Posts Tagged ‘creative’

Banksters Getting Very Creative Like This Setting Up Crypto-Scammers Who Routinely Steal BILLIONS From Naive Suckers

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The Creative Leads of the Two Dead Spaces Check Each Other’s Work

Image courtesy of Motive Studio Patrick’s gone, which means it’s time for 5-star runtimes about tactics, cover and concealment mechanics, and a game taking up Rob’s time, Broken Arrow. Then, Cado and Ren are having the cyber-noir time of their lives Shadows of Doubt, a detective game mashing up procedural generation, voxels, and immersive sims. […]

Small-Town Residents Get Creative In Black Hills Uranium Mine Fight

Hot Springs, South Dakota – A budding national reputation for healing mineral waters spawned this town of 3,400 in the early 1900s. Appreciative of that source, today’s area residents have fended off proposed radioactive uranium mining in the aquifers for more than four decades. This summer of 2022, they scored a breakthrough. They collected enough […]

Smart: Dad Plays Creative Game With Kids Where He’s Asleep The Entire Time

PUEBLO, CO—Local father Tom Kabara was put in charge of his kids for a few hours over the weekend while his wife went out to get her nails done and do some shopping with her girlfriends. He had had an exhausting week at work and was feeling extra tired, so when the kids asked him […]

A year since Brexit: English winemakers get creative to beat ‘nightmare’ labour shortages

It wasn’t just the wettest summer in decades and biting spring frosts that England’s burgeoning sparkling wine industry had to deal with this year. Brexit has also cast a long shadow, whether it’s labour shortages, missing shipments or bureaucratic headaches. The lack of staff has hit hard: winemakers say for the first time they have […]

Katy Perry’s Creative Artist Agency Plagued With Sexual Harrassment Claims As Is Lukasz Gottwald Producer/Songwriter

by Admin · November 12, 2021 CAA agent accused of offering sex in exchange for ……Dec 09, 2017 · As more talent agencies find themselves drawn into the wave of Hollywood sex scandals, a prominent agent at Creative Artists Agency is facing … Is Accessible For Free: False Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Chris D’Elia Dropped by CAA Amid Sexual Misconduct ……Jun 23, 2020 · Chris D’Elia […]

Want Regime Change with Plausible Deniability? Call Creative Associates International

After organizing coups, overthrowing democratically-elected heads of state, and arming death squads all around the world in the 1960s and 1970s, it was clear that the CIA had an image problem. The Reagan administration, therefore, began constructing a network of outsourced private organizations that would do the dirty work of the U.S. empire, shielding the […]

27 Creative Ideas for Keeping a Journal: Supporting Your Out of the Box Midlife and Beyond Healing Adventure

April 8th, 2021 By Robin Rainbow Gate Guest Writer for Wake Up WorldSomeone recently asked, “Do you journal? What do you write in it?” I began journaling when I was 15. Journaling is how I developed into the writer that I am. It is also how I got to know, express and process my life.?There are […]

Amid hesitancy, Louisiana gets creative in vaccine outreach

Brass bands playing at a 24-hour drive-thru coronavirus vaccine event. Doses delivered to commercial fishermen minutes from the docks. Pop-up immunization clinics at a Buddhist temple, homeless shelters, truck stops and casinos, with shots available at night or on weekends. And now, door-to-door outreach getting underway in neighborhoods where few people have gotten vaccinated. Louisiana […]

Outrageousness at Midlife and Beyond: Creative Dissonance and Your Inner Hag

February 26th, 2021 By Robin Rainbow Gate Guest Writer for Wake Up World My parents were both artists. I loved my dad’s bronze, emotive sculptures. My mom’s artwork, however I didn’t appreciate. Oh, I appreciated that my mom was a passionate, creative woman who welded, sculpted, designed one of a kind jewelry and painted into […]

Macho men, princesses and ghosts: Myanmar protesters get creative

As they flood streets across the country in opposition to the recent military coup, a younger generation of Myanmar protesters are cracking jokes at the military’s expense and winning fans on social media with their colourful, witty and often explicit signage. Wednesday’s protests in Yangon are a colourful display of creativity with inspiration from the […]

Post-Traumatic Creativity: How Psychological Turmoil Can Unlock Our Creative Potential

November 18th, 2020 By Steve Taylor, Ph.D. Guest writer for Wake Up World 2006 was a difficult year for me and my wife. In April our second child, Ted, was born. Ted was a lovely baby (and is a lovely boy now), but he seemed to be born without the need to sleep. At night it was difficult […]

13 Year-Old ‘Gender-Creative’ Boy: ‘Gender Is Over’

PinkNews tweeted Tuesday a video of CJ Duron, a 13-year-old California boy who claims to be “gender-creative,” and states, “Gender is over.” CJ is 13-years-old and thinks that ‘gender is over’ — PinkNews (@PinkNews) October 27, 2020 Duron describes himself as having a “gender identity” that is male, but a “gender expression” that is […]

Awakening to Creative Life

September 30th, 2020 By Santoshan (Stephen Wollaston) Guest Writer for Wake Up World We stand in a unique position where we are all called to be involved in the making of a New Earth. Our current times require us to embrace an inclusive, universal and creative spirituality: one that encompasses living the whole of our […]

Lockdowns Motivated by Occult Doctrine: “Creative Destruction” (Kabbalah)

“The Protocols [of the Elders of Zion] elevate the theory of destruction to this status of “a fundamental truth, a primary or basic law, a governing law of conduct’…In many passages, the Protocols appear, at first sight, to recommend destruction as a thing virtuous in itself, and consequently justifying all the methods explicitly recommended to promote it (bribery, blackmail, corruption, subversion, sedition, mob […]

NASA Study: Kids Are Born Creative Geniuses Then Schools Destroy Imagination

A landmark study commissioned by NASA shows how most children are born brilliant creative geniuses, but then lose their talents over time in the educational system. Dr. George Land and Beth Jarman were asked by NASA to help the space agency identify and develop talent, specifically within schools. The researchers discovered that American school children […]

Syrian War Explained by Occult Dogma of "Creative Destruction"

The Cabala is satanic because it says evil is part of God: “God has two sides; [both] are essentially one thing; what we experience as evil is as Divine as what we experience as good.” Hence the expression gaining currency today: “It’s all good.” The Cabalist exegesis continues:  “Many texts in the Kabbalah, including the […]

Career Advice to 20-Somethings: Create Value as a Mobile Creative

Establishing a satisfying career is difficult in today’s economy, doubly so for those who find life within hierarchical institutions (corporate America and government) unrewarding, and triply so for those burdened with student loan debt and college educations/diplomas of uncertain market value or those re-entering the job market with skills that have been marginalized. Given that […]

NASA scientists: People are born "creative geniuses" but get dumbed down by the U.S. education system

(Natural News) Would you consider yourself a creative genius? If you asked other people that question, perhaps some might answer in the affirmative. But the vast majority of individuals, when confronted with that question, might say no. It’s not that they don’t really think they are the type of person to be […]

Creative differences: 5 art displays turning heads (PHOTOS)

Painted in 1866, the famous oil painting, which depicts a woman lying on her back showing her genitals, is an example of the eroticism found in 19th-century art. The artwork, which now resides in Paris’ Musee d’Orsay, has brought about a French court case involving Facebook and an aggrieved social media user. READ MORE: Vagina […]

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