Posts Tagged ‘awakening’

Embrace the Awakening, Embrace the Cycle: The Water Bearer Returns

The Alternative View · Embrace the Awakening, Embrace the Cycle: The Water Bearer Returns David DuByne at AV13 We see vast changes are occurring in every aspect of life exactly at the same time across the entire planet. Ask yourself why, and why at this time when vast electromagnetic Earth changes are timelined out through […]

Islamic Revolution: beginning of women’s literary awakening

TEHRAN – In recent decades, especially after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Iranian women writers and poets have played a significant role in literature so that the Islamic Revolution can be considered the beginning of the literary awakening of women. Despite all the limitations caused by the wrong gender stereotypes that are common in […]

White RAs at Christian College Called to Have ‘Awakening’ in Mandatory ‘Cultural Humility’ Course

Students who want to work as resident assistants (RAs) at Baylor University must take a course that teaches “Cultural Humility”–particularly for white students.   Source

They’re Getting DESPERATE as Mass Awakening Accelerates — Todd Callender Interview

They’re Getting DESPERATE as Mass Awakening Accelerates — Todd Callender Interview Attorney Todd Callender joins Man in America’s Seth Holehouse and says, “Let’s talk about the good news…For the first time in a few years, I have confidence that our species will survive this. We have to confront that this is a genocide. It’s been […]

Is the Empire Awakening? – Questions For Corbett #091

The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released a poppy, eye-catching explainer video about the rising sun flag. . . . So why is it so creepy? Patrick writes in with the question about the rising imperial ambitions of Nippon and James supplies the answer in this data-packed edition of Questions For Corbett. The post […]

The Great Awakening Continues: Dutch Farmers Are Fighting Back

“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” — THE USUAL SUSPECTS When the Canadian truckers descended in peace on Ottawa protesting the jjab mandate of Justin TrueDOH! it was obvious to many that something fundamental had changed. This wasn’t some Davos Crowd psy-op like burning down Minneapolis or […]

Breitbart News Latinos Predicted Conservative Awakening in 2020

Republican House candidate Mayra Flores successfully flipped Texas’s 34th Congressional District —  a historic Democrat stronghold and majority Hispanic district — in Tuesday night’s special election. Her win reflects what many consider to be a conservative awakening among Latino voters — a phenomenon both Breitbart News border reporter Ildefonso Ortiz and international news editor Frances Martel predicted in […]

‘Exiting Zionism’ — a former Israeli’s awakening

Avigail Abarbanel left Israel in 1991 when she saw that its leaders had no vision for the future other than rule by the sword. For years she felt she was a traitor to her people, and then in her psychotherapy practice she began treating cult-leavers. “Cult-psychology tends to draw to itself people who are already […]

How the Great Reset Tyranny is Turning Into the Great Awakening

There are few words to describe the depth of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s depravity. I’m not going to even try. This is a person (because no real man would ever govern like him) is so thoroughly ill-prepared for its job it doesn’t even know how to properly read from the prepared script. It was […]

The Corona Crisis: Is the Tide Turning? “A Rapid General Awakening”? VIDEOS

The Corona Crisis: Is the Tide Turning? “A Rapid General Awakening”? [VIDEOS] The Liberty Beacon / TLB Staff ER Editor: It is linked to below, but we highly recommend viewing the video by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, who reports on the post-vaccination autopsy results of colleague Dr. Arne Burkhardt. It is quite stunning – killer lymphocytes […]

People Long-Drowning in a Sea of Propaganda Are Slowly Awakening

According to this entry over at Wikipedia on ‘cognitive dissonance’, in the field of psychology, ‘cognitive dissonance’ is the perception of contradictory information… two (or more) actions or ideas that are not consistent with each other… triggering discomfort within the individual… who then tries to find a way to resolve the contradictory information which is a […]

Is There A Mass Awakening Happening in 2021?

November 13th, 2021 Derrick Broze shares some thoughts on recent world events and offer some solutions. The Conscious Resistance Network can be found here: _______________________________ If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, maybe this could help you:HERE If you like our work please consider to donate : Share this: Like this: […]

The Awakening World Truth Summit 3

This weekend, “The Awakening World Truth Summit 3”: If you like our work please consider to donate: Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

Israel losing the war of moral awakening

Israel losing the war of moral awakening – Tehran%20Times The recent war between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza has raised many questions. Foremost among them is the question of why after 73 years of occupation, Israel cannot live with its Palestinians citizens and residents inside Israel proper and in the occupied territories.  Israel, which […]

Spiritual Awakening: This Video Can Awaken You (And the WORLD)

» USDA now involved in Human/Domestic Animal Vaccine Genocide NEVADAYesterday at 12:59 pm by Consciousness Of Economic » Lack of humility is due to nothing else than lack of knowledgeYesterday at 12:57 pm by Consciousness Of Economic » Nothing IS RealYesterday at 12:56 pm by Consciousness Of Economic » Spiritual Awakening: This Video Can Awaken You (And the WORLD)Yesterday at 12:55 pm […]

Interview with a ‘Star Child’ Who Says Humans Need Help with an ‘Awakening’

Have you heard about the existence of Star Children? Their existence and story behind them may sound fascinating and extremely difficult to comprehend for some, but others around the world are convinced that among us these so-called Star Children live and have a powerful message for mankind. The Star Children have numerous advantages compared to […]

Atlanta massacre sparks a political awakening in the Korean church

Churches can no longer stay silent about racism, said Pastor Han Byung-chul from the Korean Central Presbyterian Church of Atlanta, who recently formed an anti-AAPI hate group in the city with 11 other religious leaders. “It should be a time that Asian Americans reflect on their indifference and irresponsibility,” Han said in an interview, using […]

‘The American People Are Sick and Tired’ – Gen Flynn Says GOP Elite Are in for a Rude Awakening

Gen. Michael Flynn has issued a stark warning to the GOP establishment who think things are going to go back to normal now that Trump is out of office. In an exclusive interview with The Western Journal, Gen. Flynn warned that the 70 million+ group of loyal Trump voters are prepared to turn their backs […]

The 21st year of the 21st Century: A Year of Chaos and Great Awakening

December 21st, 2020 By Sergey Baranov Contributing writer for Wake Up World Undoubtedly, the year of 2020 was a difficult one for the whole world. Having spent most of the year under house arrest, locked inside their own countries, people realize how suddenly the world can change. Of course, the change is not what we all want, […]

5D Shift: Essential Evidence of a Widespread Awakening Underway

November 25th, 2020 By Open Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Society is currently terraforming through the 4th Industrial Revolution, driven by two juxtaposed energies in the field: the progressive Ascension of Human Consciousness, and the shadowstate efforting – hook and nail – to lock it down. The Plandemonium is all about taking greater control of people’s […]

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