Posts Tagged ‘act’

Foods gene-edited to withstand noxious herbicides are being labeled non-GMO

(NaturalNews) The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced that it will not regulate the entire forthcoming generation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), allowing new genetically engineered (GE) foods to enter the food supply without any testing or permitting process. This “free pass” by the USDA will also allow these new GMOs to […]

APFF film screened in US

TEHRAN July 16 (APFF) — A number of Iranian Muslims residing in the US have screened the second film of Ammar Popular Film Festival in California. The screeners displayed the movie, entitled as Hengameh, a short while after they displayed another APFF film, the Regulator (Alamak), in the US. APFF claims to have made possible […]

Selected Articles: The Rising Tide of Neo-Nazi Politics in Croatia

Iran offers vessel LPG loads at IRENEX

TEHRAN, July 11 (Shana) – A senior energy distribution official says Iran will start offering liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cargoes at the international ring of the Iran Energy Exchange (IRENEX) in vessel loads. Speaking to Shana, Director of Exports and Imports of the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company (NIOPDC) Amir Vakilzadeh said LPG trading […]

Globalists are pitting blacks against whites in America to incite a bloody race war… here’s how we can all win together by refusing to be manipulated into hatred and rage

(NaturalNews) This isn’t a long article. It’s a short piece put together after three days of contemplation on the insanity and violence that has now exploded across America. The situation is so severe that I haven’t been able to think about much else. I’m convinced that the events in Dallas were designed to […]

‘First Philistine cemetery’ may upend knowledge of ancient people after 30 years’ dig

“After decades of studying what Philistines left behind, we have finally come face to face with the people themselves,” Daniel M. Master, professor of archaeology at Wheaton College and one of the leaders of the excavation, told AP. “With this discovery we are close to unlocking the secrets of their origins,” he added. The Philistines […]

James Corbett explains what everybody’s missing about Brexit

     “Brexit is good!” cheer the nationalists. “No, it’s a travesty!” cry the globalists. “No, it’s a trap!” cry the conspiracists. So who’s right? All of them. Or none of them. As James explains on his recent appearance on WGDR radio with Jim Hogue, Brexit is a destabilizing move that can be used by the […]

Up to 272 dead in South Sudan, mortars & RPGs fired near UN compound

Representatives from the UN say residents in Juba fled after “heavy ground assault weaponry” was fired. A Hind Mi24 helicopter gunship has also been spotted flying over the capital. It is reportedly being used by President Salva Kiir’s troops to attack forces loyal to the country’s Vice President Riek Machar. Machar’s residence was also attacked […]

TOP-Secret UFO Files LEAKED: “UFO Found in the Canadian Province of Saskatchewan”

Another top secret document leaked by a UFO researcher is seen as the first convincing evidence that parts have been found of a flying saucer on Earth. by Heathcliff During the first Canadian hearing on UFOs in Ontario, Victor Viggiani revealed a confidential memo dated November 14, 1968. The memo is about a UFO that […]

Terrorist attacks on holy religious sites ‘shameful’

Bahram Ghasemi, Iran’s Foreing Ministry Spokesman, expressed his deep sympathies and condolences to the families of martyrs and victims who lost their lives or became wounded during an attack on the Sayyid Mohammed shrine in Balad 70 kilometers north of Baghdad, which involved suicide bombers and gun and mortar fire. While describing terrorist attacks on […]

The David Duke Show: UK Activist Mark Collett on the Battle for Western Civilization & the European People

David Duke July 7, 2016 Today Dr. Duke had his British correspondent Mark Collett as his guest for the hour. They discussed the Jewish led push for wars in the Middle East, which serve the dual purpose of weakening Israel’s potential enemies and also provoking a tsunami of migrants towards Europe’s shores. This migration is […]

US Cop Shoots Black Man Dead a Day After Alton Sterling Controversy

Philando Castile, 32, of Falcon Heights succumbed to his wounds later at Hennepin County Medical Center, according to his mother Valerie Castle, WCCO reports. Castile was driving and his girlfriend Diamond Reynolds was in the passenger when they were pulled over for a broken taillight. Reynolds’ 4-year-old daughter was in the back seat. What followed […]

The Global Favela

Reality has a well-known racist bias. And the White minstrel and courtier Stephen Colbert veered a little too close to what leftists used to call the reality-based community when describing the chaos of the upcoming Rio Olympics. To the laughter of his SWPL audience, Colbert hammed it up and made silly faces as he recounted […]

Rare Thomas Jefferson letter discovered in family attic on sale for $325k

     Always check the abandoned boxes in your attic because you never know what you might find. A family in Mississippi discovered a rare letter from founding father Thomas Jefferson in a box of heirlooms, written to their ancestor, U.S. Ambassador to France William Crawford. The four-page letter from the former president shows his reaction […]

Somali Rapist Avoids Deportation Saying He ‘Didn’t Know Rape Was Unacceptable,’ Rapes Twice Again

A serial rapist Somali living in the UK was able to avoid deportation after his first rape by claiming he “didn’t know rape was unacceptable,” then went on to rape two more women after being released from prison. From The Daily Mail: Dahir Ibrahim, 31, attacked his second and third victims within six weeks of […]

Turkey 48 hours: Diplomatic victories, deadly terror attack…are they connected?

     The first two days of the past week saw two momentous developments on the diplomatic front take place on the Turkish scene. But Tuesday night then witnessed a heinous terror attack that left the country reeling. The ruling Justice and Development Party (or AKP), led by Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım (aka Hapless) and staunchly […]

Brexit coincides with India’s and Pakistan’s entry into the SCO

[1] Hacia la desglobalización, par Alfredo Jalife-Rahme, Jorale/Orfila (2007), ISBN 978-9685863223. [2] “Shock waves of UK exit’s impact will rearrange the face of global politics and markets”, Anbound, The Global Times, June 27th, 2016. [3] “Soros sees Russia emerging as global power as EU fades”, Andy Bruce & Kit Rees, Reuters, June […]

Israeli Conscientious Objector Sentenced To Sixth Term In Lock-up

Print Friendly Above Photo: Tomer Appelbaum Tair Kaminer will have served 170 days in military prison when her current term ends. Omri Baranes, another conscientious objector, handed 30-day sentence. Conscientious objector Tair Kaminer, 19, was sentenced to another 45 days in military prison on Sunday for refusing to serve in the Israel Defense Forces. The sentence, […]

Interview with Matt Hale

It is important for us to not forget about people like Matt Hale. There are already other interviews about his case and the outrageous injustice of what the Jewish power establishment have done to him, so I wanted to ask him some questions about his weltanschauung. Curt Beasley: Could you talk a bit about the […]

Iceland Proves You Don’t Need a Politician or Businessman as President

Alex Pietrowski, StaffWaking Times With admiration, many have been observing Iceland’s handling of the banking crisis that jolted the entire world in recent years. Now experiencing a unique economic recovery, the Icelandic public became aware in 2008 that the nation’s private banks had borrowed some $120 billion dollars, ten times the size of Iceland’s […]

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