Posts Tagged ‘reiterates’

China’s New Premier Reiterates ‘Opening-Up’ Policy at International Forum, But Outside World Skeptical

China’s new Premier Li Qiang reiterated the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s new “reform and opening-up” policy at the Boao Forum a few days ago. However, observers believe that the CCP’s fundamental policy and economic situation won’t experience significant changes as long as the CCP is around, despite the leadership’s change in tone. Li Qiang […]

New study reiterates basic grade school science, says children who catch a cold without vaccines develop natural immunity

(Natural News) Swedish researchers have discovered the obvious about the human immune system: When a person “catches” a common cold and recovers, he or she develops lasting natural immunity to coronaviruses. The common cold is a type of coronavirus, in case you were unaware. And if you have ever had a cold, especially as a […]

Maronite Patriarch, Al-Rai, reiterates call to ‘internationalise’ Lebanon cause

Lebanon Maronite Patriarch, Bechara Boutros Al-Rai, has reiterated the call for the "internationalisation" of the Lebanese cause and for "heading to the UN and world powers to rescue Lebanon before it's too late". Speaking during his Sunday service, Al- Rai wished the caretaker Prime Minister, Najib Mikati had reconsidered the cabinet session held last Monday, […]

UNGA: Spanish PM reiterates support for Western Sahara solution

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez surprised observers after he ignored the Moroccan autonomy proposal to solve the Saharawi issue and concentrated on the United Nations (UN) resolutions regarding the case. In his speech before the 77th session of the General Assembly, he took a step forward in courting Algeria. Late Thursday night, the Spanish prime […]

UNGA: Spanish PM reiterates support for Western Sahara solution

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez surprised observers after he ignored the Moroccan autonomy proposal to solve the Saharawi issue and concentrated on the United Nations (UN) resolutions regarding the case. In his speech before the 77th session of the General Assembly, he took a step forward in courting Algeria. Late Thursday night, the Spanish prime […]

UNGA: Spanish PM reiterates support for Western Sahara solution

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez surprised observers after he ignored the Moroccan autonomy proposal to solve the Saharawi issue and concentrated on the United Nations (UN) resolutions regarding the case. In his speech before the 77th session of the General Assembly, he took a step forward in courting Algeria. Late Thursday night, the Spanish prime […]

UNGA: Spanish PM reiterates support for Western Sahara solution

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez surprised observers after he ignored the Moroccan autonomy proposal to solve the Saharawi issue and concentrated on the United Nations (UN) resolutions regarding the case. In his speech before the 77th session of the General Assembly, he took a step forward in courting Algeria. Late Thursday night, the Spanish prime […]

UNGA: Spanish PM reiterates support for Western Sahara solution

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez surprised observers after he ignored the Moroccan autonomy proposal to solve the Saharawi issue and concentrated on the United Nations (UN) resolutions regarding the case. In his speech before the 77th session of the General Assembly, he took a step forward in courting Algeria. Late Thursday night, the Spanish prime […]

UNGA: Spanish PM reiterates support for Western Sahara solution

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez surprised observers after he ignored the Moroccan autonomy proposal to solve the Saharawi issue and concentrated on the United Nations (UN) resolutions regarding the case. In his speech before the 77th session of the General Assembly, he took a step forward in courting Algeria. Late Thursday night, the Spanish prime […]

UNGA: Spanish PM reiterates support for Western Sahara solution

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez surprised observers after he ignored the Moroccan autonomy proposal to solve the Saharawi issue and concentrated on the United Nations (UN) resolutions regarding the case. In his speech before the 77th session of the General Assembly, he took a step forward in courting Algeria. Late Thursday night, the Spanish prime […]

UNGA: Spanish PM reiterates support for Western Sahara solution

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez surprised observers after he ignored the Moroccan autonomy proposal to solve the Saharawi issue and concentrated on the United Nations (UN) resolutions regarding the case. In his speech before the 77th session of the General Assembly, he took a step forward in courting Algeria. Late Thursday night, the Spanish prime […]

Bolsonaro Reiterates Threats To Brazilian Democracy During Independence Day Rallies

Far-right President Jair Bolsonaro turned a series of Brazilian independence day events into campaign rallies on Wednesday, using mass gatherings of his supporters to reiterate his attacks on the country’s democratic institutions ahead of an October election he has repeatedly sought to undermine. Bolsonaro, who has spent two years attempting to sabotage an election he […]

Israel: as election approaches, Netanyahu reiterates opposition to Iran nuclear deal

As Israel’s latest General Election approaches, former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reaffirmed his opposition to reviving the nuclear agreement signed with Iran in 2015. Netanyahu expressed his position during interviews with Saudi Arabia’s Al Arabiya TV station and America’s Fox News. He repeated the same message later in a press conference in Tel Aviv. […]

Egypt FM reiterates refusal to use Yemen as base to target Saudi Arabia

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry reiterated his country’s “categorical rejection” of using Yemen as a platform to target Saudi Arabia and harm navigation in the Red Sea. This came after Shoukry met with the United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, and discussed a number of issues including Cairo’s support for Yemen’s unity, sovereignty […]

Brexit: UK reiterates demand to end ECJ role ahead of latest talks over Northern Ireland Protocol

London has reiterated its demand for an end to the European Court of Justice’s role in resolving post-Brexit disputes over Northern Ireland. British Brexit Secretary Lord David Frost insisted in front of the parliamentary EU Scrutiny Committee that the UK wants to find “balanced” arbitration mechanisms. “We cannot have the courts of one side settling […]

Sayyed Nasrallah Reiterates: Shia Muslims in Lebanon Are Not Seeking Tripartite Power-sharing

 June 25, 2021 [embedded content] Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah indicated on Friday that some Lebanese parties unfairly insists on accusing Hezbollah of hindering the cabinet formation in Lebanon and attributing it to false assumptions related to Iran’s nuclear deal. Delivering a televised speech to tackle the latest developments in Lebanon, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that […]

Iran Will Never Leave Palestine Alone, IRGC Quds Force Commander Reiterates

 May 22, 2021 Commander of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force Esmail Qaani Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Quds Force Brigadier General Esmaeil Qaani hailed the Palestinian nation’s “epical” struggle against the Zionist regime of Israel and underscored Iran’s continued support for Palestine. Iran will not leave Palestine alone and will never end […]

Nuclear Deal Committee Concludes Meeting, Iran Reiterates Call for Lifting US Ban

April 9, 2021 Nuclear Agreement Joint Committee ended the second round of its 18th regular meeting Friday in the Austrian capital Vienna. After the meeting, the delegations of Iran, Russia, China, France, Britain, Germany, the European Commission and the International Atomic Energy Agency agreed to hold the next meeting next Wednesday at the level of assistants […]

Palestinian Resistance Reiterates Commitment to Restore Palestine on Balfour Declaration’s 103rd Anniversary

By Staff On the 103rd anniversary of the ominous Balfour Declaration, the Islamic Jihad and Hamas Palestinian resistance movements stressed rooted rights to return the occupied Palestinian lands. The Islamic stressed its rootedness in the Palestinian lands despite increasing conspiracies, adding that among the results of the ominous Balfour Declaration is the Arab regimes’ racing […]

Biden campaign platform for Arab Americans reiterates opposition to BDS movement

Biden campaign platform for Arab Americans reiterates opposition to BDS movement – Jewish Telegraphic Agency Skip to content Advertisement Advertisement

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