Posts Tagged ‘work’

Civilian Death Toll From Coalition Airstrikes in Syria Could Be Single Largest in U.S.-Led War on ISIS

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 56 civilians were killed when their convoy of vehicles attempted to slip out of an area north of the city of Manbij in the predawn darkness, as U.S.-backed forces pushed forward in an increasingly bloody offensive in the area. In a brief phone interview, a […]

Ex DIA chief Flynn: Data on ISIS laptops up to 80% porn

     The vast majority of files found by US officers on laptops taken from Islamic State contain pornography, says Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, former chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon’s spying arm. Flynn was repeatedly assigned to senior intelligence posts in Afghanistan and Iraq after 2001, before taking overall control of US military […]

Iran nuclear deal ‘lives up to expectations’ – Kerry

The nuclear deal reached with Iran one year ago has lived up to its expectations, US Secretary of State John Kerry said on the agreement’s anniversary on Thursday. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed in January 2016 that Iran had fulfilled its obligations under the nuclear pact, prompting Brussels to scale down nuclear-related economic and financial sanctions. John […]

Russian Air Force intensifies strikes on terrorists near Palmyra (VIDEO)

The Tu-22M3 bombers flew all the way form the Russian territory to deliver their deadly cargo, the report said. The ministry also released a video of the operation. The airstrikes focused around as-Suhnah and Arak, the Russian military said. Both towns are located east of Palmyra on a strategic road connecting the ancient city with […]

It’s Time We Call American Breakfast What It Really Is: Dessert (Infographic)

Many consider breakfast to be their favourite meal of the day, and for good reason. Whether it be the eggs, the bacon, the muffins, or the pancakes that make your mouth salivate the most, it’s an often tasty meal that sets us up for success throughout the day. While the infamous adage that breakfast is the […]

Oldest human settlement uncovered in Persian Gulf

Seyyed Morteza Rahmati told Mehr News cultural heritage correspondent on Saturday that during last glacial period, Qeshm had been connected to mainland Iran by a thick layer of ice; “during investigations in Roof of the Qeshm in June in the vicinity of Tabl and Salkh villages, we found pebble tools finely cut by hand; these […]

We Prayed For Paris But Not Istanbul? Why Is Global Support Less For Istanbul?

What type of terrorist devastation is newsworthy? What makes a piece of the world and the people on it worth mourning, worth remembering, worth discussing, or worth praying for? Globally, more attention is brought to terrorism carried out in peaceful and prosperous areas. But does it make those areas where deadly terror attacks occur that […]

FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook

As we have said in the past a key part of a cronyist system is a tiered system of “justice.” There are rules for the Great Washington Court, there are rules for their underlings (whose work may impact their masters), and there are rules for the rest of us. This a massive oversimplification […]

Gut microbes: An overview

     Microorganisms live and thrive throughout your body, and as strange as it may sound, scientists have found that these microbes are vital to your health. These microbes live on the surface of your skin, in between your toes and on your scalp. They make their homes in your nasal passages, in between your teeth […]

Finland: Cuban Vollyball Team Arrested for Gang-Rape

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 4, 2016 A recent photo of the Cuban men’s vollyball team. Here you have your standard enrichment protocol. These brown people only had a few days to enrich Finland, so they had to kick up the dial to “maximum vibrancy.” yle: Eight Cuban men have been taken into custody on suspicion […]

China to ‘eavesdrop’ on alien life with giant, multimillion dollar radio telescope (VIDEO)

The Single-Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), as it is known, is an enormous dish made up of 4,450 reflector panels with a diameter of half a kilometer and an area the size of around 30 football pitches, according to the Xinhua news agency. It was completed in southwestern China’s Guizhou Province on Sunday, when the last […]

The decline of British influence? Brexit a ‘catastrophe’ for UK’s foreign policy elite

     Brexit will accelerate the decline of British influence including within the Western alliance. One group of people has more cause to regret Brexit than any other. This is the mass of international affairs pundits, military “specialists” and NATO shills who populate Britain’s media and its disproportionately large number of think-tanks like Chatham House, the […]

Obvious pollution coming from Indian Point nuclear plant

     US Coast Gaurd officials have cordoned off a portion of Lake Ontario this week, after aerial spotters found a visible “sheen” that is coming from a nuclear power plant in upstate New York. The Coast Guard Auxiliary aircrew first noticed the sheen on Sunday. Shortly after, a boat crew from the Oswego station tested […]

13 Effective Ways To Purify & Freshen The Air In Your Home Naturally

Who doesn’t like a lovely, fresh smelling home? Nothing beats the smell of fresh linen, pine forests, or spring meadows, right? Air fresheners — plug-ins, gels, aerosols, candles, incense — are a staple in many American households, and while they may smell great and evoke feelings of contentment or even nostalgia, they also come with […]

Sweet poison: How fructose is fueling the soaring rates of metabolic dysfunction and obesity

     Dr. Robert Lustig’s 2009 video “Sugar: The Bitter Truth,” has now garnered nearly 6.5 million views on YouTube. The featured video is a follow-up on that original lecture. In it, he discusses the metabolic influence of sugar and processed foods on obesity and related diseases. He also reviews the importance of diet versus exercise […]

YouTube, Facebook ‘quietly’ boost efforts against ISIS propaganda videos – report

“YouTube and Facebook are among the sites deploying systems to block or rapidly take down Islamic State [IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL] videos and other similar material,” the news agency reported on Saturday, saying the “major step” has been confirmed by two people familiar with the process. READ MORE: ISIS announces Asia pivot in propaganda video targeting […]

Hundreds of cancer-causing chemicals detected in Americans’ blood, urine and hair, says environmental watchdog

(NaturalNews) Concerns about the human health effects of perpetual exposure to environmental toxins often get dismissed or ignored by health authorities on the grounds that such chemicals don’t stick around inside the body long enough to cause problems. But a new report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) – the first of its […]

Lawsuit Settled For $195K After Video Shows Cop Break Woman’s Eye Socket

The city of Seattle, Washington has settled a lawsuit with a woman filmed being slugged in the face by a cop during an arrest two years ago. Twenty-three-years-old at the time, Miyekko Durden-Bosley was detained on June 22, 2014 after the mother of a man called police on her alleging that she had an altercation […]

The naked racism of ‘Save Jewish Jerusalem’

A few days ago +972 published Mairav Zonszein’s article “Israeli peaceniks release racist video to ‘save Jerusalem”‘. The astounding video has now been enhanced with English subtitles. It’s challenging comprehending how a group of Israelis, calling themselves “Save Jewish Jerusalem” producing a blatantly bigoted ‘scare’ video with Israeli Jewish actors impersonating violent gun wielding Palestinians decked out in […]

Revitalize your health with the cancer-fighting properties of baking soda and lemon

(NaturalNews) By their very nature, baking soda and lemon are a powerful food science combination that works against chronic disease, inflammation and cancer. Once inside the body, these two therapeutic food agents begin to help create a more alkaline environment, creating the cellular conditions necessary for nutrient assimilation and making way for greater […]

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