Posts Tagged ‘founded’

Bill Cooper: Israel Was Founded to Cause WW3

Former intelligence officer and author of ‘Behold a Pale Horse’, William Cooper, speaking in 1992: “Israel was created as the instrument to bring about… a war that will be so terrible, where nuclear weapons will be used, so that [people] will get down on their knees and beg for no more war.” “And what is […]

Soviets founded state of Israel and Zionism; Balfour declaration a decoy

NEW YORK—11/29/1947—Andrei Gromyko, Soviet representative to the United Nations, is shown as he spoke in favor of an immediate vote on the Palestine partition plan at today’s history-making session of the U.N. General Assembly at Flushing Meadows. Despite opposition by several other delegates, the asembly voted approval by a Soviet-dominated two-thirds majority of the plan […]

Ukraine wants to Ban its own newly founded Orthodox Church for alleged ties to Russia

    Ukraine’s Orthodox Church which gained independence from Russia in December 2019 because of Russian manipulation and aggression, is now risking to be banned by the Ukrainian parliament over alleged ties to Russia. Not long after independence and now it faces a complete total ban as 267 out of 450 Ukrainian MPs support the […]

Voting group founded by Abrams, once led by Warnock, faces financial scrutiny

“Definitely not talking about that,” Ufot said, when asked about the allegations. “[The administrator] left the New Georgia Project because [they] weren’t that great at [their] job. And that’s all I’m gonna say.” Wilson said the administrator called him after their firing and expressed concern about what the allegations would mean for their future employment. […]

‘Our Father’ is problematic, English state church founded So Henry 8th Could Divorce His Wives He Chose Not To Murder, leader claims

Know why British “elites” wear kilts? Because sheep and little children can hear zippers. The first line of the Lord’s Prayer is “problematic” as it describes God as “our father,” the Arch-bishop of York told a meeting of Pedophile Church of England clergy on Friday. The Church of England exist because the Vatican would not […]

ADIDAS, a company founded by NAZIS, terminates partnership with Kanye for tweeting about Sean “Diddy” Combs being a puppet for Jews

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Adidas, a German shoe brand, whose founders were members of the Nazi party and cooperated with Hitler, who also led the execution of over 6 million Jews, does anything and everything that is commercially advantageous, with no scruples, and right now, that means dropping Kanye West from their advertising platform. Kanye, now … […]

‘Our Nation Was Founded on the Torah’: Christian Zionist Laurie Cardoza-Moore Brags About Shaping Florida’s Public School Curriculum

Laurie Cardoza-Moore, founder of the Christian Zionist group Proclaiming Justice to the Nations, is a Trump–loving, anti–Islam, religious-right activist who has recently begun to focus her efforts on ensuring that public school textbooks eliminate what she claims is “anti-Semitic, anti-Judeo/Christian, Anti-American, pro-Islamic indoctrination of students.” Last year, Cardoza-Moore was appointed to a seat on Tennessee’s […]

The ADL was founded by Pedophiles

The ADL was founded by Pedophiles The ADL was founded in response to the lynching of a pedophile jew.

Flyte 70: The “Pro-Aging” Beauty Brand Co-Founded by a Greek-American

Flyte.70 founders Elena Frankel and Carolyn Barber. Credit: Flyte.70 “Pro-aging” American beauty brand Flyte.70 co-founded by Greek-American Elena Frankel in 2021 has been creating innovative products targeting women who are 40-plus. Frankel and Carolyn Barber were pioneers of the indie beauty boutique concept in Boston in the 1990s. Thirty years later, they feel proud that […]

‘NYT’ often cites thinktank on Iran without saying it was founded to promote Israel’s image

The New York Times and other media frequently quote experts from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, and identify FDD as a hawkish thinktank. But they fail to say what the FDD told the IRS: it was founded to promote Israel’s image in the United States, the investigative journalist Eli Clifton says. He characterized the […]

‘Montana Man’ Who Confronted Tucker Carlson Worked For CIA-Founded Front Group

Dan Bailey, the “Montana man” who confronted Tucker Carlson in a fly fishing shop in Livingston, formerly worked at an organization that was founded as a front group for the CIA. Tucker Carlson tells a man who confronts him in a fly fishing shop to “settle down, son.” — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) July 24, 2021 […]

Iran Cleric Who Founded Hezbollah Dies Of COVID-19

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Ali Akbar Mohtashamipour, a Shiite cleric who as Iran’s ambassador to Syria helped found the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah and lost his right hand to a book bombing reportedly carried out by Israel, died Monday of the coronavirus. He was 74. A close ally of Iran’s late Supreme Leader […]

Walt Disney Claims America Was Founded on ‘Systemic Racism’

The Walt Disney Corporation claims that America was founded on ‘systemic racism,’ according to internal documents leaked to writer and filmmaker Christopher F. Rufo. “The Walt Disney Corporation claims that America was founded on ‘systemic racism,’ encourages employees to complete a ‘white privilege checklist,’ and separates minorities into racially-segregated ‘affinity groups,’” Ruffo tweeted on Saturday. “I’ve […]

‘Woke’ Disney Claims America Is ‘Fundamentally Racist’ ‘Founded On Discrimination’

Walt Disney Co. claims America is a fundamentally racist country and is pushing ‘divisive’ critical race theory on its staff. The company has ceated and sponsored a 21 day racial equity challenge and told employees to complete a white privilege checklist, and even passed around a worksheet saying that white employees should, amongst other things, defund the police and participate in […]

Virtual Jewish day school founded amid pandemic suspends operations due to low enrollment

Virtual Jewish day school founded amid pandemic suspends operations due to low enrollment – Jewish Telegraphic Agency Skip to content Advertisement Advertisement

Voter Suppression Has Haunted The United States Since It Was Founded

Above photo: Demonstrators march through the streets of Winston-Salem, N.C., Monday, July 13, 2015, after the beginning of a federal voting rights trial challenging a 2013 state law. Election law experts say the case could determine how far Southern states can change voting rules after the nation’s highest court struck down a portion of the federal […]

Look at how BioLogos, founded by NIH Director is Francis Collins, is religiously shaming Christians to reject Covid conspiracy truth!

By Deborah Haarsma, Jim Stump  and David BullerBioLogos If your social media newsfeeds are like ours, then they have been chock-full of conspiracy theories about the coronavirus and our government’s response to it. We see many of our Christian friends considering conspiracy theories—if not believing them, at least listening to them. Why are conspiracies so […]

The Pentagon Ended Online Surveillance Project Same Day Facebook Was Founded

In 2004, the Pentagon killed an online mass surveillance project on the very same day that Facebook launched.  Darpa’s LifeLog project was intended to amass personal browsing and viewing habits of American citizens. However, for no apparent reason, the U.S. government decided to cancel the project when Facebook launched. reports: Run by Darpa, the […]

Who Is James Le Mesurier? – The Former British Army Officer Who Founded The White Helmets

Who Is James Le Mesurier? – The Former British Army Officer Who Founded The White Helmets Who is James Le Mesurier, the former British army officer and military contractor who founded the White Helmets, the civil defence organisation which operates exclusively in opposition-held parts of Syria? It is a question more and more people are […]

Dr. Duke Quotes Jewish Forward “Antifa Founded by Jewish Crime Bosses & ZioMilitia!”

Download Today Dr. Duke read from an article in the Jewish Daily Forward newspaper by an author reminiscing about his childhood and his family’s involvement in the Antifa movement in the 1930s. What is clear is that Antifa’s roots are both entirely Jewish and extremely criminal. Today the shock troops of Antifa seem to be […]

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