Posts Tagged ‘members’

Yemen to unveil further confessions of members of Israeli-US spy ring

29 Jun 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen Listen By Al Mayadeen English A security source tells Al Mayadeen that the Cultural Attaché at the US embassy in Yemen was linked to the US intelligence agency, the CIA. Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent confirmed that Yemeni security services in Sanaa will broadcast confessions of members from an American-Israeli espionage […]

Objecting To The Non Semitic Jew Cult Members Raping Children, Robbing, Mass Murdering is “Anti-Semitic”

If one could have a sit down conversation with Lucifer who along with some of his command got their butts in deep trouble with the upper brass for trying to help the with pigs fornicating sheep monkey “humans” by giving them knowledge, betcha he would be very disgusted with “humanity”. ‘The With Pigs Fornicating Sheep […]

Woman Goes on Vacation & 12 Gang Members Move into Her Home. Police Side with Squatters

New opportunities for House Sitters are opening up! ### by Wall Street Apes Her husband was ex military and passed away, now her home is gone. The best option they have is to ask social media what to do… What’s happening in America? “What would you do if you went on vacation and came home […]

Non Semitic Khazarian Jew Cult Members and Semitic Indigenous Palestinians argue ‘What would Jesus do?’

Quote from RT article: “Both Israel and the Palestinians have invoked Jesus Christ to support their cause as the brutal conflict in Gaza hits the five-month mark. Palestinian diplomat Riham Barghouti first invoked the memory of Jesus of Nazareth at a session of the UN Human Rights Council earlier this week, when condemning the Israeli […]

Slovakian PM Says NATO & EU Members Are Considering Sending Troops To Ukraine

Several NATO and European Union member satates are considering sending soldiers to Ukraine, according to Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico. While adding that he did not know what the troops would be doing in the […] The post Slovakian PM Says NATO & EU Members Are Considering Sending Troops To Ukraine appeared first on The […]

The Biden administration has helped kill 85 members of my family. Of course I refused to meet with Antony Blinken.

A few days before his recent visit to the region, Secretary of State Antony Blinken invited several members of the Palestinian-American community to a meeting to discuss the Biden administration’s response to Israel’s onslaught against Gaza, which the International Court of Justice and a U.S. federal court ruled may amount to genocide. I was among […]

Groups of AGs got thousands from companies their members were policing in 2023

Key players in emerging industries like cryptocurrency and sports betting flooded state attorneys general with cash in the second half of 2023, as the top law enforcement officers have moved to regulate them. The beleaguered cryptocurrency platform Coinbase, gig-economy companies and sports betting groups gave thousands or tens of thousands each to the Democratic Attorneys […]

Who Will Deliver Justice to Our Service Members?

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL While Pfizer & Moderna were testing rats in their labs, our government had their own guinea pigs lining up for the largest biomedical experiment the world has ever seen, except these were not test animals. These were our United States service members–our men and women in uniform.  And the test […]

Military Members Demand Leaders Be Court Martialed Over Forced COVID-19 Vaccines

jan 4 2024 Vigilant News Network interviews Col. Brad Miller, Retired U.S. Army and Col. Rob Manes, Retired U.S. Air Force about the “Declaration of Military Accountability.” The Vigilant Fox @VigilantFox writes: Military Members Demand Leaders Be Court Martialed Over Forced COVID-19 Vaccines 231 current and former service members from various branches of the United […]

The Emperor Is Butt Assed Necked, Jews Cult Members Are Demonically Possessed, Pedophiles Run US/DC/ All State Houses & A Perverted Male With A Dress On Is Not a Women

Ever since the closet homosexual atheist marxist rabidly racist against blacks manic depressive rail road shyster lawyer yankee puritan Lincoln’s terrorist killed the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union American has been not the “HOME OF THE BRAVE AND THE LAND OF THE FREE”, but the HOME OF THE SLAVE AND THE LAND OF EVIL AND LIES. […]

Three Christian Family Members Slain on Christmas Day

Damaged home of three Christian family members killed in Nyabitutsi village, Uganda on Dec. 25, 2023. (Morning Star News) NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists killed a 75-year-old woman and her two grandchildren in western Uganda on Christmas Day, sources said. The bodies of Edrine Ngwabize and her two grandchildren, 5-year-old Emoni… Source

White House Covid Task Force Members Cashed in on Pandemic Panic

The White House Coronavirus Task Force was spun up on January 29, 2020. Shortly thereafter, the federal government began to deploy countless billions of dollars to pharmaceutical companies with the ostensible hopes to mitigate a much-hyped incoming pandemic. Now, almost four years later, our hindsight presents a much clearer picture to the fog of virus […]

Dr. Robert Malone Red Pills Members of UK Parliament About 4 Major COVID Vaccine Lies

Testifying before colleagues and UK parliament members, mRNA vaccine pioneer, Dr. Robert Malone declared, “Instead of informed consent about the truth of these products … we were given a series of lies.” Lie #1 –The COVID vaccines are “safe and effective,” a repeated slogan Dr. Malone calls propaganda. Lie #2 –The contents of the COVID […]

Khazarian Jew Cult Members Who Know They ARE NOT Semitic, Still Trying To Claim Semitic Descent.

Headline:The Antisemitism Hoax Has Officially Collapsed. Jews Don’t Know It Yet, But It’s Over. Exert from a “good Jew” website article. “-The official definition of “antisemitism” before October 7, 2023 was “hating Jews for no reason.”The post-7/10 definition of “antisemitism” is “saying Jews should stop killing babies.”-” The “good Jews” are trying had to do […]

‘Complete Darkness’: Family Members Describe Freed Hostages’ Frightening Time In Captivity

JERUSALEM (AP) — Plastic chairs as beds. Meals of bread and rice. Hours spent waiting for the bathroom. As former hostages return to Israel after seven weeks of Hamas captivity, information about the conditions of their confinement has emerged. The 58 hostages freed under a cease-fire deal over the past three days have largely stayed […]

Israeli Parliament Members Demand U.S., Europe Import Gazan Refugees

By Ben Bartee – November 17, 2023 Originally published via Armageddon Prose: Via All Israel News: “In a jointly penned opinion… two Israeli Members of Knesset recently urged Western nations to welcome Palestinian refugees from Gaza amid the Israel-Hamas war… ’Hamas’s unprovoked terrorist attack on Oct. 7 has endangered not only Israel but the more than two million people […]

Khazars-Today’s Jew Cult Members

A people of Turkish origin whose life and history are interwoven with the very beginnings of the history of the Jews of Russia. The kingdom of the Chazars was firmly established in most of South Russia long before the foundation of the Russian monarchy by the Varangians (855). Jews have lived on the shores of […]

Pro-Israel PAC to spend $100M to unseat Congress members fighting for Palestinian human rights

Pro-Israel PAC to spend $100M to unseat Congress members fighting for Palestinian human rights The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which directly lobbies the United States Congress, plans on spending $100 million to take down representatives who will criticize Israel, fight for Palestinian human rights and call for a ceasefire – though most Americans […]

Pentagon has cited that 46 US service members have been injured over the past month of attacks inside Iraq & Syria.

When the local congressman offered me West Point when I graduated High school I passed. If you have already done something, why do it again? Went enlisted this time. But I can splain to them rope chewing take it up the ass politicians who wear the stars at the Murdergon how to stop getting Americans […]

Cabal Members Bush & Trump BOTH Admitted 9/11 Was a Cabal Demolition (All Done By ZIONISTS Who Profited)

 Home/Truth/George W. Bush Tells The Truth? Truth George W. Bush Tells The Truth? 2 weeks ago 0 266 6 minutes read Share “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks…” SUGGESTED NEWS Do You Know What Psoriatic Arthritis Is? (Take A Look) More… 516 129 172 Look For Any High School Yearbook, It’s Free More… […]

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