Posts Tagged ‘alleges’

Conservative think tank’s lawsuit alleges CIA obstructed the handover of COVID-19 records

(NaturalNews) In an exclusive feature on Daily Caller, it was revealed that the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has sued the Central Intelligence Agency… Source

Peter Nygard Trial: Prosecution Alleges Disgraced Fashion Mogul Lured Young Women and Girls to His Suite in the Company HQ – Where He Raped Them

Peter Nygard Trial: Prosecution Alleges Disgraced Fashion Mogul Lured Young Women and Girls to His Suite in the Company HQ – Where He Raped Them Source

RFK Jr. Sues YouTube and Google, Alleges ‘Misinformation Policies’ Violated His First Amendment Rights

RFK Jr. Sues YouTube and Google, Alleges ‘Misinformation Policies’ Violated His First Amendment Rights Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Children’s Health Defense founder and chairman on leave, this week filed a lawsuit against YouTube and its parent company, Google, alleging the social media giant violated his First Amendment rights when they censored interviews he did with […]

Wyoming Sues Biden Administration, Alleges Suspensions of Oil Lease Sales Illegal

The State of Wyoming filed a second lawsuit against the Biden Administration, alleging that its suspension of oil lease sales were illegal. Gov. Mark Gordon (R-Wyom.) announced that his state filed the lawsuit against the Interior Department for the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) decision to halt oil and gas lease sales in the state. […]

Ukraine Alleges Russian Dirty Bomb Deception At Nuke Plant

Ukraine’s nuclear energy operator said Russian forces have carried out secret construction work over the last week at the occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine. Source

Whistleblower Alleges FBI Schemed to Distort January 6 Cases into Nationwide ‘Domestic Violent Extremism’ Epidemic

A whistleblower has accused the FBI’s Washington Field Office of using cases related to the January 6 U.S. Capitol riot to “overstate” the threat of “domestic violent extremism” in America, according to Judiciary Committee ranking member Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH). The whistleblower alleged the FBI office did not follow standard investigative practices for the January […]

Ukraine Alleges Torture At Village Near Russian Border

KOZACHA LOPAN, Ukraine (AP) — In a dank basement behind the local supermarket, metal bars cordon off a corner of the room to form a large cell. Dirty sleeping bags and duvets show three sleeping spots on top of sheets of Styrofoam for insulation from the damp earth floor. In the corner, two black buckets […]

Professor Sues Texas A&M, Alleges Discrimination Against ‘White and Asian Men’ in Hiring

Texas A&M University is facing a Fourteenth Amendment lawsuit over its hiring practices, which allegedly discriminate against white and Asian men to advance its “diversity, equity, and inclusion” agenda. America First Legal, a group founded by longtime Donald Trump adviser Stephen Miller, filed the complaint on behalf of Richard Lowery, an associate professor of finance […]

Why Imran Khan Alleges the US for the fall of his Government

Imran Khan, a cricketer-turned politician, former Prime Minister of Pakistan is found openly alleging the US administration for the fall of his elected government. In his interview to numerous national and international TV channels, he claims that his visit to Russia amid the Ukraine crisis in the month of February, 2022 was not fully digested […]

Taliban Alleges “Controlled Demolition By US Troops” & A Continued Coverup Of Vaxed vs Unvaxed Risk

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/27/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and […]

Belarus Runner Alleges Olympic Team Forcibly Tried To Send Her Home

TOKYO (AP) — A Belarus track sprinter alleged her Olympic team tried to remove her from Japan in a dispute that led to a standoff Sunday evening at Tokyo’s main airport. An activist group supporting Krystsina Tsimanouskaya said she believed her life was in danger in Belarus and would seek asylum with the Austrian embassy […]

Gardasil Lawsuit Alleges Merck’s HPV Vaccine Robbed Teen of ‘Happy’ Life

Gardasil Lawsuit Alleges Merck’s HPV Vaccine Robbed Teen of ‘Happy’ Life Children’s Health Defense » Feed / Aerowenn Hunter “I was a happy kid. But that changed after Gardasil. The things I loved doing most were ripped away from me … I want my old life back.” — Korrine Herlth Korrine Herlth grew up with […]

2nd Former Staffer Alleges Sexual Misconduct by Gov. Andrew Cuomo

A second former aide alleged Saturday she was sexually harassed by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who responded with a statement of his own proclaiming innocence, saying he never made advances toward her and never intended to be inappropriate. Charlotte Bennett, a health policy adviser in the Democratic governor’s administration until November, told the New York […]

In new memoir, Amos Oz’s daughter alleges lifetime of abuse by ‘sadistic’ father

Browse > Home / News / In new memoir, Amos Oz’s daughter alleges lifetime of abuse by ‘sadistic’ father February 24, 2021 by JNS Read on for article Israeli author Galia Oz, daughter of world-renowned literary icon Amos Oz, alleged in interviews on Sunday that her “sadistic” father “serially abused” her physically and emotionally, until […]

A 7 Year Old Dylan Farrow Alleges Sexual Abuse By Adoptive Father Woody Allen In Old Home Video

A home video has emerged that shows the then 7-year-old daughter of Hollywood star Woody Allen accuse her father of sexually abusing her. In the never-before-seen 1992 home video, Dylan Farrow is heard describing how her adoptive father Woody Allen allegedly “touched her private parts” The claims are revealed in a shocking new four-part documentary […]

Whistleblowing Farmer Alleges Perdue Terminated Contract After He Exposed ‘Sickly Chicks,’ Filthy Production

The following was originally published as part of The Dissenter newsletter. An agribusiness whistleblower alleges he was terminated in August 2020 from his contract with Perdue after he revealed animal abuse and poor sanitation to the media and public. Perdue accused Rudy Howell, a North Carolina resident who had a 25 year-plus relationship with the poultry producer, of […]

Greg Locke Alleges Mitch McConnell Was Controlled by Illuminati Hand Signals During Election Certification

Radical right-wing pastor Greg Locke once again used his Sunday sermon to float outlandish conspiracy theories while delivering an unhinged rant in which he accused Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of being controlled by “Illuminati hand signals” when Congress gathered to certify the election results last week. Locke, who was among those who spoke at […]

Ex-top investigator alleges prosecution coverup in police killing of Bedouin man

The former head of the Israel’s police internal affairs unit has reportedly alleged that the State Prosecution tried to bury an investigation into the fatal police shooting of a Bedouin man in 2017 in an attempt to protect the image of law enforcement agencies. The head of the Police Internal Investigations Department at the time […]

Philadelphia GOP Alleges Dead People Voted in Pennsylvania

The Republican Party in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is alleging that hundreds of dead people voted in the presidential election. In a post on Saturday evening, the Philadelphia GOP said it found on the state’s website that at least 840 dead people voted in the election. The site details when a voter sent in his ballot and […]

Project Veritas alleges egregious Instagram censorship in shocking new VIDEO

    Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe has shared shocking footage that purports to show Facebook-owned Instagram censoring his posts on the platform in real time. Video of the alleged censorship was uploaded to Twitter Thursday morning and shows the head of the right-wing whistleblower group Project Veritas attempting to tag his own group in […]

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