Posts Tagged ‘scammers’

Banksters Getting Very Creative Like This Setting Up Crypto-Scammers Who Routinely Steal BILLIONS From Naive Suckers

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Oh Goodie! Now Scammers Are Impersonating Me Online!

Public service announcement: online scambots are now stealing my name and likeness to entice people to email them (at a gmail account, no less!) for financial advice. NEWSFLASH: I don’t hang around comments sections asking people to email me for financial advice. It’s a scam. Don’t fall for it. By the way, were you aware […]

Banks – Bad Assed Nefarious Kamikaze Scammers

  “No matter how many traits make up the Alliance for New Normality, ultimately Deep Throat’s adage still holds good: ”Follow the Money”. The only money that counts in this neoliberal cesspit we inhabit is banker money, multinationally aligned ”Globalist” money, Secret State Control money and hitech billionaire money. Because in a world of Demigod megalomaniacs, […]

Why Are SO MANY Romance Scammers From Nigeria???? All of Africa is Colonized, Raped & Plundered by Colonial Powers Including America! Starvation is TORTURE.

About Nigeria: In 2016 during its first recession in 25 years, the economy contracted by 1.6%.[2] Many individuals are faced with limited financial opportunities, extreme information poverty and unemployment, a lack of access to information technology resources, and other uniquely debilitating environmental circumstances as poverty.[10] However, these programs have largely failed to overcome the three reasons[11] for this persistent […]

Largest attack on scammers thus far

Can a coalition of citizens make more of an impact than what governments with much greater resources, have tried to do over the years with regards to computer based fraud? Whatever the medium, persons with criminal intent will always try to find ways to extort cash from their victims. Computer related criminal activity has been […]

Stewart Swerdlow The Satanic Divination Scammer (All Satanists Are Scammers)

Comment:  For some reason I really feel that his wife is his HANDLER making money off of him. Mr. Swerdlow With His Greedy Witchy Wife.  Just looking at them she does look like the Dominant Partner. Swerdlow as a con artist, charlatan, liar, cheat, wannabe, scammer and fraud Richard  Super Moderator Posts: 11,160 Threads: 4,149 […]

Scammers sending fake Telstra mail

(source:supplied) When people think of scammers, many might have the idea in mind that sophisticated hooks are embedded in emails or websites or smartphone related communications. But scammers have gone ‘old school’ for quite some time. Scammers have enlisted Australia Post to deliver their fraudulent message (fake envelope on the right), as they have done […]

Does CCP’s Belt and Road Initiative Make Cambodia a Haven for Human Traffickers and Scammers?

For the past few years, many people have lost their jobs due to the pandemic. Criminals are taking the opportunity to find their next targets online. Hongkongers are no different. In recent weeks, Hongkongers became victims of human trafficking scams in Cambodia. While the Hong Kong Police Force depends on the regime for action, Taiwan […]

Scam watch: India a nation of scammers?

Do we hear of Chinese calling people and scamming them out of their hard earned cash? Do we hear of Russians calling up unsuspecting ‘mums and dads’ for an anti-virus refund scam? Do we hear that South Koreans are calling our phones in order to con us? What we (the people) DO hear is that […]

Scammers offered ‘ghost’ vaccines to EU countries for 12.7 billion euros – anti-fraud body OLAF

Amid a slow vaccine rollout in the European Union, several of the bloc’s member states say they were contacted by middlemen who offered to sell them some 900 million doses of Covid-19 jabs, EU anti-fraud agency OLAF has revealed. The “alleged intermediaries” were asking for a total of 12.7 billion euros for the vaccines which […]

Don’t Trust the Red Cross! 10 Ways YOU Can Help Harvey Victims Without Enriching Scammers

It is time to strike while the iron is hot. Media coverage of the devastation in Texas is at a peak right now and history shows us that people will help when they see it on TV.  However, when coverage stops, so does most of the support. Knowing this, it is time to make your […]

Insurance Scammers As Evil As Central Bankers; a History

The saga of Lloyds of London is most revealing.   by Tom Valentine   Most of the details are on the Internet as propaganda, but one must read between the lines: “From its first beginnings in Edward Lloyd’s Coffee House in 1688, Lloyds has been a pioneer in insurance and reinsurance. Starting with its roots […]

Telephone Scammers ACCC and ACMA

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and the Australian Communications and Media Authority are calling on Australians to immediately hang up the phone if scammers call, staying alert to this growing threat that can deceive people into providing personal details. ‘Over the past two months complaints about scam telephone calls to the ACCC and the […]

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