Posts Tagged ‘pills’

REPORT: 63% of all abortions in 2023 were carried out using pills

(NaturalNews) A new report from abortion research NGO, the Guttmacher Institute reveals that abortion administered by medication made up 63 percent of all… Source

Dr. Robert Malone Red Pills Members of UK Parliament About 4 Major COVID Vaccine Lies

Testifying before colleagues and UK parliament members, mRNA vaccine pioneer, Dr. Robert Malone declared, “Instead of informed consent about the truth of these products … we were given a series of lies.” Lie #1 –The COVID vaccines are “safe and effective,” a repeated slogan Dr. Malone calls propaganda. Lie #2 –The contents of the COVID […]

Russia prepares for nuclear war with NATO. Better get some iodine pills….

Russia Prepares Nationwide Drills With Nuclear War Scenario Russia is set to hold nationwide exercises early next month, according to new reports, in preparation for “the danger of armed conflicts involving nuclear powers.” Russian authorities will hold large-scale drills across the country on October 3 because of the “growing danger of armed conflicts including [with] […]

The Best Travel Containers (for Storing Pills, Toiletries, and Earplugs)

There’s nothing worse than finding a bunch of crushed [insert prescribed drug of choice] in the bottom of your carry-on because your Ziploc-baggy-turned-toiletry-bag busted open right before going through security. Questions like “will I miss my flight?” and “how long will my name stay on the ‘No Fly’ list?” race through your head.  We’ve been […]

‘Five-alarm fire’: GOP adds over 200 poison pills to House spending bills

“We cannot allow policy that harms regular people, threatens our rights, hurts the environment, and does any number of other terrible things to ride along with the appropriations package,” said Public Citizen’s Lisa Gilbert. Source

Trump-Appointed Judge Rules to Ban Abortion Pills Nationwide

A Texas judge ruled late Friday to block the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of a common and effective abortion pill. Under this order, which is set to take effect in seven days, the drug mifepristone—which is safer than Viagra and 18 times safer than childbirth—may be yanked from the market regardless of whether a […]

Interview 1790 – James Corbett Dispenses White Pills on AM WakeUp

via Slow News Day: James joins Steve Poikonen, aka SlowNewsDay on the AM WakeUp to discuss the madness in the banking sector; the potential for the peer-to-peer economy to replace the centralized, global, industrial economy; and how we can recognize and claim sovereignty over our lives and actions. Also, don’t miss James’ answer to the […]

A Woman Has Been Arrested for Allegedly Taking Abortion Pills

A South Carolina woman was arrested and charged earlier this week after she allegedly took abortion pills to end her pregnancy over a year ago. The case dates back to October 2021, when the woman turned to a Greenville, South Carolina, hospital for medical help, according to local news outlet the State, which first reported […]

Biden expands access to mail-order abortion pills. Idaho Republicans call it ‘dangerous’

(Idaho Statesman) — Idaho’s congressional delegation has called on the federal Food and Drug Administration to reverse a recent move expanding access to drugs that terminate early pregnancies. The FDA last month finalized a rule change that eliminates in-person dispensing requirements for mifepristone, an abortion-inducing drug, allowing pharmacies to… Source

FDA makes abortion pills available in pharmacies and through mail-orders companies

Any pharmacy can provide the pills to patients as long at drugstores and large chains have completed the certification process. Source

RED ALERT: Putin Sends Iodine Pills and Radioactive Suits to Soldiers, He’s Getting Ready to Nuke Ukraine!

Satellite photos taken by the company revealed the presence of four TU-160s at the base on August 21 and three TU-95s on September 25th. Vladimir Putin has sent a fleet of bombers to a military base housing a large supply of nuclear weapons, sparking fears of World War 3. The Russian President has upped the […]

US Border Agents Seize 1.6 Million Fentanyl Pills In Big-Rig, Destined For US Cities

Customs and Border Protection agents in Arizona seized a mind-numbing 1.57 million fentanyl pills and 114 pounds of cocaine hidden within secret compartments of a tractor-trailer. Source

PHOTO: 166K Suspected Fentanyl Pills Discovered in Spare Tire

Police found a huge number of suspected fentanyl pills tucked inside a spare tire in Phoenix, Arizona, during a recent investigation. Source

Europeans Panic Buying Iodine Pills

Over 3000 Americans have officially applied to join the Ukrainian army to fight Russian troops, according to a defense official at the Ukrainian embassy in Washington, D.C. The official told The Military Times, that hundreds have already arrived in Ukraine, and that thousands more from across the world have applied to join what Ukraine President […]

Pills Equipped With Sensors To Digitally Track When And If You Took The Drug Approved By FDA In 2017

Pills with digital sensors are now the latest controversial technology that has seen itself gain approval from the FDA. The alarming new devices would employ a set of sensors within the chips to track data regarding each patient. It has been revealed that the FDA has authorized an Orwellian medical device that utilizes sensors implanted […]

FDA: Anti-COVID Pills Dangerous When Used With Common Meds

FDA: Anti-COVID Pills Dangerous When Used With Common MedsPublished on January 5, 2022Written by Pfizer’s antiviral oral drug developed to treat COVID-19 can cause severe or life-threatening effects when used with common medications including some anti-coagulants, some anti-depressants, and some cholesterol-lowering statins, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (pdf). FDA does not recommend […]

Merck and Pfizer’s “anti-covid” pills are just another profiteering scam to exploit covid hysteria

Merck and Pfizer’s “anti-covid” pills are just another profiteering scam to exploit covid hysteria / Lance D Johnson (Natural News) The masters of science at the NIH, CDC and the FDA have made it their priority to snuff out any cheap, effective solutions for combating viral infections. These agencies have suppressed known treatments, nutraceuticals […]

Democrat Rule in New York Prioritizing Antiviral Pills for Non-white People

Non-white people will be prioritized over white people for anti-viral pills to treat Covid, Democrats in New York have announced. New York state’s Department of Health (DOH) announcement, dated December 27, warned that limited supply of oral antivirals will “require providers to prioritize treatment for patients at highest risk for severe COVID-19 until more product […]

Two new COVID treatment pills: who can take them and when?

As the European Union’s drug regulator advised the member states that they can use two COVID-19 antiviral pills — Pfizer’s Paxlovid and Merck’s molnupiravir – ahead of their formal approval, patients will soon have new treatment options that can be taken at home. Both Paxlovid and molnupiravir — to be branded Lagevrio in Europe — […]

Kind US Government Wants to Help Women Abort More Easily At Home by Ordering Pills Online

    Very kind and compassionate US Government is now allowing American women to abort their babies at home very easily by just taking some magic pills. Having a baby? Changed your mind and you no longer want it? ORDER NOW abortion pills online where you can just take a few pills then go to […]

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