Posts Tagged ‘lied’

Gaddafi’s son Saif, Libya’s former heir apparent, released – lawyer

“He is well and safe and in Libya,” his lawyer Karim Khan told France 24, revealing that his client had been set free back on April 12, though the news had not been made public until now.Khan suggested that Gaddafi did not face any future charges, and was let go “in accordance with Libyan law.” […]

Home Secretary Theresa May Says Many Britons ‘BENEFIT GREATLY’ from Sharia Law

Editor’s Note: This woman wants to be Prime Minister. Her slogan says, “A country that works for everyone.” But it really means, “A country for EVERYONE but White English people.” Theresa May sparked anger by claiming many Britons “benefit a great deal” from Sharia Law. The Home Secretary made the controversial remarks as she announced […]

Neuroscientist: ‘Meth is Virtually Identical to Adderall’

The long subway ride from DC’s airport to Silver Spring was unusually pleasant. It had been about an hour since I had taken a low dose of methamphetamine. It was my 40th birthday — October 30, 2006 — and I was headed to a National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)-sponsored meeting. by Dr. Carl L. […]

CNN’s Liberal Meltdown: Brexit Means ‘Xenophobia,’ ‘White Identity’ Win

Liberal CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour suffered an epic meltdown on Thursday night as it became clear that Britain was asserting its national sovereignty and voting to leave the European Union. The sneering Amanpour repeatedly derided it as an example of “xenophobia” and “white identity” politics. Early in the evening, with the result still in doubt, […]

InfoWhores: Paul Joseph Watson Says There Is No Evidence Jews Control Anything

Youtube link “There’s the Jew Question.” — “People who are obsessed with Jews controlling the world never seem to present any evidence.” — “It’s an obsession you don’t want to be associated with: Neo-Nazis and White Supemacists!” “As a proud Jew, I want America to know… Yes, we control Hollywood.” ~ Joel Stein Source […]

The EU needs to get a grip before the USA’s NATO drags us into WW3

NATO Launched Largest Military Exercise Since Cold War on Russia’s Doorstep NATO countries are taking part in a large-scale military drill in Poland. Some 31,000 servicemen from 24 countries are participating in the land, sea and air exercise called Anakonda-16 (June 7-17) – the largest training event of its type since the end of the […]

American’s addiction to toxic, brain-damaging GMOs and processed foods are leading to a nationwide state of apathy and compliance

(NaturalNews) Is our national apathy being caused by being physiologically and socially similar to lab rats fed nothing but a diet of junk food? That’s the position being posited by Brett Redmayne-Titley at, and he may very well be onto something. That’s because both junk-food addled Americans and laboratory rats “tolerate repressive […]

Freemasons Stage Our Political Charade

  May 16, 2016 ( Updated from Oct 6, 2008)  When you shake hands, the thumb naturally extends upward or straight ahead. When it points downward, you are signalling that you are a member of the world’s largest satanic cult, Freemasonry, and are committed to its goal of world government under the anti Christ.  (left, […]

Spotlight success: Baltimore Archdiocese posts lists of 71 pedophile priests

     The Archdiocese of Baltimore has posted a list of all priests accused of sexual abuse of children on its website, as part of the fallout from newspaper investigations portrayed in the Oscar-winning film “Spotlight”. The list features 71 clergy members who have been accused of sexual abuse which the church found to be “credible.” […]

Clifton Cop Brake Checks Driver, Then Tickets Him Three Times

This video was submitted to the CopBlock Network  through the submissions page by Omar B. Date of Incident: March 19, 2016Officer Involved: Officer VelezDepartment Involved: Clifton (NJ) Police DepartmentContact Phone No.: (973) 470-5900Office of the Chief of Police: (973) 470-5921FaceBook Page: Clifton PoliceTwitter Account: @Clifton_NJ_PDReview Them on Google: Clifton Police Department Omar B. included this […]

When pigs fly! Saudi Arabia unveils plan to wean economy off oil

     Riyadh has approved a long-term economic blueprint to transform the kingdom’s economy aimed at minimizing the country’s reliance on oil. Titled ‘Saudi Vision 2030’, the plan reveals budget, policy and regulatory changes which are to be realized over the next 15 years to help the country’s economy to survive beyond crude. Over seventy percent […]

The height of PC lunacy: Clothing company forced to remove ‘Gluten Free’ T-shirt after 53,000 angry, stupid people sign petition claiming they were offended

(NaturalNews) The Western world has obviously been at peace for far too long and has prospered far too much, because these days we have so little to actually worry about, apparently, that too many of us sit around and wait to be “offended.” In past tumultuous times, when Europeans and Americans were fighting […]

Germany bans neo-Nazi ‘White Wolves Terror Crew’ after conducting raids

“This is a group of neo-Nazis who spew hate openly against our country, against our society, against people with different political opinions, against migrants and also against police,” said Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere, as quoted by AFP. “This group openly subscribes to the values of national socialism and wants a dictatorship based on that […]

Parents on a Date Were Asleep in Car When Cops Arrived and Killed Them Both

Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project Inglewood, CA — On Sunday, police responded to a call of a suspicious vehicle parked on Manchester Boulevard around 3:10 am. When police arrived, they engaged in a 45-minute long standoff before opening fire on the man and woman inside the vehicle, […]

Palestinian Hunger Striker Defeats ’Israeli’ Bars: The Coming Freedom

Local Editor A Palestinian journalist in the apartheid entity’s jail without trial, Mohammed al-Qiq, agreed Friday to end his 94-day hunger strike under a deal for his release in May, an NGO announced. “An agreement has been reached under which his administrative detention will end on May 21 and will not be renewed,” the Palestinian […]

Stores ransacked across East Coast as citizens stockpile chemically-laced foods that are far more dangerous than any blizzard

About the author:Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is the founding editor of, the internet’s No. 1 natural health news website, now reaching 7 million unique readers a month. In late 2013, Adams launched the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, where he conducts atomic spectroscopy research into food contaminants using high-end ICP-MS […]

Sgt. Kizzy Adonis charged in Eric Garner homicide

In the first sign of possible action against the homicide of Eric Garner, for the heinous crime of selling loose, untaxed cigarettes in a “free country,” NYPD supervising Sgt. Kissy Adonis was stripped of her gun, badge and charged with failure to supervise – an internal disciplinary sanction. A grand jury refused to indict Officer […]

ISIL Ringleader’s Mobile Phone Confirms Turkey’s Support for Terrorism

Source Article from

Greece To Officially Recognize Palestinian State

Saed Bannoura (IMEMC) : The government of Greece has announced that it will officially recognize the Palestinian state in a parliament session on Tuesday that will include the participation of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Alexis Tsipras and Mahmoud Abbas (file photo) President Abbas started an official visit to Greece, Sunday, in preparation for the official […]

Iran’s top commander questions objectives of Saudi anti-terrorism coalition

TEHRAN (FNA)- Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Hassan Firouzabadi raised doubt about the real goals and intentions behind the so-called anti-terrorism coalition formed by Saudi Arabia, asking the Muslim states to distance themselves from the “fake coalition”. “The self-centered move by of al-Saud will bear no fruit but disgrace and […]

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