Posts Tagged ‘expel’

June 12 – Marine LePen Vows to Expel “Islamists”

(Marine LePen promises to Make France Great Again!) The present debate comes down to this: Does man have a soul that is connected to the Creator’s Moral Design? The Satanists say we are “hackable animals” that can be programmed to serve them, not God. This debate will determine what we are made of.   Le Pen […]

‘Forever chemicals’ are known for lingering in the body. Menstruation helps expel them

This story is part of a series, “Fighting ‘Forever Chemicals’: Women face pervasive PFAS risks.” Cancer-linked “forever chemicals” got their moniker because of how long they linger without breaking down — in the environment and the human body. Women appear to have a way of shedding at least some of the compounds, however. “Some PFAS… […]

Israel Is Working to Expel the Palestinians, But to Where?

FEBRUARY 15, 2024 Source Eric Striker 1.4 million desperate women and children living in tents as refugees in Rafah are being indiscriminately killed by the Jewish army as this is being written. The IDF has failed against Hamas in Gaza and the Netanyahu government has rejected the Palestinian proposal for a ceasefire. Their final gambit appears to be to eliminate […]

Todd Starnes Denounces ‘Dirty RINOs’ Who Voted to Expel Accused Fraudster George Santos

George Santos, notorious for outrageous lies he told about his life and work experience during his congressional campaign, was expelled from the House of Representatives on Friday by more than the required two-thirds vote. Nearly every Democratic member voted to expel Santos, joined by slightly under half of the House Republicans. Speaker of the House […]

Official “Secret” Israeli Document Revealed: Expel All Palestinians from Gaza, Israeli Intelligence Ministry


Leaked Israeli Govt Plan: Expel All Palestinians From Gaza And Send Them to Europe and Canada

By Chris Menahan A leaked Israeli Intelligence Ministry document reveals the goal of their war with Gaza is Source

Afghans return to Taliban rule as Pakistan moves to expel 1.7 million

As the clock ticked down to the Nov. 1 deadline Pakistan set for undocumented migrants to leave the country, Muhammad Rahim boarded a bus from Karachi to the Afghan border. Source

Local Officials in Laos Stop Worship, Expel Christians

Local officials in Tabong village, Salavan Province, Laos on Sept. 3, 2023 destroyed Christians’ home for refusing to renounce their faith. (HRWLRF) (Morning Star News) – A month after a Christian family in Salavan Province, Laos lost their home and were expelled for their faith, officials in another province on Sunday (Oct. 1) disrupted the […]

Expel Swedish envoy

TEHRAN – Iran has strongly reacted to the desecration of the holy Quran in Sweden, taking a set of measures with the aim of putting an end to the sacrilege to the holy book. Source

Sayyed Nasrallah Calls on Lebanese Gov’t to Expel Swedish Ambassador in Protest of Holy Quran Desecration

 July 20, 2023 Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah tackled the renewed crime of disrespecting the Holiest Islamic Book in Sweden, saying: “We are saddened by the new heinous act of desecrating Holy Quran Delivering a speech during the commemoration of the third night of Ashura ceremonies in the southern suburb of Beirut on Thursday, […]

Russia, Iran Coordinating To Expel Illegal War Crime Occupation US Troops From Syria, Murdergon Says

The Murdergon which illegally in an international war crime invaded Syria, is illegally in an international war crime occupying Syria while stealing Syria’s oil and food crops, whines Russia legally in Syria at the request of the sovereign duly elected Syrian government, and Iran Look how closely those Iranians put their country to USA/DC Military […]

Tennessee House votes to expel 2 of 3 Dems, both Black, over gun protest

Tennessee Republicans voted on Thursday to expel two Black freshman lawmakers for speaking out of turn in a gun safety protest yet declined to remove a third Democratic lawmaker, who is white and who participated in the same demonstration on the state House floor last week. Republicans’ effort to remove the Democrats has caught national […]

U.S. To Expel 12 Russian Diplomats At UN

UNITED NATIONS ― The United States says it is expelling 12 Russian diplomats at the United Nations for engaging in activities not in accordance with their responsibilities and obligations as diplomats. U.S. deputy ambassador Richard Mills confirmed the expulsions after Russia’s U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia told the U.N. Security Council on Monday afternoon that he […]

DSA won’t expel Bowman over Israel, but they may withhold endorsement in 2022

The National Political Committee (NPC) of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) have announced that they won’t expel Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) over his vote for additional Iron Dome funding and a recent J Street trip to Israel. However, they say they will revaluate their endorsement process and might refrain from backing the congressman again […]

Turkey Threatens to Expel U.S. Ambassador for Condemning Detention of Activist

President Erdogan Set to Oust 10 Western Envoys Calling for Justice in Kavala Case 10/25/2021 Turkey (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called for the expulsion of 10 Western envoys, including the U.S. ambassador, from Turkey. The envoys represent countries that have made public […]

REPORTS: Biden Admin to Expel Thousands of Migrants at Border on Flights Back to Haiti

The Biden administration will reportedly begin expelling thousands of Haitian migrants to their home country beginning on Sunday. Multiple news outlets report that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement will begin flights on Sunday to move the migrants gathered under a border bridge in Texas back to Haiti. The Associated Press reports that the Biden administration […]

Syrians in Farfarah Village Expel US Oil Thieves Army and their SDF Militia

 ARABI SOURI JUNE 15, 2021  Syrians in the village of Farfarah confronted and expelled a convoy of US oil thieves along with their Kurdish SDF armed terrorists from their village earlier today, Tuesday 15 June 2021. The people of Farfarah, a small town in the northeastern Syrian province of Hasakah, blocked a convoy of 4 armored US vehicles […]

Pakistan’s parliament to vote on whether to expel French ambassador after violent anti-blasphemy protests by hardliners

Pakistan’s parliament will consider whether the French envoy should be expelled after increasing pressure and violent protests from the hardline, now-banned Islamic political group Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP). The interior minister, Sheikh Rashid, went on national TV to explain that “after long negotiations between the government of Pakistan and the TLP, this has been agreed that […]

Union Members Expel National Guard From St Paul Minnesota Labor Center

By We Do The Work, Popular Resistance. April 15, 2021 St. Paul, MN – Following several union meetings on Wednesday night, I was made aware that a National Guard unit was occupying the St. Paul Labor Center in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota. Other union members and I were sharply aware of the National Guard’s role […]

Jewish Youth in Spain Urge Madrid University to Expel Neo-Nazi Activist Who Delivered Antisemitic Rant at Far Right Rally

Antisemitic graffiti at the Jewish cemetery in Hoyo de Manzanares, near Madrid. Photo: Twitter. Jewish students in Spain this week demanded the expulsion from a Madrid university of a neo-Nazi activist who delivered a viciously antisemitic speech at a rally earlier this month. The Federation of Jewish Youth in Spain (FEJJE), supported by the European […]

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