Posts Tagged ‘regime’


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Vivek Ramaswamy: ‘Lunatics’ in Washington Want Regime Change In Russia

Washington’s involvement in the conflict between Moscow and Kiev is not about “defending Ukraine,” but is actually an attempt to force regime change in Russia, according to former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy. Ramaswamy said […] The post Vivek Ramaswamy: ‘Lunatics’ in Washington Want Regime Change In Russia appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

China’s regime gains more control of critical infrastructure in Latin America

China is seeking to conquer America’s backyard. Source

Biden regime considers resettling some Gaza refugees in the USA

(NaturalNews) To help Israel clear out and ethnically cleanse the Gaza Strip more quickly, President Joe Biden and his regime are drawing up plans to relocate… Source

Four More Pro-Life Advocates Convicted by Biden Regime for Praying and Singing Hymns Outside Abortion Clinic in Tennessee

Four More Pro-Life Advocates Convicted by Biden Regime for Praying and Singing Hymns Outside Abortion Clinic in Tennessee Source

Trudeau Regime Lays Groundwork To Imprison Citizens Who Have Not Committed a Crime

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is seeking the power to imprison Canadians who the government suspect “might” commit a “hate crime” in the future. The Daily Telegraph reports that the policy will form part of the Trudeau’s dystopian ‘Online Harms Bill,’ which cracks down on any opposition to the regime’s far-left authoritarian agenda. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up […]

How The US Regime Subsidizes Immigration (Both Legal & Illegal)

How The US Regime Subsidizes Immigration (Both Legal & Illegal) Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute, In recent months, stories from both the legacy media and the independent media have continued to pile up on how undocumented foreign nationals – also known as “migrants” and “illegal aliens” – are able to take advantage […]

Biden Regime Moves J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang to Central Detention with Car Jackers, Rapists, Etc. – This Comes After He Challenged DOJ’s Tyrannical Policies in Court – AUDIO FROM JAKE

Biden Regime Moves J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang to Central Detention with Car Jackers, Rapists, Etc. – This Comes After He Challenged DOJ’s Tyrannical Policies in Court – AUDIO FROM JAKE Source

Biden Regime Told Amazon To Suppress Truth About Toxic mRNA Jabs

The Biden regime ordered Amazon to censor the truth about the deadly mRNA vaccines from being shown to the public. Biden’s White House told Amazon in March 2021 to ban books that contained anti-vaccine “propaganda,” […] The post Biden Regime Told Amazon To Suppress Truth About Toxic mRNA Jabs appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Trudeau Regime Urges Stressed Canadians To Get Euthanized To Help Save the Planet

The Trudeau regime has urged Canadians who feel stressed or depressed to seek government assisted suicide as a means to ease the burden on the state and help save the planet. On Monday, Trudeau’s Health […] The post Trudeau Regime Urges Stressed Canadians To Get Euthanized To Help Save the Planet appeared first on The […]

Gov. Abbot Declares Texas Is ‘Prepared For Conflict’ With Biden Regime As 10 States Send National Guard

Texas Gov. Gregg Abbot has declared he is “prepared for conflict” with the lawless Biden regime as 10 states have sent their National Guard to the Texas border to protect against the “invasion.” During an […] The post Gov. Abbot Declares Texas Is ‘Prepared For Conflict’ With Biden Regime As 10 States Send National Guard […]

The Jewish CBDC Regime

+BN Newsletter The Jewish CBDC RegimeBy Brother Nathanael KapnerJanuary 20 2024 “END THE FED!” cried Ron Paul. Yet no one—not even his son—picked up the ball. The FED—The Federal Reserve Bank—is about to roll out the digital dollar, “CBDC,” “Central Bank Digital Currency.” Like a check, cash, or credit card, the FED will assign “Digital […]

American diplomats privately warn Biden regime that Arab world is furious over U.S. position of unconditional support for Israel

American diplomats privately warn Biden regime that Arab world is furious over U.S. position of unconditional support for Israel The United States is ostracizing itself in the Middle East, a cadre of American diplomats in the Arab world has told the Biden regime. America’s limitless and unconditional support for Israel’s genocidal military campaign in Gaza […]

Netanyahu’s genocidal Zionist regime has unleashed a global tidal wave of intense anti-Israel animosity and especially antipathy toward Zionism.


Covid Is Bacterial, Not Viral: Or Why the Covid Regime Is Totalitarian

Covid Is Bacterial, Not Viral: Or Why the Covid Regime Is Totalitarian  Mon 12:14 pm +01:00, 13 Nov 2023   posted by pete fairhurst 2 Possible Takeaways – NOT MEDICAL ADVICE “Iron is essential for maintaining blood oxygen levels (ideal 95%). Vaccines only shifts the immune system to allergies and immunity blow back (autoimmunity)COVID respiratory […]

Truth vs. Conspiracy in the Israeli Regime: Israel’s Real Goals in Gaza

Since the beginning of Israel’s war on Gaza, triggered by the Hamas-led offensive of October 7, the regime has battered the Palestinian civilian population of the Gaza Strip. Many ideas are floating around as to what Israel’s goals are, whether securing more oil, the Ben Gurion Canal, the re-occupation of Gaza, or the expulsion of […]

Kiev’s Nazi Regime Just Proved Again That Khazarian-Installed Tyrant Zelensky Oversees A Patently Fascist State

READ HERE: Ukrainian Lawmakers Vote To Ban Country’s Largest Orthodox Church Body   Source

Here We Go: Biden Regime Issues “Be Ready to Deploy” Orders for 2000 Troops In Response to Israel-Hamas War

Here We Go: Biden Regime Issues “Be Ready to Deploy” Orders for 2000 Troops In Response to Israel-Hamas War Source

The Zionist State of Israel & Apartheid Nazi Regime Now Sacrificing Palestinians in Their Synagogue of Satan

The Real “ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION” SOTN Editor’s Note: The patently criminal case that the Zionist State of Israel has built against itself over the past 75 years is both irrefutable and overwhelming.  In point of fact, the Zionist land thieves established an undeniable pattern of systematic land theft during each and every one of those […]

Biden Regime Secretly Funnelled $75 Million to Hamas Days Before Attack

The BIden regime secretly funnelled Hamas $75 million dollars a few days before their attack on Israel and after learning that a terrorist attack was imminent. The money was quietly funnelled to them in a […] The post Biden Regime Secretly Funnelled $75 Million to Hamas Days Before Attack appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

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