By Sayer Ji Contributing writer for Wake Up World The coral reefs are dying and the seas are increasingly depleted of sea life. Could Roundup weed killer be partially to blame? A highly concerning study published in the journal Marine Pollution Bulletin indicates that the world’s most popular herbicide glyphosate (aka Roundup), used […]

El Al flight lands in Tel Aviv after Swiss fighter jets intercept it due to bomb tip-off

The two F/A-18 fighter jets escorted the El Al plane through Switzerland’s airspace from the French border, the Swiss Air Force said in a statement. Knall durch 2 F/A18 auf Abfangmission. SH Richtung Altenrhein. Mission inzwischen beendet. Mehr Info kann Luftwaffe geben. ^vb — skyguide (@skyguide) July 5, 2016 El Al flight LY002 was flying […]

Natural health indie journalist threatened by Alabama judge for reporting on CPS kidnappings

(NaturalNews) An independent journalist for Health Impact News was recently called before a judge, who implied that her news reporting might land her on the wrong side of the law. The warning came as part of a larger pattern by the Alabama justice system of intimidating those who have questioned the activities of […]

US-backed rebels seize 10k+ troves of ISIS documents on doorstep of Syrian Manbij

“Exploitation of this information is ongoing to better understand [Islamic State] networks and techniques, including the systems [used] to manage the flow of foreign fighters into Syria and Iraq,” the US-led anti-ISIS campaign’s spokesman, Colonel Chris Garver, said Wednesday.  Fallujah ‘fully liberated, battle over’ – commander of anti-ISIS op in Iraq Fighting alongside the Syrian Arab […]

The 8 Most Dangerous Medicines on Earth… are you taking any of these?

(NaturalNews) “It’s time to take your medicine, honey.” “But Mom, it’s making me feel weird and horrible, and I’m not getting any better.” “Well, it’s what the doctor prescribed, so it’s what we have to do.” Have you ever been told to listen to your gut? There’s a reason for that. Actually, several […]

Federally funded environmental lab fabricated data for 18 years; forced to close after fraud became too large to cover up

(NaturalNews) I am continually amazed – and disappointed – by the fact that far too many Americans continue to rely upon and trust government institutions after repeatedly seeing agency after agency, institution after institution, and bureau after bureau, cheat, lie to them, misrepresent data and rob them of their liberties. Count a government […]

Organic blueberries improve brain function and sharpen memory, while lowering risk of dementia

(NaturalNews) Blueberries are just one of the “superfoods” nature has blessed us with. There are so many wonderful qualities and health benefits to eating more blueberries that they are almost too numerous to count. Besides being packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, research shows that blueberries are excellent stress relievers and can add […]

Here’s what gets activated in your body when you eat just ONE teaspoon of turmeric every day

(NaturalNews) Though it may be unfamiliar to many people, those who know about turmeric are well aware of its health benefits. In fact, they know that just one teaspoon per day of this “Queen of all spices,” which has been prevalent in natural medicine for some 4,000 years, will help keep inflammation, pain, […]

Turmeric vs. Tuberculosis: This superfood can supercharge your immune system for robust protection

(NaturalNews) Turmeric, ginger’s little cousin, has gained a lot of popularity in recent years, and for some good reasons, too. It has been used for ages in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine to treat a wide range of ailments. It owes its many medicinal uses to its active ingredient curcumin, which is also responsible […]

Two Palestinians Stab Two Israelis in AL-Quds

Two Palestinian stabbed and injured two Israelis in al-Quds (Jerusalem) on Tuesday, Israeli media said. Occupation police said the Palestinians were arrested, noting that the two Israelis were moderately injured. The two Israeli women were part of a group of five on a walk near the promenade in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood when they were […]

Americans imprisoned for marijuana, while feds get patents on the drug

(NaturalNews) The federal government has secretly withheld information regarding the medical benefits of marijuana in an attempt to control the market by waiting for the right time to legalize and eventually sell the drug on their terms. While dozens of states have progressed towards marijuana freedom, nearly 700,000 Americans are arrested each year […]

If Flint officials get arrested for poisoning children with lead, why aren’t CDC officials being arrested for poisoning children with MERCURY?

(NaturalNews) In recent days, and likely after much hand-wringing, a trio of state and city officials have been indicted for poisoning scores of mostly African American residents in the city of Flint with water containing dangerous amounts of lead. As reported by The Associated Press and others, the officials – two state environmental […]

Rescue dog dies after saving seven from quake rubble

     A brave 4-year-old rescue dog lost his life in line of duty not long after saving at least seven people from the rubble of the magnitude 7.8 earthquake that devastated Ecuador on April 16. Dayko, a Labrador retriever, suffered a heatstroke last week, the City of Ibarra Fire Department had posted on its Facebook […]

Life With No Government

27th April 2016 By Ken Bartle Guest writer for Wake Up World Today’s mindset cannot see past the security, comforts, and benefits of government, despite its citizens being bound into a life of slavery. Man strives for freedom, but has not yet discovered a political system without political rule. A representative body acting as public […]

Chief HPV Scientist Admits Vaccines Are A Deadly Scam

Dr. Diane Harper, one of the leading experts on HPV vaccines, has spoken out about the ‘deadly effects’ the vaccines have on those who take it.  Dr. Harper was responsible for the Phase II and Phase III safety and effectiveness studies for Gardasil and Cervarix, which secured approval for their use on the public. During […]

Crime rings in California making millions off robbing truckloads of pistachios, walnuts and almonds

(NaturalNews) For all its political and social quirks, one good thing that can be said about California is that the state boasts a booming agricultural industry. That said, the billions of dollars generated by California farming each year has drawn the attention of international crime rings who are targeting some of the most […]

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