Posts Tagged ‘breitbart’

WATCH: Breitbart News Joins First Media Visit to Netiv HaAsara, Town Hit by Hamas

NETIV HAASARA, Israel — The nights are the hardest part, says Hila Fenlon. That’s when the horror of October 7 returns. The 46-year-old farmer, mother, and stepmother guided reporters on the first media visit to this community, where Hamas murdered 20 people in the attack. Journalists walk the streets of Netiv HaAsara, Israel, on the […]

Meet the Winner of Breitbart’s Second Installment of the Big Ole ‘Merica Sweepstakes

We are happy to announce that the winner of Breitbart’s second installment of our Big Ole ‘Merica Sweepstakes is none other than Miss Brigitte Kelly from the great state of Connecticut! (We say great state of Connecticut despite its habit Source

Breitbart Business Digest: The Economy Beat the Economists This Year

The American economy can stay solvent longer than economists and pundits can stay irrational. Source

Breitbart’s Alex Marlow: Biden favoring OPEN BORDERS to keep wages down and Democrats in power

(NaturalNews) President Joe Biden is espousing open borders to lower wages and keep Democrats in power, according to Breitbart Editor-In-Chief Alex… Source

Breitbart Editor Joel Pollak: Israel ‘Should Wipe Out Gaza’ And The U.S. Should Take The Refugees

Renegade Editor’s Note: Clear out land for Greater Israel and further White genocide? Two birds with one stone. Source

Watch Live: Breitbart Editor-in-Chief and Bestselling Author Alex Marlow Speaks to Empower U About Joe’s Secrets in ‘Breaking Biden’

EmpowerU, a Cincinnati grassroots organization dedicated to engaging and education citizens, hosts Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow for a discussion about the rise of Breitbart News in the media sphere, and Marlow’s new book, Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration. Source

Breitbart Business Digest: The UAW Is Fighting Bidenomics and Bidenflation

The looming strike by the United Auto Workers is as much a protest against Bidenomics as it is the policies of General Motors, Ford Motor Company, and Stellantis. Source

Breitbart Business Digest: Bidenomics Is Creating a Debt-Inflation Spiral

The Biden administration’s deficit spending has become a big part of the inflation problem. Source

Breitbart Business Digest: Services Sector Shrugs Off Recession Talk

The idea that economic growth is faltering received another blow on Wednesday when the Institute for Supply Management reported that the services sector expanded for the eighth straight month in August. Source

Exclusive—‘Breaking Biden’: Breitbart Editor-in-Chief, GAI Fellow Alex Marlow to Release Bombshell Investigative Book Exposing ‘Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine’ Behind Joe Biden

A forthcoming book by Breitbart News Network Editor-in-Chief and New York Times bestselling author Alex Marlow reveals new, breathtaking details about Biden family corruption. Source

Breitbart Business Digest: A Weird Recovery in a Broken Housing Market

What if we had a housing recovery and no one showed up? Source

Breitbart Business Digest: Unaffordable Used Car Prices and an Accelerating Economy

When we elected a self-styled “car guy” as President of the United States, this was not quite what we expected. Source

Breitbart Business Digest: Stronger GDP Revisions Point to More Inflation

The third GDP revision raises concerns about the persistence of inflation but also provides powerful support to our view that the economy is unlikely to enter a recession this year. Source

Breitbart Business Digest: The Yield Curve Hints That a Debt Limit Accident Is Possible

The yield curve on very short-term debt issued by the U.S. government is deeply inverted. Could this signal concerns about the debt ceiling? Source

Breitbart Business Digest: Hot Inflation Means at Least One More Fed Hike

The bottom line for next week’s meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee is another 25 basis point hike. Source

Breitbart Business Digest: Silicon Valley Bank’s supersized depositors got bailed out

(Natural News) Silicon Valley Bet It Could Avoid the Costs of Managing Banking Risk. It Won That Bet. (Article by John Carney republished from Silicon Valley essentially put the cost of ordinary corporate treasury prudence onto the banking system and got rewarded for it when the government broke its own rules and agreed to back even […]

11 Years: Andrew Breitbart’s Indelible Legacy

Eleven years ago today, we lost a giant: Andrew Breitbart. Source

Breitbart Business Digest: Good News for Powell—Americans Are More Pessimistic Now

Jerome Powell finally got some good news today: the American people grew increasingly pessimistic about the economy in February. Source

Rep. Troy Nehls Highlights Breitbart Report on Accused Illegal Alien Killer in Congressional Hearing

During a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday, Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) highlighted a Breitbart News report detailing the death of an 81-year-old American woman suspected to be at the hands of a six-time deported illegal alien.  Source

Breitbart Business Digest: The Labor Market Is Fighting the Fed

The labor market remains seriously out of balance, and the Federal Reserve is not likely to relent so long as this remains true. Source

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