Posts Tagged ‘expression’

Poynter’s Creepy ‘Fact-Based Expression’

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Fact-based expression. That is what the once vaunted now openly vile Poynter Institute – a pivot point of the international censorship-industrial complex – wishes to “strengthen…around the globe.” Pointedly, not “free speech,” but “fact-based expression.”  They’re not the same thing. This absurd term, floated through the invite to read the […]

Shen Yun Showcases ‘Respect, Loyalty, and a Desire for Freedom of Expression,’ Says Company Executive

SEATTLE—Fifteen years ago, business executive Todd Fessler attended Shen Yun Performing Arts with his wife. On April 7, he brought his daughter to the Marion Oliver McCaw Hall to see the show for a second time. The program was a brand-new, yet nostalgic surprise. He thought it was top quality. “It was lovely! It’s so […]

Twitter documents show FBI effort to limit expression

Internal corporate documents published to media outlets claim that Twitter has maintained “constant and pervasive” communications with the FBI and other US intelligence services for a number of years. The documents seem to demonstrate a coordinated government effort to banish anything classified as “misinformation.” The sixth installment of the “Twitter Files,” which was published on […]

The Great Reset Aims to End Freedom of the Press, Speech, and Expression

Governments, corporations, and elites have always been fearful of the power of a free press, because it is capable of exposing their lies, destroying their carefully crafted images, and undermining their authority. In recent years, alternative journalism has been growing and more people are relying on social media platforms as sources of news and information. […]

Nancy Pelosi on Ru Paul’s Drag Race: ‘Your Freedom of Expression of Yourselves in Drag Is What America Is All About’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) asserted that men freely expressing themselves in drag is “what America is all about,” making the remarks during an appearance on the seventh season of Ru Paul’s Drag Race.

Vic Govt’s Proposed Religious Exceptions Bill a ‘Serious Intrusion’ Into ‘Expression of Faith’: Archbishop

Proposed changes to Victoria’s Equal Opportunity Act will restrict religious organisations and schools from employing staff with the same religious beliefs. Instead, religious schools may be required to hire staff who openly disagree with the school’s faith and values. “As a point of principle, this is a serious over-reach of the Government into the rightful […]

Sedition: Antithesis Of Freedom Of Speech And Expression

“…these are fundamental rights from a police constable’s point of view and not from the point of view of a free and fighting nation. Here whatever right is given is taken away by a proviso. Sardar Patel would punish us if we make a speech, but Rajaji would punish us even before we have made […]

‘Protection of Canadians against Hate Speech’ is road to Hell for Freedom of Expression

    Many Canadians consider their country to be a free one, but unfortunately the Trudeau government is moving toward levels of censorship and control over language that should gravely concern those who support freedom of expression. The shaky grounds of Canadian free speech For those unfamiliar with Canadian laws, especially Americans, any discussion of […]

Sheikh Jarrah: Zionism distilled to its purest expression

This article was originally published in Arabic at Awan. Western journalists, always mindful of the limits imposed by the ruling class, have a million ways of minimizing or mystifying Israeli brutality in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, where several Palestinian families are set to be expelled to make way for Jewish settlers.  It’s not […]

Attention as an Expression of Love

In his daily word of inspiration this morning, Rabbi David Wolpe drew from French philosopher Simone Weil who, he said, “got it exactly right: Attention is a form of love.” Weil, whom Albert Camus described as “the only great spirit of our times,” wrote beautifully about the art of attention, calling it “the rarest and purest […]

For young Tunisians, freedom of expression doesn’t pay the rent

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Germany’s Anti-BDS Resolution Violates The Right To Free Expression

Above photo: A protest in Munich against Israeli plans to annex swathes of the occupied West Bank last year calls for sanctions on Israel. In 2019, the German parliament denounced the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement as anti-Semitic. Sachelle Babbar/ZUMA Press. German cultural institutions have criticized the German parliament’s anti-boycott, divestment and sanctions resolution for […]

Freedom of Expression: Good for the Western Goose, Forbidden for the Muslim Gander

By Kim Petersen Source When French President Emmanuel Macron was pilloried in some quarters for defending freedom of expression as a French value, Australian prime minister Scott Morrison backed his European counterpart: “We share values. We stand for the same things.” This professed French/Australian value for freedom of expression has now come back to bite the […]

Sayyed Nasrallah Cites Double Standards of Freedom of Expression in France: Western States Protected Takfiri Groups

 October 31, 2020 Video Here Mohammad Salami Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah on Friday condemned the Nice attack, stressing that Islam forbids killing the innocent people and categorically rejects such crimes. In a televised speech on the occasion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Birthday, Sayyed Nasrallah called on the French authorities and public opinion to avoid blaming […]

UN Announce Support For ANTIFA’s ‘Freedom of Expression’ as American Cities Burn

The United Nations announced support for ANTIFA’s “freedom of expression” and “peaceful assembly” in the United States in June, as the militant leftist organization continues to incite and perpetuate chaos, terror and violence in American cities. The disturbing message from the United Nations prompted a backlash from social media users, including many who believe it […]

Eat more berries: Anthocyanins suppress tumors, disrupt the expression of cancer genes

(Natural News) It’s no secret that berries pack a serious nutritional punch: They’re loaded with vital nutrients, antioxidants and fiber. Their sweet, tart flavors and vibrant colors are another major bonus — and it turns out the benefits of those beautiful pigments that give berries their signature deep hues are more than […]

YouTube Purge: The End Of Freedom Of Expression Or The Great Awakening For Alternatives?

By Aaron Kesel The censorship is ramping up as YouTube has begun deleting channels at a rapid rate including more recently a friend of Activist Post, Health Ranger Mike Adams of Natural News. I spoke to YouTube alternative BitChute for their opinion on the recent purge against independent thoughts and how we are […]

EU hopes Iran’s authorities will guarantee citizens right to freedom of expression

TASS– The European Union maintains contacts with the Iranian authorities and expects the country’s citizens to be guaranteed the right to peaceful protests and freedom of expression, Catherine Ray, a Spokesperson for EU Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, said. “We have been in touch with the Iranian authorities. We expect that the right to peaceful […]

Sweet drinks found to alter DNA expression in children, making them more vulnerable to disease

(Natural News) Sugary drinks aren’t just bad for your teeth. According to a recent study, children aged two to three years old who consume sugar-sweetened beverages can have shorter telomeres. The study by researchers from the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) revealed that if this early-life exposure alters the length of telomeres, or “the protective end […]

How Radical Self Expression Can Change the World

October 24th, 2017 By Nanice Ellis Contributing writer for Wake Up World Believe it or not, you are here on Earth for the sole purpose of Radical Self-Expression. So, instead of following the crowd and suppressing your True Self, you should be following your dreams, and doing what you really want to do! Of course, some […]

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