Posts Tagged ‘guarantee’

Hezbollah Sees Int’l Guarantee as Nothing, Permanent Armament is Inevitable: Sayyed Safieddine

February 20, 2024 Lebanon – Live News – News – Top Head of Hezbollah Executive Council Sayyed Hashem Safieddine stressed that the only guarantee of Lebanon’s safety and security in face of the enemies’ threats and wicked schemes is the Resistance weaponry. Addressing a ceremony held at Al-Mujatab Complex in Beirut’s Dahiyeh to commemorate the martyr all the way to Al-Quds […]

What’s with the Biden age mania? Life counts. Do youth fetishes guarantee better presidents?

America early on was where nutcase Spanish explorers first sought the Fountain of Youth. Instead, what counts is the Fountain of Age as both attainable and infinitely more valuable. Source

Indian origins do not guarantee love for India

In November 2022, on the margins of the G20 Summit, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with his British counterpart Rishi Sunak. There was unprecedented interest in the meeting on the part of the media and the expert community. They singled out the Indian origin of the British prime minister, with whom the Indians associated […]

‘Entrepreneurial’ Pastor Offers ‘Money Back Guarantee’ If Congregants Tithe For A Year And Get Nothing In Return

Prosperity pastor Robert Morris signs off on inter-racial marriage (The Roys Report) Facing persistently lower revenues, Willow Creek Community Church last Sunday invited Pastor Robert Morris — whom some allege is a prosperity preacher — to deliver a guest sermon on tithing which contained a singular promise: tithe for a year, and if you’re not […]

When you don’t know how to guarantee a deal

When you don’t know how to guarantee a deal – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN — As Tehran announces a date to return to the Vienna talks to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), there is more fog in Vienna’s sky than before. The Republicans have written a letter saying, “Going easy on Iran is a […]

An early election and a deflated cabinet guarantee extension of Israel’s lockdown

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No guarantee a Republican administration will quit nuclear deal again: expert

TEHRAN – A defense editor at the Economist says that there is no guarantee that a possible Republican administration in the U.S. will breach the nuclear deal again. “There is no guarantee of this. Iran must contend with the risk that a Republican administration in 2024 will once more walk away from a deal,” Shashank […]

Everyone Can Have Their Own Job Guarantee

Everyone Can Have Their Own Job Guarantee Above Photo: Maryland GovPics / Flickr I don’t want to keep writing about the job guarantee (JG), but I feel like I owe a response to Max Sawicky’s piece in Jacobin on the subject. What Jobs? Before getting into his piece, it is helpful to again restate my main criticism […]

Iran, Turkey, Russia trying to guarantee peace in Syria

IRNA – The Astana trilateral meeting with the attendance of Iran, Russia and Turkey urged in a joint statement establishing peace in Syria. The full text of the final statement of the conference is as follows: The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Turkey, […]

N. Korea says it has no need for nuclear weapons if it has security guarantee

North Korea also pledged to freeze its nuclear-missile activities if it holds talks with the US. North Korea also pledged to freeze its nuclear-missile activities if it holds talks with the US. Pyongyang and Seoul agreed to bilateral negotiations scheduled for next month, South Korean President Moon Jae-in’s top security adviser said, as quoted by […]

Child marriage in the USA: Lawmakers Guarantee Old Men Can Marry Little Girls, Reject Bill to Ban “Legalized Rape of Children”

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EU hopes Iran’s authorities will guarantee citizens right to freedom of expression

TASS– The European Union maintains contacts with the Iranian authorities and expects the country’s citizens to be guaranteed the right to peaceful protests and freedom of expression, Catherine Ray, a Spokesperson for EU Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, said. “We have been in touch with the Iranian authorities. We expect that the right to peaceful […]

‘100% Guarantee’: Systematic Trade in Fake Asylum Stories Revealed in Sweden

No legal reason for staying in Sweden? No problem, as plenty of “asylum dealers” offering false online histories, fabricated refugee stories and counseling on how to trick the authorities has been revealed operating in the Nordic country — with tacit endorsement from the authorities. A widespread network of “asylum dealers” providing fake asylum stories to people […]

Speaker: Holy Shrine defenders guarantee Iran’s security, dignity

IRNA – Defenders of the Holy Shrine guaranteed security, awareness and dignity for Iranian people, Majlis (Parliament) speaker Ali Larijani said. Larijani made the remarks Monday in a meeting to commemorate the late military advisor Mohsen Hojajji who was beheaded by terrorist group Daesh in Syria. Hojajji and his peers have brought about value for […]

Are You Protesting? Police Can Monitor Your Smartphone Using a “Stingray”

Matthew Renda | Courthouse News Service SAN JOSE (CN) — A senior staff attorney with the ACLU shed light on the closure of a longstanding FOIA case involving the government’s attempts to shield documents about its use of location-tracking “Stingray” devices in Northern California on Monday. The ACLU of […]

Larijani: Iranian parliament advocates political parties function in Asia

Tehran, July 13, IRNA – Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani said on Wednesday that the Iranian parliament backs the significant role of the Asian political parties. Larijani made the remarks in a meeting with the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP). Iranian nation tired of a ill-minded dictator pursued the path of late Imam Khomeini […]

Rumor: After Dieselgate Disaster, VW Planning Big Move to Electric Vehicles

Rumor: After Dieselgate Disaster, VW Planning Big Move to Electric Vehicles May 30th, 2016 Via: Quartz: VW is in trouble. Its multi-year deception to hoodwink US environmental laws is costing it billions of dollars, in addition to inestimable public good will. Worse, the scandal […]

How hyper-secular laws create instant terrorists

If you were forced to nominate the most important political story of 2016, you’d have to look far and wide to find a better nominee than the election of Sadiq Khan, the Muslim son of a Pakistani immigrant, as the mayor of London. Khan’s triumph is more than a story about diversity conquering bigotry. His […]

How hyper-secular laws create instant terrorists

If you were forced to nominate the most important political story of 2016, you’d have to look far and wide to find a better nominee than the election of Sadiq Khan, the Muslim son of a Pakistani immigrant, as the mayor of London. Khan’s triumph is more than a story about diversity conquering bigotry. His […]

How hyper-secular laws create instant terrorists

If you were forced to nominate the most important political story of 2016, you’d have to look far and wide to find a better nominee than the election of Sadiq Khan, the Muslim son of a Pakistani immigrant, as the mayor of London. Khan’s triumph is more than a story about diversity conquering bigotry. His […]

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