Posts Tagged ‘gm’

Refugees infected with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis resettled in Wisconsin

(NaturalNews) It’s hypocritical when the administration and vaccine authoritarians from the same party insist that everything walking upright in the United States be injected with scores of vaccines – only to allow unvaccinated people with dangerous transmittable diseases into the country willy-nilly. And yet that is precisely what the Obama administration is currently […]

American’s addiction to toxic, brain-damaging GMOs and processed foods are leading to a nationwide state of apathy and compliance

(NaturalNews) Is our national apathy being caused by being physiologically and socially similar to lab rats fed nothing but a diet of junk food? That’s the position being posited by Brett Redmayne-Titley at, and he may very well be onto something. That’s because both junk-food addled Americans and laboratory rats “tolerate repressive […]

Health Ranger publishes scientific study revealing heavy metals contamination of America’s municipal water supplies (EPA Watch)

(NaturalNews) As promised, I’ve now published the first 100 EPA Watch water test results in a scientific paper you can find at the Natural Science Journal. There, in a science research study I conducted at my analytical laboratory (, you’ll find the full details of toxic heavy metals contamination across the U.S. water […]

A love affair with the great outdoors

     Growing up, my athletic prospects could best be described as abysmal. I didn’t learn to ride a bike until I was seven, and I failed swim lessons three years in a row. At the end of the year cross country banquet, the best my coach could say about me was, “She wasn’t last in […]

MDs all say ‘everything is genetic,’ but that does NOT necessarily mean it’s inherited

(NaturalNews) Genetics is the study of genes and genetic variation in living organisms. Every cell in the body contains 23 pairs of chromosomes that each contain the genes you inherit from your parents. From each and every pair, one chromosome is inherited from your mother and the other from your father. What you […]

Nestle sued for supporting child slavery in cacao harvesting operations… U.S. Supreme Court allows court case to proceed

(NaturalNews) The nation’s highest federal court in recent days threw out a request by chocolate giant Nestle SA, the world’s largest food maker, and a pair of other companies to reject a lawsuit that seeks to hold all three companies liable for using child slaves to harvest cacao in the African nation of […]

NATO sends warships to Aegean Sea to combat migrant trafficking

READ MORE: Overcome ‘dark side’: Campaign urges residents to embrace refugees launched in Germany Three military vessels from NATO’s Standing Maritime Group 2 have been ordered to “start to move now” and head for the Aegean sea to conduct reconnaissance and surveillance operations, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday. Erdogan threatens Europe with […]

NATO sends warships to Aegean Sea to combat migrant trafficking

READ MORE: Overcome ‘dark side’: Campaign urges residents to embrace refugees launched in Germany Three military vessels from NATO’s Standing Maritime Group 2 have been ordered to “start to move now” and head for the Aegean sea to conduct reconnaissance and surveillance operations, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday. Erdogan threatens Europe with […]

NATO sends warships to Aegean Sea to combat migrant trafficking

READ MORE: Overcome ‘dark side’: Campaign urges residents to embrace refugees launched in Germany Three military vessels from NATO’s Standing Maritime Group 2 have been ordered to “start to move now” and head for the Aegean sea to conduct reconnaissance and surveillance operations, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday. Erdogan threatens Europe with […]

Russian Patriarch arrives in Cuba to meet Pontiff, discuss Middle East crisis

Upon his arrival, the Patriarch addressed the citizens of Cuba, sending greetings from “all the people of historical Rus’.” Unprecedented: Pope Francis, Russian Patriarch Kirill to meet in Cuba to heal 1,000yr rift “I wish prosperity to the Cuban people and happiness to everyone. May the Lord be with you with his grace and his […]

Russian Patriarch arrives in Cuba to meet Pontiff, discuss Middle East crisis

Upon his arrival, the Patriarch addressed the citizens of Cuba, sending greetings from “all the people of historical Rus’.” Unprecedented: Pope Francis, Russian Patriarch Kirill to meet in Cuba to heal 1,000yr rift “I wish prosperity to the Cuban people and happiness to everyone. May the Lord be with you with his grace and his […]

Russian Patriarch arrives in Cuba to meet Pontiff, discuss Middle East crisis

Upon his arrival, the Patriarch addressed the citizens of Cuba, sending greetings from “all the people of historical Rus’.” Unprecedented: Pope Francis, Russian Patriarch Kirill to meet in Cuba to heal 1,000yr rift “I wish prosperity to the Cuban people and happiness to everyone. May the Lord be with you with his grace and his […]

Russian Patriarch arrives in Cuba to meet Pontiff, discuss Middle East crisis

Upon his arrival, the Patriarch addressed the citizens of Cuba, sending greetings from “all the people of historical Rus’.” Unprecedented: Pope Francis, Russian Patriarch Kirill to meet in Cuba to heal 1,000yr rift “I wish prosperity to the Cuban people and happiness to everyone. May the Lord be with you with his grace and his […]

Russian Patriarch arrives in Cuba to meet Pontiff, discuss Middle East crisis

Upon his arrival, the Patriarch addressed the citizens of Cuba, sending greetings from “all the people of historical Rus’.” Unprecedented: Pope Francis, Russian Patriarch Kirill to meet in Cuba to heal 1,000yr rift “I wish prosperity to the Cuban people and happiness to everyone. May the Lord be with you with his grace and his […]

Russian Patriarch arrives in Cuba to meet Pontiff, discuss Middle East crisis

Upon his arrival, the Patriarch addressed the citizens of Cuba, sending greetings from “all the people of historical Rus’.” Unprecedented: Pope Francis, Russian Patriarch Kirill to meet in Cuba to heal 1,000yr rift “I wish prosperity to the Cuban people and happiness to everyone. May the Lord be with you with his grace and his […]

Russian Patriarch arrives in Cuba to meet Pontiff, discuss Middle East crisis

Upon his arrival, the Patriarch addressed the citizens of Cuba, sending greetings from “all the people of historical Rus’.” Unprecedented: Pope Francis, Russian Patriarch Kirill to meet in Cuba to heal 1,000yr rift “I wish prosperity to the Cuban people and happiness to everyone. May the Lord be with you with his grace and his […]

Russian Patriarch arrives in Cuba to meet Pontiff, discuss Middle East crisis

Upon his arrival, the Patriarch addressed the citizens of Cuba, sending greetings from “all the people of historical Rus’.” Unprecedented: Pope Francis, Russian Patriarch Kirill to meet in Cuba to heal 1,000yr rift “I wish prosperity to the Cuban people and happiness to everyone. May the Lord be with you with his grace and his […]

Russian Patriarch arrives in Cuba to meet Pontiff, discuss Middle East crisis

Upon his arrival, the Patriarch addressed the citizens of Cuba, sending greetings from “all the people of historical Rus’.” Unprecedented: Pope Francis, Russian Patriarch Kirill to meet in Cuba to heal 1,000yr rift “I wish prosperity to the Cuban people and happiness to everyone. May the Lord be with you with his grace and his […]

Russian Patriarch arrives in Cuba to meet Pontiff, discuss Middle East crisis

Upon his arrival, the Patriarch addressed the citizens of Cuba, sending greetings from “all the people of historical Rus’.” Unprecedented: Pope Francis, Russian Patriarch Kirill to meet in Cuba to heal 1,000yr rift “I wish prosperity to the Cuban people and happiness to everyone. May the Lord be with you with his grace and his […]

Russian Patriarch arrives in Cuba to meet Pontiff, discuss Middle East crisis

Upon his arrival, the Patriarch addressed the citizens of Cuba, sending greetings from “all the people of historical Rus’.” Unprecedented: Pope Francis, Russian Patriarch Kirill to meet in Cuba to heal 1,000yr rift “I wish prosperity to the Cuban people and happiness to everyone. May the Lord be with you with his grace and his […]

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