Posts Tagged ‘diplomats’

American diplomats privately warn Biden regime that Arab world is furious over U.S. position of unconditional support for Israel

American diplomats privately warn Biden regime that Arab world is furious over U.S. position of unconditional support for Israel The United States is ostracizing itself in the Middle East, a cadre of American diplomats in the Arab world has told the Biden regime. America’s limitless and unconditional support for Israel’s genocidal military campaign in Gaza […]

Global diplomats livid over EU president’s support of Israel’s repeated war crimes in Gaza

Staff members of European Union (EU) institutions and global diplomats were enraged by European Commission (EC) President Ursula von der Leyen’s stance on the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip, saying that the bloc’s position is enabling more violence. A letter with 842 signatures has been sent to von der Leyen, accusing the EC president […]

MORE WAR: US Diplomats warned by State Dept. to avoid calling for ceasefire in Israel-Hamas conflict

(NaturalNews) Many people around the world are praying that the violence in the Middle East will end soon, but U.S. diplomats are being warned not to publicly call… Source

‘Hope over reality’: Global diplomats gird themselves for Trump 2.0

NEW YORK — The European official looked terrified as I pointed outside the window at the gleaming black building a block away: Trump World Tower. “Wow. He’s right there! He’s literally looming over you!” I said, genuinely astonished. Moments later, he moved my interview to a different room — one without the view of the […]

Hoping for Haley, Bracing for Trump: What diplomats think of 2024

NEW YORK — The European official looked terrified as I pointed outside the window at the gleaming black building a block away: Trump World Tower. “Wow. He’s right there! He’s literally looming over you!” I said, genuinely astonished. Moments later, he moved my interview to a different room — one without the view of the […]

Top Russian, Egyptian diplomats discuss bilateral, international issues

The foreign ministers of Russia and Egypt discussed bilateral ties and international issues in a phone call on Saturday, reports Anadolu Agency. Sergey Lavrov and Sameh Shoukry exchanged views on the situation in the Middle East and North Africa, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement. They affirmed mutual interest in strengthening cooperation on […]

Communist China Removes UK Diplomats After Attack on Pro-Democracy Protesters in Manchester

China recalled six officials, inlcuding one of its top diplomats, from the UK following a violent assault on pro-democracy protesters. Source

Ex-US diplomats advise Biden administration to cease providing arms to Israel extremist government

Former American diplomats have advised the administration of President Joe Biden to no longer provide offensive weapons or military assistance to Israel's incoming government, arguing that it contains more extremist elements which further threaten the situation in the Occupied West Bank. In an opinion article published in The Washington Post today, the former US ambassador to […]

Iran denounces Kabul blast that kills two Russian diplomats

TEHRAN— Nasser Kanaani, spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry, has harshly denounced the terrorist attack outside Russia’s embassy in Kabul, which murdered two Russian diplomats and a number of Afghans. Kanaani offered condolences to the Russian government and the families of the two diplomats. He also sympathized with the Afghan families who lost members in the […]

U.S. To Expel 12 Russian Diplomats At UN

UNITED NATIONS ― The United States says it is expelling 12 Russian diplomats at the United Nations for engaging in activities not in accordance with their responsibilities and obligations as diplomats. U.S. deputy ambassador Richard Mills confirmed the expulsions after Russia’s U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia told the U.N. Security Council on Monday afternoon that he […]

Diplomats reconvene in Vienna for Iran nuclear deal talks

Diplomats from Iran and world powers have reconvened in Vienna to seek a deal reviving Tehran’s 2015 nuclear accord. Pressure has been mounting for a swift result from the final stage of the talks, as Iran steps up its nuclear programme. Tehran has insisted that its actions are peaceful, but Western diplomats argue that the […]

EU diplomats affirm opposition to Israel settlement plans

The heads of missions and representatives from the European Union (EU) yesterday reaffirmed their opposition to Israel’s settlement expansion project in the occupied West Bank including East Jerusalem. The diplomats visited several areas in the occupied West Bank including the E1 area and Qalandia along the outer perimeter of occupied East Jerusalem, following a recent […]

Iran official discusses Syria with Turkish, Russian diplomats 

Iran official discusses Syria with Turkish, Russian diplomats  – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Ali Asghar Khaji, a senior advisor to the Iranian foreign minister on special political affairs, has held talks with senior diplomats from Turkey and Russia over Syria amid reports of a possible Turkish incursion into northern Syria. Turkish Foreign Ministry Director General Selçuklu […]

Former US Diplomats Say Biden Administration ‘Must Act Swiftly’ to Change Course in Afghanistan

Afghanistan is in a state of chaos. In a major military offensive, the Taliban has taken over nine provincial capitals with two falling to the militia on the night of Aug. 10. As the militant group ignores peace negotiations and as their killings of civilians, prisoners, and government leaders increase, a cry for a change […]

Diplomats: Progress Made In Vienna At Iran Nuclear Talks

VIENNA (AP) — Top diplomats said Sunday that further progress had been made at talks between Iran and global powers to try to restore a landmark 2015 agreement to contain Iranian nuclear development that was abandoned by the Trump administration. They said it was now up to the governments involved in the negotiations to make […]

Expelled Russian diplomats leave Czech Republic amid depot blast row

More Russian diplomats and their families flew out of the Czech Republic on Saturday amid a dispute between the two nations over Russian involvement in an ammunition depot explosion in 2014. In April the Czech Republic ordered 18 Russian diplomats to leave in a tit-for-tat move after Russia expelled Czech diplomats from Moscow over the […]

European diplomats concerned by WHO sexual abuse reports in Congo

European diplomats have voiced serious concerns over how the World Health Organization (WHO) has handled sex abuse allegations involving its own staff. An investigation by the Associated Press claimed that senior WHO management was informed of multiple allegations involving at least two of its doctors during the 2018 outbreak of Ebola in Congo. A contract […]

UN Middle East envoy warns of ‘full-scale war’ in Gaza as diplomats claim US is holding up Security Council statement

An eruption of violence in Israel and Gaza is headed for “full-scale war,” a top UN envoy warned, even as Washington reportedly resists efforts to issue a similar call for deescalation in the UN Security Council. “Stop the fire immediately. We’re escalating towards a full-scale war,” Tor Wennesland, a Norwegian diplomat and the UN’s special […]

US expels Russian diplomats and imposes sanctions for hacking

The US has announced it will expel 10 Russian diplomats and impose sanctions against dozens of people and companies, holding the Kremlin accountable for interference in last year’s presidential election and the hacking of federal agencies. The sweeping measures announced on Thursday are meant to punish Russia for actions that US officials say cut to […]

On Why Foreign Diplomats Flee Pyongyang

First, on March 18, 2021, NK News reported that there were no foreign UN or international NGO workers left in North Korea. About two dozen citizens of the Czech Republic, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Vietnam, as well as two employees of the World Food Program (WFP), left the country. They left Pyongyang for China. And on […]

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