Posts Tagged ‘mention’

MBS Does Not Mention ‘Palestinian State’ as Condition for Peace with Israel

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) told Fox News’ Bret Baier on Wednesday that he wants to see a “good life” for Palestinians, but did not mention a “Palestinian state” as a condition for peace with Israel. Source

What the Sound of Freedom Conveniently Doesn’t Mention: CIA & ADRENOCHROME Labs

Hide original message Yes, I’m looking for Finger Lakes stuff ever since I glimpsed it on Telegram about a year ago. What the Sound of Freedom Conveniently Doesn’t Mention Don’t FALL FOR THIS SCAM. The Sound of Freedom was a CABAL Created film from the Get go. #1. No mention of CIA involvement all over […]

What The Media Won’t Mention About RFK Jr.

AUG 29, 2023 When it comes to “viruses“, it is obvious that the mainstream media have pushed the narrative for decades. Although those of us pointing out the lack of evidence for viruses and contagion have gained considerable momentum in the past three years, most of the public remain oblivious to it. However, a sizeable alternative news […]

The Arrest Warrant For Trump That CNN Will Never Mention

In Western liberal media, just about every report that surfaces pointing to former US President Donald Trump’s malignant behavior receives endless coverage. However, when Trump’s arrest warrant is highlighted by Iraq’s judicial chief, such coverage is nowhere to be seen. Former US President Donald Trump, despite having been absent from office since 2020, is still […]



Unwritten mystery: Why no ancient texts mention the construction of the pyramids

Unwritten mystery: Why no ancient texts mention the construction of the pyramids Not one ancient text mentions how exactly the pyramids were built, using what tools, what technologies. The only text that exists mentions the transportation of stone.Although around 120 pyramids wer built in ancient times in Egypt, there is a complete lack of records […]

No Mention of Chinese Fentanyl in Joe Biden’s Meeting with Xi Jinping

China provides fentanyl to Mexican drug cartels, who in turn smuggle it into the United States, where it has a devastating impact on communities across the nation. Source

Sky News Interview Cut Short After Mention of Zelensky Posting Soldier With SS Insignia

A Sky News interview with Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dmitry Polyanskiy was cut short after mention was made of President Zelensky posting an image of a soldier wearing SS insignia.

Why Didn’t Late Jewish Comedian Mort Sahl Ever Mention The Mossad’s Role In JFK Assassination?

Mort Sahl — who was one of the most popular comedians in America in the late 1950s and early 1960s — died this week at the age of 94. Remarkably, at the height of his success — when he was making over $1 million a year — he became convinced that the Warren Commission, which […]

Medical School Professors are Afraid to Mention Gender

Via Sovereign Man In 1936, Portuguese neurologist Egas Moniz introduced a new procedure meant to cure schizophrenia and other mental disorders. Moniz’s experimental procedure was quickly brought to the United States by Dr. Walter Freeman, who even performed it on Rosemary Kennedy (sister of John F. Kennedy) at the request of her father. Dr. Freeman […]

Christians And Jews Join Together To Read Isaiah’s Prophecies — But No Mention Of Christ The Messiah

For the first time since its international launch in 2019, Israelis will join the Nationwide Bible Reading Marathon – on July 14 at 7:14 a.m. local time — to read the Book of Isaiah, which foretold the coming of Christ, the promised messiah of Israel, but that inconvenient subject isn’t mentioned: Participants will each read […]

Pocan asks why Israel lobbying group doesn’t mention country in its Nina Turner attack ads

“Wonder why Democratic Majority for Israel’s negative ads against Nina Turner for Congress have nothing to do with Israel?” tweeted Wisconsin Rep. Mark Pocan this week. “Dark money running dark ads. Yuck. Support Nina against those big money deceptive ads and send a message to shady dark money groups.” Wonder why @DemMaj4Israel’s negative ads against […]

Is this why the MSM don’t mention Sweden any more?

ByKathy Gyngell -June 8, 2021 WHATEVER happened in Sweden with its policy of no masks and no lockdowns ?   In his latest brilliant video, Ivor Cummins invites us to see. Succinct and logical as ever, it is another must-watch. After making a statement about the official and therefore uncensorable data his analysis draws on – all the links to his evidence are provided – he […]

Rabbi dares to mention Israel’s ‘ethnic cleansing,’ and donor makes her eat her words

I have high hopes for changing attitudes on Israel in the Jewish community, but this is a story about how reactionary the organized Jewish community still is. During the Gaza attack last month, the rabbi at a liberal D.C. synagogue gave a sermon in which she expressed love and solidarity for Israel under rocket fire, […]

Don’t Mention Ivermectin; It’ll Upset The Vaccine Rollout

COVER-UP: Don’t Mention Ivermectin; It’ll Upset The Vaccine Rollout – By Andrew Bannister The Smoking Man  Source – “…New research from the All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), on a group of over 3500 health care workers, using two doses of Ivermectin as prophylactic, reduced cases among health care workers by 83% in […]

Don’t mention Ivermectin; it’ll upset the vaccine rollout, by Andrew Bannister

STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC Ivermectin has boatloads more clinical and experimental verification for its effectiveness against Covid-19 and its safety than any of the vaccines. From Andrew Bannister at What if there was a cheap drug, so old its patent had expired, so safe that it’s on the WHO’s lists of Essential and Children’s Medicines, […]

NZ mainstream headline reporting MLB legend’s death fails to mention his taking the experimental covid vax

Concerning MLB legend Hank Aaron … the matter of having taken the experimental vaccine two weeks prior is mentioned further down in the article, however no mention in the headline.. and we are told he ‘died in his sleep…no cause was given.’ So, cause of death or not, it is info you might want to […]

Netanyahu calls ‘rampage’ in DC ‘disgraceful,’ doesn’t mention Trump

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday condemned the attack on the Capitol Building in Washington the previous day as “disgraceful,” saying it was the “opposite” of American and Israeli values. The Israeli premier, a key ally of US President Donald Trump, made his remarks alongside US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, who was visiting Jerusalem after […]

‘NY Times’ gushes over Israeli vaccination program — with bare mention of millions of Palestinians left out

Once again, the Jerusalem bureau of the New York Times publishes pro-Israel propaganda instead of telling its readers the truth. This time, the dishonesty is about Israel’s coronavirus vaccination program. Here’s Isabel Kershner’s headline over the weekend: How Israel Became a World Leader in Vaccinating Against Covid-19 The lead sentence: “More than 10 percent of […]

VAT? The World Almanac & Book of Facts Doesn’t Mention our Holy Holocau$t ™ ?

Well no, at least not the 1987 issue.  Found it for sale at a yard sale awhile back for .25 cents & bought it, since it’s a well made book with heavy leather cover. It was published by something called “Pharos Books” which is a Scripps-Howard Company.  From the 2021 World Almanac description, we have […]

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