Posts Tagged ‘brexit’

Record immigration in the UK despite Brexit and right wing government

Home » Europe, Immigration » Record immigration in the UK despite Brexit and right wing government     Reducing immigration has outwardly been a profile issue for the UK government. But at the same time, net immigration to the country has increased sharply and is now greater than ever, reports The Telegraph. Net migration to […]

Downfall Of The Brexit Doomers

Downfall Of The Brexit Doomers Authored by Derrick Berthelsen via The Critic, By now we all “know” that Brexit has had an enormous detrimental effect on the UK economy. We ‘know’ this because the MSM and various “independent experts” have continually told us so.  Take the BBC who in their January 2023 article entitled “What […]

Sunak’s Brexit deal clears Commons vote despite Tory revolt

The House of Commons voted 515-29 to back a key portion of The Windsor Framework, designed to resolve a trade dispute between the UK and Northern Ireland. Source

The Brexit effect: Number of EU nationals in UK slumps

The proportion of EU-born short-term residents fell by 10% in 2021 compared to the previous decade, according to data published on Wednesday. Source

UK Reaches Deal With EU To Fix Brexit Trade Spat Over Northern Ireland

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the new deal, dubbed the Windsor Framework, marks a “new chapter” in the U.K.-EU relationship. Source

‘Brexit is delivering’ says Sunak as UK PM rejects ‘any alignment with EU laws’

The UK prime minister batted away calls from business leaders for looser immigration rules and closer EU ties to overcome labour shortages and trade barriers. Source

So Much for Brexit: European Court Blocks UK From Deporting Illegal Migrants to Rwanda

A European court intervened in the late hours of Tuesday evening to prevent a deportation flight to Rwanda from the UK.

Nancy Pelosi Threatens to Block Brexit Trade Deal, Sides with EU on Northern Ireland

U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has threatened to block a free trade deal with Britain should the UK scrap some sections of the Northern Ireland Protocol, a controversial section of the Brexit agreement that has empowered the European Union to effectively divide the United Kingdom.

Germany’s Scholz warns UK against ‘unilateral’ change to post-Brexit accord in Northern Ireland

London says the deal is “not tenable” in its current form and Northern Irish unionists are refusing to take part in a power-sharing administration unless it is scrapped.

French electorate in the UK declines as EU nationals quit post-Brexit Britain

Franck Raymond is a head chef who has lived in London for over two decades A proud Frenchman who says he’ll never return to live in his homeland. Since Brexit, Franck believes French wine growers have made the transition deliberately difficult for British businesses. “It was easier to get it before, a bit cheaper,” he […]

A year since Brexit: Will new UK import controls complicate trade further?

The British government has repeatedly delayed implementing many controls on EU imports required under international rules as a result of Brexit. But that is about to change in 2022 — causing an additional headache for businesses adapting to the new world. January 1 brings new customs formalities including some checks on products entering Britain from […]

A year since Brexit: English winemakers get creative to beat ‘nightmare’ labour shortages

It wasn’t just the wettest summer in decades and biting spring frosts that England’s burgeoning sparkling wine industry had to deal with this year. Brexit has also cast a long shadow, whether it’s labour shortages, missing shipments or bureaucratic headaches. The lack of staff has hit hard: winemakers say for the first time they have […]


(Updates at foot of page) ‘Recently Rachael Elior, who teaches Jewish mysticism at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University, claims that the Essenes were a fabrication by Josephus Flavius, the Roman Jewish historian and that the Essenes make no mention of themselves in any of the 900 scrolls. She goes on to speculate who the authors could be. […]

London Banking Job Exodus to EU Slows Despite Brexit

LONDON—The number of finance jobs shifting from Britain to the European Union due to Brexit is less than initially expected despite billions of euros in share trading moving to the bloc and London losing most of its access to EU capital markets, consultants EY said on Monday. After Britain voted in 2016 to exit the […]

Brexit-voting areas of UK have highest COVID-19 death rate, study finds

COVID-19 is killing a high proportion of people in regions of the UK that voted for Brexit in the 2016 referendum, a new report has claimed. Research by Ludovic Phalippou of the University of Oxford and Betty H.T. Wu of the University of Glasgow has claimed to have found a direct correlation between Brexit-voting districts […]

Northern Ireland: EU welcomes ‘change in tone’ from UK in post-Brexit trade talks

The British government and the European Commission are to continue talks next week to seek a solution over disputed post-Brexit arrangements for Northern Ireland. The Commission’s top negotiator Maros Sefcovic met his British counterpart David Frost in London on Friday, and said he welcomed the “change in tone” from the UK Brexit minister. Both say […]

Rothschild Puppet Emmanuel Macron Vows to ‘PUNISH’ Britain for Brexit

French President Emmanuel Macron has vowed to harshly ‘punish’ Britain for daring to leave the European Union, according to leaked documents. In a leaked letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen concerning the ongoing fishing rights disputes, French Prime Minister Jean Castex, acting on behalf of Macron, urged the EU to make an […]

France threatens more customs checks over post-Brexit fishing licence row with UK

France has threatened to impose increased customs checks on goods coming from the United Kingdom from November 2 over an ongoing fishing row. The French government says that around half of the fishing licences requested have not been received. The post-Brexit agreement with the European Union said fishermen could continue to fish in British waters […]

Brexit: UK reiterates demand to end ECJ role ahead of latest talks over Northern Ireland Protocol

London has reiterated its demand for an end to the European Court of Justice’s role in resolving post-Brexit disputes over Northern Ireland. British Brexit Secretary Lord David Frost insisted in front of the parliamentary EU Scrutiny Committee that the UK wants to find “balanced” arbitration mechanisms. “We cannot have the courts of one side settling […]

UK labour shortages: Will there be turkeys for Christmas in post-Brexit Britain?

Job vacancies in the UK rose to a record high of nearly 1.2 million, official figures showed on Tuesday, a further sign that the British economy is experiencing worker shortages across many sectors. The Office for National Statistics pointed to shortages across the whole economy, including hospitality and transport. For weeks there have been long […]

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