Posts Tagged ‘nyt’

The iron law of institutions versus Bernie Sanders

The New York Times publishes an op-ed by a Sanders voter (“Let’s Grow Up, Liberals,” by Kevin Baker) and he repeats exactly the same arguments as Paul Krugman or Andrew Rosenthal or virtually every NYT opinion writer in the past several months.  I haven’t seen a single NYT opinion piece from any Sanders supporter explaining […]

Dershowitz approves Clinton’s ‘muscular foreign policy,’ and Sen. Warren is a ‘surprising Israel hawk’

Hillary Clinton is gaining the support of the neoconservative establishment. Alan Dershowitz is for her “muscular foreign policy.” Robert Kagan is holding a fundraiser for her. Jennifer Rubin tells other neocons to get on board now so that Clinton can end the Obama chill to the Jewish state. Alas, even Elizabeth Warren is caught up […]

Turkish humanitarian organization responsible for Gaza flotilla rejects reconciliation deal with Israel

Turkey – Israel normalization Israel and Turkey agree to normalize ties — officials JERUSALEM/ISTANBUL (Reuters) 26 June by Ori Lewis and Humeyra Pamuk– Israel and Turkey on Sunday reached agreement to normalise ties, senior officials from both countries said, to end a rift over the Israeli navy’s killing of 10 Turkish pro-Palestinian activists who tried […]

After poisoning Palestinian water, Israeli settlers steal it

Days of Palestine, West Bank -Israeli Jewish settlers steal water of Palestinian villages near to illegal Jewish settlements in West Bank city of Bethlehem. Palestinian residents in Bethlehem villages of Al-Rashaydeh and Rawa’en are suffering from a shortage of water as their supply is stolen by illegal settlers. Head of Al-Rashaydeh Village Council Fawwaz Rashaydeh said the shortage was caused […]

Israel’s ‘mistaken identity’ embarrassments

Saturday night, an Israeli driver had a heart attack and lost control of his vehicle on busy Ben Yehuda street in Tel Aviv, ending up crashing into a restaurant and badly injuring two diners, who died shortly after from their wounds. According to the wife of one of the restaurant owners, Shoshana San, who was […]

Irish and Dutch governments join Sweden in speaking out for right to call for BDS

The Dutch and Irish governments have publicly stated that calls for a boycott of Israel are legitimate, with the Dutch foreign minister saying that advocating and campaigning for Palestinian rights through the nonviolent Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel are “protected by the freedom of expression”. The statements dealt a serious blow to […]

Gaza refugee finally freed from Arizona immigration jail

Charlotte Silver Rights and Accountability 28 May 2016 From left to right: attorney Zayed Al-Zayyed, Hisham Ghalia, attorney Liban Yousuf and Mounis Hammouda, pictured just after Ghalia’s release from an ICE detention facility in Florence, Arizona. Ehab Tamimi More than 19 months after Hisham Shaban Ghalia told an immigration officer that he sought asylum in […]

Hard times: Pro-Israel group will pay young Jews $100 to watch its movies

You’ve surely heard that young American Jews are turning away from Israel. They don’t really care that much about the Jewish state. Well a pro-Israel propaganda shop has the answer. Jerusalem U is dedicated to building a connection between American Jews and Israel by producing pro-Israel documentaries. And the Israel brand has fallen on such hard […]

‘I am trapped like a rabbit in a cage’ — owner of women’s fashion shop in Gaza

Gaza Gazans feel borders closing in as exit options diminish GAZA (Reuters) 19 May by Nidal al-Mughrabi — Abu Abdallah, the owner of a women’s fashion store in Gaza, travelled to Jordan seven times last year so he could fly on to Turkey and Egypt looking for new stock. This year, he has not been […]

LOL: Girls Need to “Overcome the Discomfort” of Seeing Male Genitalia

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 20, 2016 It’s progress, goyim – the future is already here. Soon we’ll have flying cars and robots and all the other stuff. Just need to get little girls used to looking at penises first, then we’re off to space. Washington Times: A leading North Carolina newspaper issued an editorial last […]

LOL: Girls Need to “Overcome the Discomfort” of Seeing Male Genitalia

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 20, 2016 It’s progress, goyim – the future is already here. Soon we’ll have flying cars and robots and all the other stuff. Just need to get little girls used to looking at penises first, then we’re off to space. Washington Times: A leading North Carolina newspaper issued an editorial last […]

Freemason Sadiq Khan Heralds UK’s Racial Transformation

Freemasons Stage Our Political Charade

  May 16, 2016 ( Updated from Oct 6, 2008)  When you shake hands, the thumb naturally extends upward or straight ahead. When it points downward, you are signalling that you are a member of the world’s largest satanic cult, Freemasonry, and are committed to its goal of world government under the anti Christ.  (left, […]

“Nestlé is Trying to Break Us” Town Fights to Stop Bottled Water Megacorp from Stealing Their Water

A small town in Pennsylvania is the latest to be targeted by Nestlé Waters North America, which, in typical fashion, is seeking to extract millions of gallons of freshwater to bottle and sell for an obscene profit — whether or not local residents approve. Nestlé sneakily began testing waters in the Kunkeltown […]

Police sweep away Brazil’s ‘street children’ ahead of Olympics

Email Us For general inquiries and advertising, email: Admin (at) Article submissions, tips, and feedback, email: Tips (at) Send us Snail Mail: P.O Box 8526 Round Rock, Tx 78683 Voicemail/TXT: Feel free to send us a message anytime (512) 222-3067 Source Article […]

FBI informants act as ‘honeypots’ to entrap 21yo ‘ISIS sympathizer’

The target of the FBI’s operation was Khalil Abu Rayyan, a Michigan resident. When he met an undercover informant by the name of ‘Ghaada’ online, he quickly became enamored with her. A relationship began, and the two even talked about marriage, children and the future. But the online relationship ended when Ghaada called […]

For first time, Hamas publishes photographs of captive Israelis

The photographs of the four men were all old ones. It was not clear from the statement whether the two men who as of last report had been alive still are. In 2014, Avraham Mengistu, 29, an Israeli civilian and a former soldier, crossed into Gaza. And at an unknown time, an unnamed Bedouin from […]

Birthright ends trips to Israel — ‘American Jews are better off imagining Israel than seeing it’

In a shocking move, Birthright Israel announced today, April 1, that the well known travel-program-cum-dating-service will no longer be offering trips to Israel for Jewish young people. In an exclusive interview with Mondoweiss Birthright CEO Gidi Mark explained, “Given the rightward, and frankly racist, turn in Israel we could no longer conduct a trip that […]

Palestinians grapple with knife attacks as violence enters fifth month

The killing of Israeli civilians and the young age of the Palestinian attackers, along with their almost inevitable deaths at the hands of police, are raising tough questions for Palestinians. Speaking at an event in Ramallah last month on the current confrontations with Israel, activist Mariam Barghouti said of the attacks, “we may not agree with […]

Claim: Illegal Mexican Who Raped 14-Year-Old to be Deported

Daily Stormer March 16, 2016 Enriching your cultures. Chicago Tribune: A man has been found guilty of sexual assaulting a 14-year-old girl whose family he was staying with in McHenry County. Miguel Gomez, 37, was convicted Monday and now faces nine to 33 years in prison as well as deportation to Mexico. Authorities said Gomez […]

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