Posts Tagged ‘cancercausing’

Woman gives birth to healthy baby in rainforest stream to avoid unnatural hospital setting

(NaturalNews) A woman living in Australia was so determined to avoid spending time in the hospital, that she actually gave birth in a rainforest stream. When she was pregnant with her fourth child at age 39, doctors told Simone Thurber that her pregnancy would be high-risk. She says she decided to follow her […]

Refugees infected with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis resettled in Wisconsin

(NaturalNews) It’s hypocritical when the administration and vaccine authoritarians from the same party insist that everything walking upright in the United States be injected with scores of vaccines – only to allow unvaccinated people with dangerous transmittable diseases into the country willy-nilly. And yet that is precisely what the Obama administration is currently […]

Federally funded environmental lab fabricated data for 18 years; forced to close after fraud became too large to cover up

(NaturalNews) I am continually amazed – and disappointed – by the fact that far too many Americans continue to rely upon and trust government institutions after repeatedly seeing agency after agency, institution after institution, and bureau after bureau, cheat, lie to them, misrepresent data and rob them of their liberties. Count a government […]

FDA-approved ‘assisted bulimia’ device pumps food from your stomach, allowing you to overeat while still losing weight

(NaturalNews) In a classic example of medical establishment “If you can’t fix it with a pill, try surgery instead” logic, the FDA has approved the use of a new weight-loss innovation that pumps food from the stomach before it is digested – allowing patients to overeat without gaining weight. The AspireAssist device removes […]

4 new periodic elements named Nihonium, Moscovium, Tennessine & Oganesson

The four new elements that will be included in the seventh row of the table, under the proposal of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), will be named Nihonium (Nh), Moscovium (Mc), Tennessine (Ts), and Oganesson (Og). Elements 113, 115, 117, and 118 were formally recognized by IUPAC in December, but now the […]

California high school forces children to watch vaccine propaganda film and give ‘correct’ answers or be penalized

(NaturalNews) At Redondo Beach Union High School in Redondo Beach, California, tenth graders are forced to watch a vaccine propaganda film, then provide the “correct” answers in a graded test. Click here to see the vaccine propaganda test that tenth graders must take. (PDF) The test given to high school students is rife […]

California high school forces children to watch vaccine propaganda film and give ‘correct’ answers or be penalized

(NaturalNews) At Redondo Beach Union High School in Redondo Beach, California, tenth graders are forced to watch a vaccine propaganda film, then provide the “correct” answers in a graded test. Click here to see the vaccine propaganda test that tenth graders must take. (PDF) The test given to high school students is rife […]

California high school forces children to watch vaccine propaganda film and give ‘correct’ answers or be penalized

(NaturalNews) At Redondo Beach Union High School in Redondo Beach, California, tenth graders are forced to watch a vaccine propaganda film, then provide the “correct” answers in a graded test. Click here to see the vaccine propaganda test that tenth graders must take. (PDF) The test given to high school students is rife […]

California high school forces children to watch vaccine propaganda film and give ‘correct’ answers or be penalized

(NaturalNews) At Redondo Beach Union High School in Redondo Beach, California, tenth graders are forced to watch a vaccine propaganda film, then provide the “correct” answers in a graded test. Click here to see the vaccine propaganda test that tenth graders must take. (PDF) The test given to high school students is rife […]

California high school forces children to watch vaccine propaganda film and give ‘correct’ answers or be penalized

(NaturalNews) At Redondo Beach Union High School in Redondo Beach, California, tenth graders are forced to watch a vaccine propaganda film, then provide the “correct” answers in a graded test. Click here to see the vaccine propaganda test that tenth graders must take. (PDF) The test given to high school students is rife […]

California high school forces children to watch vaccine propaganda film and give ‘correct’ answers or be penalized

(NaturalNews) At Redondo Beach Union High School in Redondo Beach, California, tenth graders are forced to watch a vaccine propaganda film, then provide the “correct” answers in a graded test. Click here to see the vaccine propaganda test that tenth graders must take. (PDF) The test given to high school students is rife […]

California high school forces children to watch vaccine propaganda film and give ‘correct’ answers or be penalized

(NaturalNews) At Redondo Beach Union High School in Redondo Beach, California, tenth graders are forced to watch a vaccine propaganda film, then provide the “correct” answers in a graded test. Click here to see the vaccine propaganda test that tenth graders must take. (PDF) The test given to high school students is rife […]

California high school forces children to watch vaccine propaganda film and give ‘correct’ answers or be penalized

(NaturalNews) At Redondo Beach Union High School in Redondo Beach, California, tenth graders are forced to watch a vaccine propaganda film, then provide the “correct” answers in a graded test. Click here to see the vaccine propaganda test that tenth graders must take. (PDF) The test given to high school students is rife […]

California high school forces children to watch vaccine propaganda film and give ‘correct’ answers or be penalized

(NaturalNews) At Redondo Beach Union High School in Redondo Beach, California, tenth graders are forced to watch a vaccine propaganda film, then provide the “correct” answers in a graded test. Click here to see the vaccine propaganda test that tenth graders must take. (PDF) The test given to high school students is rife […]

California high school forces children to watch vaccine propaganda film and give ‘correct’ answers or be penalized

(NaturalNews) At Redondo Beach Union High School in Redondo Beach, California, tenth graders are forced to watch a vaccine propaganda film, then provide the “correct” answers in a graded test. Click here to see the vaccine propaganda test that tenth graders must take. (PDF) The test given to high school students is rife […]

California high school forces children to watch vaccine propaganda film and give ‘correct’ answers or be penalized

(NaturalNews) At Redondo Beach Union High School in Redondo Beach, California, tenth graders are forced to watch a vaccine propaganda film, then provide the “correct” answers in a graded test. Click here to see the vaccine propaganda test that tenth graders must take. (PDF) The test given to high school students is rife […]

California high school forces children to watch vaccine propaganda film and give ‘correct’ answers or be penalized

(NaturalNews) At Redondo Beach Union High School in Redondo Beach, California, tenth graders are forced to watch a vaccine propaganda film, then provide the “correct” answers in a graded test. Click here to see the vaccine propaganda test that tenth graders must take. (PDF) The test given to high school students is rife […]

California high school forces children to watch vaccine propaganda film and give ‘correct’ answers or be penalized

(NaturalNews) At Redondo Beach Union High School in Redondo Beach, California, tenth graders are forced to watch a vaccine propaganda film, then provide the “correct” answers in a graded test. Click here to see the vaccine propaganda test that tenth graders must take. (PDF) The test given to high school students is rife […]

California high school forces children to watch vaccine propaganda film and give ‘correct’ answers or be penalized

(NaturalNews) At Redondo Beach Union High School in Redondo Beach, California, tenth graders are forced to watch a vaccine propaganda film, then provide the “correct” answers in a graded test. Click here to see the vaccine propaganda test that tenth graders must take. (PDF) The test given to high school students is rife […]

California high school forces children to watch vaccine propaganda film and give ‘correct’ answers or be penalized

(NaturalNews) At Redondo Beach Union High School in Redondo Beach, California, tenth graders are forced to watch a vaccine propaganda film, then provide the “correct” answers in a graded test. Click here to see the vaccine propaganda test that tenth graders must take. (PDF) The test given to high school students is rife […]

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