Posts Tagged ‘limit’

Mexican president asks US to grant visas to 10M Hispanic migrants and $20B to limit immigration

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, also known by his initials AMLO, revealed that he asked U.S. authorities to grant visas to at least 10 million Hispanic migrants who have worked for more than 10 years in the country. In a regular press conference last week, the president said that he also demanded President Joe […]

UN ‘Human Rights’ Report Demands US Change Constitution, Limit Free Speech, and Ban Guns

The United Nations has issued a scathing report on the state of human rights in the United States, demanding America crack down on free speech, change the Constitution, allow more abortion, and confiscate guns. According […] The post UN ‘Human Rights’ Report Demands US Change Constitution, Limit Free Speech, and Ban Guns appeared first on […]

Sen. Lindsay Graham says civilian casualties in Gaza are no big deal: no need to “limit civilian casualties” or provide any humanitarian aid at all

(NaturalNews) There is no situation in which the United States should ever stop supporting Israel by giving the Jewish state whatever it wants, even if doing so… Source

Ireland Is Reaching Its “Limit” For Accommodating Refugees, Admits PM Varadkar

Ireland Is Reaching Its “Limit” For Accommodating Refugees, Admits PM Varadkar Authored by Thomas Brooke via Remix News, Ireland is reaching its capacity of the number of refugees it can accommodate, Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has admitted… Speaking in the Dáil, the lower house of the Irish parliament, on Wednesday, Varadkar revealed that his administration […]

‘No Upper Limit to the Horror’: Israel Briefly Enters Gaza Strip Ahead of Expected Invasion

TEL AVIV—Israeli tanks briefly entered the Gaza Strip Wednesday night in the largest ground operation thus far after two weeks of war against the Hamas militant group ahead of a likely invasion of the tiny coastal strip that experts warn will likely be slow, brutal, and cause extensive casualties to civilians. Israeli planes and artillery […]

From hospital beds to body bags: Israeli crimes know no limit

18 Oct 2023  Source: Al Mayadeen English By Manal Samhat Bombing and targeting civilian infrastructure is not new to “Israel”, it is a common practice. As “Israel” pursues its aggression against civilians in the blockaded Gaza Strip, Palestinians head to the one place that they deem safe – hospitals. Yet, even hospitals were not spared […]

COVID Outbreak Forces London Airport To Limit Flights

Gatwick Airport will operate a daily 800-flight limit, partly because of an outbreak of COVID-19 within air traffic control. Source

Donald Trump Plans to Negotiate with Democrats on Abortion, Says Six-Week Limit Is a ‘Terrible Thing’

Former President Donald Trump plans to negotiate with Democrats on the issue of abortion if reelected in 2024, saying in a Meet the Press interview released on Sunday, “I think they are all going to like me. I think both sides are going to like me.” Source

There Is no Limit to State Power, and There Never Has Been!

By: Gary D. Barnett “Winston Smith: Does Big Brother exist? O’Brien: Of course he exists. Winston Smith: Does he exist like you or me? O’Brien: You do not exist.” ~ George Orwell, 1984 From the time of birth, Americans have been inundated (indoctrinated — brainwashed) to believe that they live in a free country, and […]

Why Trump’s tax law could limit Biden’s efforts to protect Arctic wildlife from drilling 

The Biden administration’s efforts to protect wildlife in the Arctic from oil and gas drilling is on a collision course with a Trump-era law requiring oil and gas leasing there. When President Biden was on the campaign trail he called for “permanently protecting” the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from drilling. And this past week, his administration canceled oil… […]

The sky’s the limit: It’s time to modernize air traffic control

America’s current Air Traffic Control system is in desperate need of modernization. Source

Macron calls French presidential term limit ‘bulls**t’

The Rothschild’s gay boy toy “married” to a cradle robbing tranny who is f##king the French people up the ass so hard at one point the entire French Guard which is tasked with protecting the French president resigned in mass and the French people spread liquified horse shit on the French presidential palace is whining […]

China Proposes To Limit Children’s Smartphone Time To A Maximum Of 2 Hours A Day

The restrictions are Beijing’s latest efforts to attempt to limit internet addiction, a problem it views as widespread among its youth. Source

Exclusive: Banks Vote To Limit Accounting Of Emissions In Bond And Stock Sales

Banks working to develop global standards on accounting for carbon emissions in bond or stock sale underwriting have voted to exclude most of these emissions from their own carbon footprint, three people familiar with the matter said. Source

AOC’s advice to Joe Biden on the debt limit showdown

And they had easy access to the White House with Ron Klain as Biden’s chief of staff. Now they are in the minority and far from the negotiating room where Joe Biden is trying to make a budget deal with Kevin McCarthy to get him to raise the debt ceiling. Their main fight is trying […]

Breitbart Business Digest: The Yield Curve Hints That a Debt Limit Accident Is Possible

The yield curve on very short-term debt issued by the U.S. government is deeply inverted. Could this signal concerns about the debt ceiling? Source

Man Whose Suitcase Exceeds 45-Pound Airline Weight Limit Worried He Might Be Gay

OMAHA, NE — A local man was struck with the sudden concern that he may, in fact, be gay, after the suitcase he was checking at the airline ticket counter was found to exceed the 45-lb. weight limit for checked luggage. Source

Yemeni patience with Saudis has a limit 

TEHRAN- Saudi forces have been shelling border regions in Yemen, killing a number of civilians as Sana’a warns its patience is running thin. Source

Swiss National Referendum Will Limit Population To 10 Million Through Strict Immigration Control, To Save Environment

The most popular party in Switzerland, the Swiss People’s Part (SVP), known for its agrarian roots and opposition to mass immigration, is set to pursue a referendum calling for the renegotiation of international treaties, or even theircomplete abandonment, if the Swiss population hits 10 million. As John Cody reports at Remix News, the proposed referendum comes […]

Twitter documents show FBI effort to limit expression

Internal corporate documents published to media outlets claim that Twitter has maintained “constant and pervasive” communications with the FBI and other US intelligence services for a number of years. The documents seem to demonstrate a coordinated government effort to banish anything classified as “misinformation.” The sixth installment of the “Twitter Files,” which was published on […]

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