Scammers sending fake Telstra mail


When people think of scammers, many might have the idea in mind that sophisticated hooks are embedded in emails or websites or smartphone related communications.

But scammers have gone ‘old school’ for quite some time.

Scammers have enlisted Australia Post to deliver their fraudulent message (fake envelope on the right), as they have done so for over a decade in relation to another scam that the government has failed to act on, early in the piece, where some people are still receiving those types of letters.

In relation to the Telstra scam, the scammers have gotten hold of the customer’s full name and address, stating that they have been trying to contact that person.

In the letter, there is a phone number which the scammers are in possession of, in order to steal more information to commit fraud.

Scammers have used Australia Post previously to con businesses to ‘renew’ their internet domain name.

The scammer’s letter looks like it’s a renewal for the targeted business, where in the scam letter there will be number zero (0), instead of the letter ‘O’, or any other character that will be different from the legitimately registered internet address.

See post:

Domain Name Group Fraud


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