Posts Tagged ‘USDA’

Pesticides are wiping out organic honey across America

(NaturalNews) If you’re anything like me, the sweet, sticky goodness of a dollop of fresh honey over a slice of buttered bread is something of an American pastime. But if organic honey, free of pesticides – the way it always was back in the old days – is what you prefer, you’ll have […]

Refugees infected with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis resettled in Wisconsin

(NaturalNews) It’s hypocritical when the administration and vaccine authoritarians from the same party insist that everything walking upright in the United States be injected with scores of vaccines – only to allow unvaccinated people with dangerous transmittable diseases into the country willy-nilly. And yet that is precisely what the Obama administration is currently […]

ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…

Modern-day vaccine mandates mirror human sacrifice rituals practiced throughout human history to protect and empower society’s elite class

(NaturalNews) Once upon a time, ancient civilizations carried out ritualistic human sacrifices in order to placate the gods and keep the lower class at bay. Forms of human sacrifice included drowning, bludgeoning, strangulation, burning, decapitation and being crushed beneath a newly constructed canoe. Human sacrifices were not uncommon and occurred across various cultures, […]

FDA Bans Electroshock Therapy

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are finally banning the outdated and controversial electroshock therapy, for use on children with autism.  On Friday the FDA proposed the ban on the use of electrical-shock therapy to treat children at the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center in Boston. The facility treats school children diagnosed with autism, developmental delays […]

Mandatory euthanasia coming soon to California so that medical industry can harvest organs from everyone right before killing them

(NaturalNews) In medical systems around the world, the hunt for viable, transplantable organs is on. The knowledgeable Jan Bollen of the Maastricht University Medical Centre points this out in two separate papers published this year in the American Journal of Transplantation and in the Journal of Medical Ethics. He suggested that the more […]

What is Killing Bees Most of All?

You may already be aware how humanity is killing bees through a variety of methods. by Makia Freeman In an earlier article The Top 4 Reasons for the Bees Dying Off, I discussed how neonicotinoid pesticides, GMOs, EMFs (electromagnetic fields) and geoengineering were all contributing to disrupting and killing bees, through phenomena like CCD (Colony […]

A world in crisis: 57 different pesticides found in honeybee populations around the globe

(NaturalNews) Yet another study has come out linking pesticide use to the severely diminishing honeybee population; researchers found that 57 pesticides were present in the European honeybees that they studied. This finding is cause for concern, as it suggests that the harmful chemicals play a significant role in their massive decline around the […]

Underground ‘hot spot’ may melt Greenland’s icy heart – research

The study, carried out by an international team of geoscientists, suggests that almost half of central-northern Greenland’s ice-covered area is melting from below. The anomaly is caused by a “hot spot” in the Earth’s core, or mantle, which is also responsible for triggering volcanic activity in Iceland. The water flowing from the “hot zone” has […]

Syrian jet shot down in Aleppo, pilot reportedly captured by Al-Qaeda affiliate

“The plane wasn’t striking any targets, but was carrying out airborne surveillance. It was hit by a surface to air missile to the south of Aleppo, and now we’re looking for the pilot who ejected from the aircraft,” Syrian Army press service head General Samir told RT on the phone. The pilot of the downed […]

Could cannabis freedom be closer than you think? Each of the presidential candidates support some kind of reform

(NaturalNews) When Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., dropped out of the presidential race in recent weeks, that left every other viable candidate supporting at least a state’s right to legalize marijuana if its voters chose to do so. And while recreational pot use remains against federal law – something that Congress will need to […]

Road Pirate Activity – No Victim – Business As Usual

Pete Eyre is co-founder of As an advocate of peaceful, consensual interactions, he seeks to inject a message of complete liberty and self-government into the conversation of police accountability. Eyre went to undergrad and grad school for law enforcement, then spent time in DC as an intern at the Cato Institute, a Koch Fellow […]

Paleo diet on a budget: When does it matter most to buy grass fed?

     By now, you’re convinced of the general overall superiority of grass-fed, pasture-raised meat. If you come at it from the nutrition angle, grass-fed wins across the board. If you’re more concerned with the ethics of animal husbandry, grass-fed animals live overall better lives than animals in concentrated feedlots. If you worry about the use […]

Gaddafi Warned The World About ISIS Invasion Of Europe In 2011

In 2011 Gaddafi, his son, and his cousin all warned the world about the troubles Europe would face in the coming years – but nobody would listen.  Gaddafi warned about the migrant crisis and about the trouble ISIS would pose to the West. Below are a selection of quotes from Gaddafi and his family taken […]

How Congress Protects Monsanto At California Taxpayers Expense

Three California towns are currently suing Monsanto for poisoning San Francisco Bay with PCBs, chemicals known to cause cancer. Many involved in the lawsuit hope the court’s ultimate decision will make it easier for other cities across the US to hold companies, like Monsanto, liable for environmental damage. Until now, companies that cause long-term damage are rarely, […]

How to boost your body’s innate recycling system to detoxify and repair itself

     While there are many different ways to rid your body of accumulated toxins, from detoxifying foods and chemical and/or natural detox agents to saunas, a biological process known as autophagy plays a key role. The term autophagy means “self-eating,” and refers to the processes by which your body cleans out various debris, including toxins, […]

‘Disaster is Imminent’… Constitutional Attorney: "States Have The Legal Authority To Defend Border Under Constitution"

Avoiding these environmental, dietary and lifestyle risks can help prevent cancer

(NaturalNews) How to Fight Cancer & Win by William L. Fischer, teaches readers truly everything they need to know about cancer, including its causes and how it spreads. This article provides a snippet from a section of the book that focuses on the environmental, genetic, dietary and lifestyle factors that cause cancer. Learning […]

Modern medicine has transformed intelligent doctors into total morons when it comes to health

About the author:Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is the founding editor of, the internet’s No. 1 natural health news website, now reaching 7 million unique readers a month. In late 2013, Adams launched the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, where he conducts atomic spectroscopy research into food contaminants using high-end ICP-MS […]

Modern medicine has transformed intelligent doctors into total morons when it comes to health

About the author:Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is the founding editor of, the internet’s No. 1 natural health news website, now reaching 7 million unique readers a month. In late 2013, Adams launched the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, where he conducts atomic spectroscopy research into food contaminants using high-end ICP-MS […]

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