Posts Tagged ‘parliament’

A Bill To Legalise Assisted Suicide Is About To Be Introduced To The UK Parliament

A Bill to legalise assisted suicide for the terminally ill is being be introduced to the UK Parliament this week. In England and Wales. at the moment, it is a criminal offence to assist someone […] The post A Bill To Legalise Assisted Suicide Is About To Be Introduced To The UK Parliament appeared first […]

German Parliament Votes To Decriminalize The Possession Of Child Pornography

German Parliament Votes To Decriminalize The Possession Of Child Pornography Are you starting to see a pattern yet?  First there was the introduction of gender fluid and LGBT ideology into public schools, then there were sexualized drag queen performances for children, then leftist activists demanded that pedophiles be referred to as “MAPS” (Minor Attracted Persons) […]

Ukraine’s parliament passes bill allowing certain PRISONERS to join the military

(NaturalNews) Ukraine’s parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, has passed a bill allowing certain types of prisoners to enlist in the armed forces. The passage of this… Source

Iraqi Parliament passes law criminalizing same-sex relations and transgenderism

READ HERE:   Source

British MP Stuns Parliament: “COVID Jabs Have Killed More People Than the Holocaust”

British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen stunned parliament earlier this week when he declared that the experimental mRNA shots have killed “between 10 and 20 million people” and told his fellow MPs that they have […] The post British MP Stuns Parliament: “COVID Jabs Have Killed More People Than the Holocaust” appeared first on The […]

EU Parliament bans Al Mayadeen’s photos of Gaza genocide at exhibition

April 18, 2024 Source By Al Mayadeen English The European Parliament removed 14 photos taken by an Al Mayadeen correspondent in the Gaza Strip from a photo exhibition exposing Israeli crimes, revealing the EU’s crackdown on pro-Palestinian content. As part of the Western media crackdown on Pro-Palestinian content, the European Parliament Secretariat removed 14 photos […]

UK Parliament: Misinformation And Trusted Voices, Also Known As Censorship – UKColumn News


Former Pfizer Chief Science Officer, in Speech to UK Parliament, Says COVID Vaccines “Intentionally” Designed to “Harm People.” MPs Demand Data from Government

___________________________________________________________________________ Also Read: Prestigious British Medical Journal (BMJ) Says COVID Vaccines Are 20 Times More Dangerous Than COVID ___________________________________________________________________________ In 2022 a former chairman of the Council of Europe Health Committee, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, and a former Chief Science Officer (CSO) and Vice President for Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, said there is an unusual pattern in the data from […]

Romania teams up with EU parliament to Pressure Russia into Returning its Stolen Gold Reserves During WW1

    In the upcoming March plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, a pivotal historical grievance will take center stage — the restitution of Romania’s national treasure, which was unlawfully seized by Russia over a century ago. MEP Eugen Tomac (PMP) has spearheaded an impactful move by introducing a draft resolution titled “Return […]

Complicated and irrelevant. UK Parliament.

The issues over the vote on Gaza johnredwood February 23 At the heart of the row in the Commons over the Gaza vote was a bitter feud between the SNP and Labour. For many years the Standing Orders have been followed which state that on an Opposition Day the Opposition party that is given that […]

We have a Parliament full of mealy mouthed weasels who are all beholden to a foreign power

UK Parliament TAKEN OVER! These weasels have no principles, they care not for Brits There are a million and one relevant things about Britain that these rats could talk about But they lose their credibility trying to avoid offending their masters Source: Source

Belgian imam cites Quran quote in Parliament that calls for vicious Antisemitism

Last week, an imam in Belgium recited a passage from the Quran in the Parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region, with the passage widely believed to call Muslims to kill Jews. Many MPs expressed their outrage at the imam’s presence in parliament, and Israel’s ambassador to Belgium was horrified to hear that such a verse was […]

EU parliament committee approves migration pact labeled ‘the suicide of Europe’ by France’s Le Pen

The new EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, which is expected to flood Europe with as many as 75 million new migrants, was approved on Wednesday by the European Parliament’s LIBE committee. One of the key provisions of the migrant pact is that it contains a migrant distribution system that has proven ineffectual since 2015, […]

Clashes Between Farmers and Police Intensify Outside EU Parliament In Brussels

Rubber bullets and water cannons were deployed against hundreds of European farmers protesting outside the EU Parliament building in Brussels on Thursday. The farmers threw eggs, set off fireworks, and started fires near the building while demanding that European leaders stop punishing them with more taxes and rising costs imposed to finance a so-called ‘green […]

Protesting Farmers Clash With Police Outside EU Parliament In Brussels

Police in riot gear used water cannons and fired rubber bullets at the hundreds of European farmers protesting outside the EU Parliament building in Brussels on Thursday. The farmers stormed the Belgian capital, armed with fireworks […] The post Protesting Farmers Clash With Police Outside EU Parliament In Brussels appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Submission to the Victorian Parliament Law Reform Committee ~ Inquiry into Warrant Powers and Procedures

Although the State of Victoria is not a direct signatory to the international instruments to which Australia is a party, the obligations undertaken by the Commonwealth are nonetheless applicable to Victoria. Article 50 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), for example, provides that the ICCPR’s guarantees ‘extend to all parts of […]

European Parliament votes to keep secret Pfizer contracts withheld from public

European Members of Parliament (MEPs) have voted to keep its contracts with Pfizer and other Covid-19 “vaccine” companies a secret, successfully blocking public access to vital data regarding the EU’s dealings with shady Big Pharma enterprises. The scandal began when news surfaced that Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, had negotiated a backchannel […]

South Korea’s Parliament Passes Landmark Ban On Production And Sales Of Dog Meat

The bill would make slaughtering, breeding and sales of dog meat for human consumption illegal from 2027 and punishable by 2-3 years in prison. Source

Trudeau’s Canada: Tampons Now Available in Men’s Bathrooms at Parliament

Trudeau’s Canada: Tampons Now Available in Men’s Bathrooms at Parliament Source

Letters to the Patronising Fools in Parliament

“Dear Richard, I am an adult. Some of my adult friends say that all members of parliament have our best interests at heart and that they are intelligent and respectful. Papa says if you see it on Substack it’s so. Please tell me the truth: are there patronising fools posing as members of parliament? Virginia” […]

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