Posts Tagged ‘base’

Israeli Zionists Are Main Videographers at Nice Truck Killing Scam and Hoax

Israeli Zionists Are Main Videographers at Nice Truck Killing Scam and Hoax What was a German journalist, arch-Zionist agent Richard Gutjahr, doing in perfect position to capture the footage of a supposed truck on the run, one aiming to kill July Nice-area revelers? It cannot be a coincidence that this individual was so perfectly placed, this hostile pro-Israeli agent, […]

Leafy Attacks Feminist Anti-Racist Bitch

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 18, 2016 Leafy’s channel is watched more than most mainstream TV shows. t 2-4 million views, his videos beat basically every cable news show other than Bill ORLY and Megyn [sic] Kelly. To give further perspective, the Game of Thrones season finale got 8 million views. And lately he’s been going […]

Attack in Nice: Clash of Civilizations

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 17, 2016 Black Pigeon Speaks! Also a note for those complaining about me posting about this guy because he doesn’t talk about Jews – tell me, does he signal against discussion of Jews? Or does he just not mention them? It is, of course, impossible to mention Jews and remain on […]

Debunking More Bad Science – People With High Levels of ‘Bad Cholesterol’ Actually Live Longer Than Those With Low Levels

18th July 2016 By Marco Torres Guest writer for Wake Up World Mainstream medicine promotes what they want to sell, from a fear perspective. The don’t sell health. They can’t, because they sell little fear pills that have consumers in the billions gobble up, out of fear, fictitious diseases. Bad cholesterol is a good example […]

Fethullah Gulen Denies Hand in Turkey Coup Attempt

The preacher moved to the United States in 1999, before he was charged with treason in his native country. Fethullah Gulen, the arch-enemy of Erdogan Fethullah Gulen, the U.S.-based cleric accused by Ankara of orchestrating the coup attempt in Turkey, has a wide following in his native country, where he enjoys support among the […]

Governor Cuomo Vows to Drastically Transform the Ethnic Make-Up of New York

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 16, 2016 This appears to be a terroristic threat coming from the governor. Who is sitting around thinking “wow, there are way too many White people in this neighborhood. We need more Blacks, Pakistanis and Hondurans”? Observer: Gov. Andrew Cuomo today rolled out an array of programs aimed at helping immigrants […]

Turkey implies US is not its friend due for harboring cleric accused of staging coup

“I do not see any country that would stand behind this man, this leader of the terrorist gang, especially after last night. The country that would stand behind this man is no friend to Turkey. It would even be a hostile act against Turkey,” Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım told reporters on Saturday, as Turkey was […]

France: 84 Dead in Nice Truck Attack

France: 84 Dead in Nice Truck Attack July 14th, 2016 Via: NBC: The death toll continued to climb Friday as forensics teams combed the scene where a truck driver mowed down dozens of revelers after a fireworks display at the French seaside. Police told […]

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 14 – A quick note on the Summer of Terror and the September War (+ Dallas and the Republican National Convention)

If the globalists are going to make the September window for their fake World War 3, they need to get US troops moving to the area pretty soon… …and that means that the Summer of Terror needs to ramp up soon. So be on the lookout for a coordinated, multiple-city attack in the US by […]

Ancient Lourdes

by Professor Revilo P. Oliver (September 1990) It has long been known that the Gallic goddess Sequana (whose name is perpetuated in the Seine that flows through Paris) was as efficient as her Christian counterpart, Mary, in healing maladies and other physical afflictions. As in other places where a supposedly ubiquitous Christian deity has replaced […]

Shitlord Louisiana Sheriff Called Justice Department Lawyer a “Sorry Son-of-a-Bitch Jew Bastard”

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 4, 2016 Here’s another guy we need in the Trump administration. Haaretz: A Louisiana sheriff called a Justice Department lawyer a “sorry son-of-a-bitch Jew bastard in Washington” in secretly recorded conversations, the Law Newz web site reports. Sheriff Louis Ackal of Iberia Parish was indicted on civil rights charges for ordering […]

Finland: Cuban Vollyball Team Arrested for Gang-Rape

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 4, 2016 A recent photo of the Cuban men’s vollyball team. Here you have your standard enrichment protocol. These brown people only had a few days to enrich Finland, so they had to kick up the dial to “maximum vibrancy.” yle: Eight Cuban men have been taken into custody on suspicion […]

You too can be cannon fodder: Pentagon lifts ban on transgender troops

     Transgender people will be allowed to serve openly in the U.S. military, the Pentagon announced Thursday, ending one of the last bans on service in the armed forces. Saying it’s the right thing to do, Defense Secretary Ash Carter laid out a yearlong implementation plan declaring that “Americans who want to serve and can […]

Turkey and Israel to Normalize Ties After 6-year Hiatus

IMEMC : Turkish Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım on Monday announced the signing of a Turkish Israeli deal to normalize relations between the two, after six years of ‘strained ties.’ Turkish and Israeli delegations, on Sunday, have met in Rome to finalize details of the deal. The Turkish-Israeli affairs were suspended in 2010, after the Israeli attack on Mavi […]

Killary demoralized Secret Service officers who protected her – ‘drove them to dangerous habits’ says former agent

     Blockbuster book due out Monday paints Clinton as a shrewish, paranoid ‘Bridezilla’ monster who verbally abused Secret Service at every turn A blockbuster book set for release on Monday paints Hillary Clinton as a shrewish and paranoid monster during her time as America’s first lady – so mercurial and antagonistic that some U.S. Secret […]

Senate Shoots Down Four New Gun Control Laws

by Joshua Krause of The Daily Sheeple After every mass shooting, the usual suspects come out to declare “enough is enough.” Our politicians and celebrities start braying in unison, and clamor to ban assault rifles, high capacity magazines, or whatever else they can think of. Inevitably the gun grabbers will take advantage of the tragedy, […]

Lone Wolves of the Fourth Reich

While waiting for the space cavalry to come and save the day People need some sort of escapist fantasies to cope with the dreadful realities of life one way or another. We Whites are facing genocide and the Anti-White forces against us seem to be all-powerful (or, at least, this is what the enemy-Jew wants […]

Bridging The Trust Gap In Energy Justice Battles

Mike Ewall, founder and director of the Energy Justice Network, a national support group for grassroots community groups fighting polluting energy plants, cites a phenomenon he calls “involvement disparity” for the dominance of whites in certain civic matters. In communities across the United States, white residents, perhaps due to racism, often are the first people notified […]

Top 5 Hemp Products & The Benefits of Using Them

The health benefits of cannabis are inarguably high and its sister plant hemp is equally beneficial for the body and the environment. Hemp seeds are one of the most nutrient dense seeds on the planet and, if used more frequently in the production of consumer items, could significantly decrease deforestation and the use of both […]

Istanbul: 11 killed, 36 injured in police bus explosion

     At least 11 people have been killed and 36 others injured after a bomb attack on a police vehicle, Istanbul’s governor has said. The deadly explosion ripped through central Istanbul near a university and tourist sites during the morning rush hour. “Seven law enforcers and four civilians have died in the attack,” Istanbul Governor […]

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