Posts Tagged ‘gmo’

Grounding: The Gift of Being in Your Body

21st July 2016 By Susan Hassen Guest writer for Wake Up World “Be here now.” We see this phrase everywhere, but are we actually embodying it? Are we consciously present and in our experience here on Earth? Often, the most simple of phrases hold the biggest treasures. Now more than ever, we need to be here […]

BETRAYED! Whole Foods and the Organic Trade Association just plowed right through American food consumers like the terrorist truck rampage in France (op ed)

(NaturalNews) By now we’re all sadly aware of the terror atrocity in Nice, France that took the lives of at least 80 people. The attack was insane and horrific, and my prayers go out to all those affected by the senseless violence. Yet it isn’t just ISIS terrorists who are destroying lives in […]

Selected Articles: The Rising Tide of Neo-Nazi Politics in Croatia

EU okays ‘renewed’ data transfer deal, lets US firms move Europeans’ private info overseas

“Today member states have given their strong support to the EU-US Privacy Shield, the renewed safe framework for transatlantic data flows,” Commission Vice-President Andrus Ansip and Justice Commissioner Vera Jourova announced in a statement saying that the agreement ensures “a high level of protection for individuals and legal certainty for business.” The majority of EU […]

This 90 Year Old Woman With Cancer Opted Out Of Chemotherapy. She Chose Joy Instead

At the age of 90, Norma, a frail woman weighing approximately 100 pounds and standing no taller than 5 feet, lost Leo, her husband and best friend of 67 years. To make matters worse, within the same two week span Norma herself was found to have a cancerous mass on her uterus. Wanting to do […]

US Cop Shoots Black Man Dead a Day After Alton Sterling Controversy

Philando Castile, 32, of Falcon Heights succumbed to his wounds later at Hennepin County Medical Center, according to his mother Valerie Castle, WCCO reports. Castile was driving and his girlfriend Diamond Reynolds was in the passenger when they were pulled over for a broken taillight. Reynolds’ 4-year-old daughter was in the back seat. What followed […]

CNN is a ‘fact-free zone’ on everything from Obamacare to vaccines and even Trump

(NaturalNews) The mainstream media, as it is called, is becoming less and less trustworthy, as evidenced by its declining readership and viewership. One of the worst offenders of biased, politically lopsided and factually incorrect coverage is CNN. When reporting on everything from likely GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump, to GMOs and vaccines, […]

Jeremy Irons Has An Important Message About Corporate Greed You Need To Hear

Jeremy Irons just won me over. Firstly he looks a lot like Alan Watts , but the main reason is because he seems to get that the whole world is brainwashed and isn’t afraid to voice his opinions. He raises two very valid points in this short interview, one of them is the question of […]

Amid Brexit chaos, the government pushes ahead with plans to privatise the Land Registry

Nigel Hudson (TC) : It’s a busy time in UK politics; the nation is still getting to grips with the fallout from Brexit, both major parties are facing bitter leadership contests, and the union is looking more fragile than ever. Yet amid this turmoil, MPs carry on with the business of government, while Brexit threatens […]

Business Owners Arrested; Dozens Halt Pipeline Construction

Print Friendly Above Photo: Aravinda Ananda sitting in on construction site. Photo credit: Jimmy Betts West Roxbury, MA – Two business owners, Aravinda Ananda and Joseph Rotella of Spencer Organ Company, were arrested for disrupting construction on Spectra Energy’s West Roxbury Lateral pipeline. They were arrested Tuesday morning and arraigned that afternoon at West Roxbury District […]

Israel Linked To Istanbul Airport Terror Attack

A security firm from Israel linked to numerous false flag terror attacks handled the security at the Istanbul airport where 42 people were killed on Tuesday.  ICTS was founded by “former” Israeli intelligence agents, and has a major presence all over the world in airport security. The company came under the public spotlight when it emerged that […]

Is Time Travel Real? Is Time An Illusion? Hypnosis Weighs In…

If you could travel in time, would you? You’re probably thinking I’m talking about time machines, which would be cool in theory but not really practical. Considering we live on a tiny planet that is hurtling through space and being pulled by the force of the sun — which is blazing its own path — […]

19-Year-Old Develops Robot Lawyer that Dismisses Your Unjust Parking Tickets

Vic Bishop, StaffWaking Times Simply and aptly named, Do Not Pay, the ingenious business of a 19-year-old Londoner has already saved citizens of the UK an estimated £2.9 million in civil fines for unjust parking tickets. Less than 2 years old, the already popular ‘Robot Lawyer’ service has assisted people in absolving some […]

Mosque in Perth, Australia firebombed, sprayed with anti-Islam graffiti as hundreds pray inside

The hate crime took place on Tuesday night at around 8 pm local time. Hundreds of worshippers were inside for their daily evening prayer when they heard a loud bang, according to the West Australian. They rushed outside and saw a burning Toyota Prado and three people running down an alleyway next to the college. […]

France & Germany plan to lead post-Brexit EU reform – leaked memo

A common French-German memorandum entitled ‘A strong Europe in the world of uncertainties’ was released by Poland’s TVN broadcaster on Monday. The document is said to be authored by French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault and his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier.  The nine-page memo comes after the British voted in a referendum to leave the EU, a […]

Investigators Say Orlando Shooter Had Nothing To Do With ISIS

Investigators looking into the background of Orlando shooter Omar Mateen, say that he showed virtually no signs of radicalization and had nothing to do with ISIS.  According to conflicting reports, Mateen had allegedly pledged allegiance to ISIS in a 911 call during the attack. But this allegiance to the terror group, probably never happened. […]

The Unsuppresible Truth About Medicinal Cannabidiol (CBD)

Makia Freeman, ContributorWaking Times The truth about Cannabidiol (CBD) and the cannabis plant in general can no longer be suppressed – and the exciting thing is that we are just at the beginning. We are literally just at the start on the long road of cannabis knowledge, which will take us to […]

American’s addiction to toxic, brain-damaging GMOs and processed foods are leading to a nationwide state of apathy and compliance

(NaturalNews) Is our national apathy being caused by being physiologically and socially similar to lab rats fed nothing but a diet of junk food? That’s the position being posited by Brett Redmayne-Titley at, and he may very well be onto something. That’s because both junk-food addled Americans and laboratory rats “tolerate repressive […]

10 shocking reasons why Zika virus fear is another fraudulent medical hoax and vaccine industry funding scam

(NaturalNews) Think the Zika virus is responsible for all the cases of microcephaly in South America? Think again: There is no reliable scientific evidence linking the two. The developmental deformities are actually caused by exposure to toxic insecticide and larvicide chemicals, not Zika virus. But because Zika virus fear fits a convenient funding […]

Parroting Monsanto: Boston Globe says GMO labels are ‘misleading,’ ‘burdensome’ and a waste of money

(NaturalNews) Mounting research suggests that human consumption of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) poses innumerable risks, including a proclivity for food allergies, nutritional deficiencies, sex hormone disruption, immune-suppression, cancer and general toxicity. Agriculture reliant on GM crops and their associated pesticides generates environmental risks as well, including soil degradation, water pollution and significant harm […]

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