Posts Tagged ‘balfour’

Soviets founded state of Israel and Zionism; Balfour declaration a decoy

NEW YORK—11/29/1947—Andrei Gromyko, Soviet representative to the United Nations, is shown as he spoke in favor of an immediate vote on the Palestine partition plan at today’s history-making session of the U.N. General Assembly at Flushing Meadows. Despite opposition by several other delegates, the asembly voted approval by a Soviet-dominated two-thirds majority of the plan […]

Blair Gaza plan is to ‘complete Balfour Declaration’, presidency warns

January 1, 2024 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English The Palestinian presidency expresses strong rejection of the Israeli plot to forcibly displace Palestinians in a plan to be executed by former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair. The Palestinian Presidency warned of attempts to “complete the Balfour Declaration” after reports that the Israeli occupation entity delegated […]

The Balfour Declaration and Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild’s death on August 27, 1937,_2nd_Baron_Rothschild *Credit to Steven H. The Rothschild that the Balfour Declaration is made out to died on the 201st day of his age.State of Israel = 201Jewish Mysticism = 201The Holy Bible = 201The Jesuit Order = 201Catholic Pope = 201Order of Illuminati = 201 & 93-Walter Rothschild = 93-Israel drawn up on September 3, […]


Some of you may be under the mistaken impression I hate Jews. You would be wrong. Most of them are victims of being indoctrinated with total evil bull shit by evil beings who use them as useful fools to make war against God and humanity. But once infected with this virus of evil bullshit, like […]

A Palestinian Address to Balfour: In honor of truth, memory, and justice

On November 8, 2022 Dr. Salman Abu Sitta spoke at the University of Edinburgh to commemorate the centenary of the British Mandate in Palestine. In his speech he addresses the disgraced British colonial servant Lord Arthur Balfour, and issues a call for repair and justice to the British government today. Source

Palestine Action activists squirt Balfour statue with fake blood – London

Palestine Action activists doused a statue of Lord Arthur Balfour at the UK Houses of Parliament, in fake blood, using ketchup, on Saturday, in protest against the Balfour Declaration, which established the UK's support for a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. The 1917 letter from Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to leading Zionist, […]

Palestinians protest against the Balfour Declaration in Jerusalem

Palestinians stage a demonstration in front of the British Consulate as part of the 104th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, in East Jerusalem November 2, 2021 at 4:33 pm Palestinians stage a demonstration in front of the British Consulate as part of the 104th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, in East Jerusalem on 2 November […]

Balfour Declaration that gifted Palestinian land to Zionists

On 2 November, Palestinians mark the 104th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration—a document that laid the groundwork for Israel’s creation. On this day, Britain granted the land of Palestine, which it did not own, to the Zionist movement to establish a “national home”. Amid dwindling support for the Palestinian struggle against the decades-long Israeli occupation, […]

The Guardian Lists Support for Balfour Declaration As One of Their “Worst Errors of Judgment”

The Guardian newspaper released a list of their “worst errors of judgment” over the past 200 years on May 7, which included their support of the Balfour Declaration. The article, which was written by their chief lead writer Randeep Ramesh, stated: “When Arthur Balfour, then Britain’s foreign secretary, promised 104 years ago to help establish […]

Burning the hametz on Balfour Street 

When I arrived at the demonstration last night at the Prime Minister’s residence, joining tens of thousands for the largest-ever anti-Netanyahu protest, my first instinct was to feel a slight unease. I was, I quickly noticed, one of the very few men wearing a kippah. The overwhelmingly secular and left-leaning demonstrators weren’t my “tribe.” I […]

Balfour Declaration Anniversary: Protests in UK, Palestine (PHOTOS)

November 2, 2020 Activists and representatives of Palestinian political groups and civil society in Gaza commemorate the 103rd anniversary of the Balfour Declaration with vehement rejection. (Photo: Fawzi Mahmoud, The Palestine Chronicle) Factories belonging to Israel’s largest arms manufacturer, Elbit System, woke up this morning to groups of protesters demanding their closure.  Protests led by […]

Palestinian Resistance Reiterates Commitment to Restore Palestine on Balfour Declaration’s 103rd Anniversary

By Staff On the 103rd anniversary of the ominous Balfour Declaration, the Islamic Jihad and Hamas Palestinian resistance movements stressed rooted rights to return the occupied Palestinian lands. The Islamic stressed its rootedness in the Palestinian lands despite increasing conspiracies, adding that among the results of the ominous Balfour Declaration is the Arab regimes’ racing […]

Palestinians Sue Britain for 1917 Balfour Declaration

By The New Arab Global Research, November 02, 2020 The New Arab 23 October 2020 Palestinian lawyers on Thursday filed a complaint to sue the British government for the 1917 declaration setting out London’s support for a “national home” for the Jewish people in Palestine. The lawyers filed a complaint in the occupied West Bank town of Nablus […]

Trump apes Balfour: giving away what isn’t his to give

By Stuart Littlewood Here’s what an Early Day Motion, tabled by several prominent British MPs in the House of Commons, says about Trump’s statement on Jerusalem. That this House notes with dismay that Donald Trump, President of the USA, has declared that the US has formally recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and that […]

Trump’s ‘Lord Balfour moment’ is formal recognition the US was never an honest broker

It is “the morning after,” and the world, with few exceptions, is denouncing Trump’s declaration that the US recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  With those few exceptions, politicians globally are making vapid statements about the “dangers” of that declaration, namely that it would lead to an escalation of violence, and jeopardize the “peace […]

VIDEO: Lord Rothschild Present / Balfour Declaration Centenary Event

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Balfour mentality has no place in civilised society

By Stuart Littlewood The Balfour Declaration of 1917 was hatched by Zionist schemers and foisted upon a gullible and desperate British government in time of war. Those dark forces then worked hard to ensure that the first part of the pledge (and much more) was implemented while the second part, which promised to safeguard the […]


A screenshot from the video This video is submited by the “Strategic News” project. div{float:left;margin-right:10px;} div.wpmrec2x div.u > div:nth-child(3n){margin-right:0px;} ]]> Advertisements Filed under: AngloZionist Empire, Balfour declaration, Britain, Jewish Lobby, Jewish Power, Palestine, Zionist entity | Source Article from

Balfour Declaration, History and Concealment (video)

Yet, we must admit that the Jewish world has managed to squeeze quite a few drops of juice out of this watery statement. The Jewish world interprets this ‘sympathetic declaration’ as a commitment to their Zionist, racist and expansionist project namely the ‘Jewish State’. They claim to regard the vague statement as a license to […]

Balfour Debunked (+BN Channel Video!)

Balfour Debunked (+BN Channel Video!) Brother Nathanael Channel, BroVids Balfour Debunked November 8, 2017 © Watch +BN’s OWN CHANNEL HERE! ___________________________________ MORE: The Rise Of The Three Israels Here Why Israel Should Not Exist Here Don’t Move The Embassy Mr Trump! Here Why Israel Gets Away With Murder Here Do We Really Want A Jewish […]

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