Posts Tagged ‘disgraceful’

Holocaust Trauma Brainwashing May Explain Disgraceful Israeli Behavior

In the 1960’s the Jewish philosopher, Hannah Arendt, left, was slandered and ostracized when she concluded that “almost without exception” the Jewish leadership were Zionists who cooperated with the Nazis. The Zionist-Nazis collusion was kept quiet in order to give Israel the moral license to conquer Palestine and the Middle East.  Trauma (i.e. terror) brainwashing is a […]

Treasonous to America Ben Shapiro Labels Candace Owens ‘Disgraceful’ for Taking an America First Position on IsraHELL’s Holocaust Of Indigenous Palestinians

Ben Shapiro is absolutely furious with Candace Owens for taking an America First position on the Israel-Palestine conflict and not advocating for America to fight Israel’s wars. Even though Owens is on The Daily Wire’s payroll, Shapiro lashed out at her during an event on Monday night for her “absolutely disgraceful” behavior during the war. […]

Ben Shapiro Calls Candace Owens “Disgraceful”

Former President Donald Trump will appear with striking union members of the United Auto Workers (UAW) in Detroit, Michigan, as his opponents squabble for the spotlight on the debate stage on September 27, according to a report that multiple sources have confirmed to Breitbart News.  The New York Times first reported on Trump’s forthcoming appearance with Detroit auto workers […]

Carl Heneghan’s Disgraceful Treatment by the Covid Inquiry

BY DR TOM JEFFERSON 21 OCTOBER 2023 Since June we have covered the Hallett Inquiry, picking out some highlights (starting with “it was all Brexit’s fault”), explaining what our views were and revealing facts while sharing the odd joke. Thursday was Carl’s turn to give evidence; for those who endured the wait and blank screens, a few things stood out, […]

‘Disgraceful’ Coutts ‘de-banked’ Nigel Farage because of his conservative views, internal dossier reveals

Nigel Farage had his bank accounts shut down with the high-net-worth bank Coutts after officials decided the former conservative politician’s views did not align with the bank’s values, it has emerged. The former UKIP and Brexit Party leader went public last month with the difficulties he was having in opening a U.K. bank account after […]

UK response to Ukraine refugee crisis ‘disgraceful’, opposition says, as just 760 visas delivered

British lawmakers and France are increasing pressure on the UK government to simplify visa requirements for Ukrainian refugees as it emerged fewer than 1,000 visas had been issued so far. Ian Blackford, the Westminster leader of the Scottish National Party, told Prime Minister Boris Johnson in parliament on Wednesday that “nobody should support” the British […]

The New York Times’ Disgraceful and Deceitful Attack on RFK Jr

The New York Times, floundering in the deep waters of truth and desperately trying to stay afloat in the shallows by continuing its history of lying for its CIA masters, has just published a front page of propaganda worthy of the finest house organs of totalitarian regimes. Right below its February 26, 2022 headline denouncing […]

America’s Disgraceful Escape from Afghanistan

US President Joe Biden solemnly and rather bluntly announced that he would withdraw all American troops from Afghanistan by September 11, the 20th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. More than three thousand people of different nationalities were killed in these attacks, committed by the terrorist organization al-Qaeda (banned in […]

‘Disgraceful’ ‘antisemitic’ ‘hatchet job’ — HRW’s ‘apartheid’ report draws blood from Israel lobby

The bombshell Human Rights Watch report that came out yesterday accusing Israel of committing crimes of apartheid and persecution toward Palestinians in many areas of its governance follows in a long tradition of such charges, including from a leading Israeli human rights groups in January, B’Tselem. Yet the HRW report is clearly different. It is […]

US Jewish Groups Condemn ‘Disgraceful’ ICC Decision to Open War Crimes Probe Against Israel

The International Criminal Court, The Hague, Netherlands. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. Leading American Jewish and pro-Israel groups condemned the International Criminal Court’s decision Wednesday to open an investigation into alleged war crimes in the in the West Bank, Gaza and eastern Jerusalem. “The ICC’s effort to intrude into matters outside its mandate undermine its credibility and […]

It was a Disgraceful, Horrific, Yet Fitting Close to the Trump Era

Photo Win McNamee/Getty ImagesMobs carrying Trump “Law & Order” & Gadsen “Don’t Tread on Me’ Flags Breach Locked US Capitol Doors January 5th, 2021, was another Day of Infamy in US History that bookmarked an unsavory, unseemly, disgraceful, yet fitting close to the ruthlessness of the Trump Era in American and World politics. It seemingly […]

Netanyahu calls ‘rampage’ in DC ‘disgraceful,’ doesn’t mention Trump

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday condemned the attack on the Capitol Building in Washington the previous day as “disgraceful,” saying it was the “opposite” of American and Israeli values. The Israeli premier, a key ally of US President Donald Trump, made his remarks alongside US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, who was visiting Jerusalem after […]

Disgraceful Israeli Spy Jonathan Pollard Receives ‘Hero’s Welcome’ In Israel

    Some 35 years after his arrest and conviction for spying for Israel, Texas-born Jew Jonathan Pollard has made aliyah to Israel with the intention of staying — where he is considered a ‘hero’ rather than a criminal who betrayed America’s military secrets to a foreign — and hostile — nation: Pollard and his […]

Trump Slams ‘Disgraceful’ Mueller Over Leaked Questions

Trump Slams ‘Disgraceful’ Mueller Over Leaked Questions President tweets “Collusion Is A Phony Crime” Steve WatsonPrison May 1, 2018 President Trump slammed Special Counsel Robert Mueller as ‘disgraceful’ Tuesday after a list of 48 questions to Trumps legal team were leaked to the media. The list was published by The New York Times, revealing […]

American Health Care Act: Most Disgraceful Legislation Since Congress Was Founded

German auction house to sell Nazi memorabilia, shrugs off controversy

A part of the rope that was used to hang prominent Austrian Nazi Ernst Kaltenbrunner during the Nuremberg Trials of 1946; Adolf Hitler’s sketches; a Nazi garrison cap; clothes and various souvenirs: these are just some of the items due to be auctioned off on June 18 by the defiant Hermann Historica house in Munich. […]

Fracking activity turns river into raging FIRE in shocking video from Australia

(NaturalNews) An amazing and, if legitimate, shocking, video out of Australia that is going viral purports to show someone lighting methane gas on fire in an river near a fracking operation. The video (which you can see here) was reportedly shot in Queensland, where gas was reportedly bubbling up through the Condamine River. […]

Electoral dysfunction and media destraction

     The Regularly Scheduled Dumbing Down of American Discourse America’s moral compass was performing surprisingly well until a few months ago. Citizen journalism and social media were driving the news cycle and framing the narratives. The mainstream media can try to spin atrocity, but they can’t completely control the stories that emerge from war zones […]

South Front: What to expect in 2016 after a year of crisis escalation?

     Foreign Policy Diary – 2015, Year of Crisis Escalation. What to expect in 2016? Yemen Crisis News (Jan. 5) International Military Review – Syria (Jan. 5) Source Article from

Nearly SEVENTY Are Arrested In America Over ISIS Plots

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