Posts Tagged ‘quote’

Belgian imam cites Quran quote in Parliament that calls for vicious Antisemitism

Last week, an imam in Belgium recited a passage from the Quran in the Parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region, with the passage widely believed to call Muslims to kill Jews. Many MPs expressed their outrage at the imam’s presence in parliament, and Israel’s ambassador to Belgium was horrified to hear that such a verse was […]

EVER-SCANDALOUS MSM: NYT Doctors Hunter Biden Quote About Joe Biden’s ‘Financial’ Involvement In Business Dealings

The New York Times has doctored Hunter Biden’s quote about his father being involved in his business dealings, as one does (if you’re an establishment mouthpiece). In the original quote, Hunter said: “Let me state as clearly as I can: My father was not *financially* involved in my business.” The Times chose misinformation instead, alleging Hunter said: “Let me […]

Metaverse explains Klaus Schwab’s famous quote “You’ll Own Nothing, And Be Happy”

By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead “The term metaverse, like the term meritocracy, was coined in a sci fi dystopia novel written as cautionary tale. Then techies took metaverse, and technocrats took meritocracy, and enthusiastically adopted what was meant to inspire horror.”—Antonio García Martínez Welcome to the Matrix (i.e. the metaverse), where reality is virtual, freedom is only […]

The term wetiko is a Cree term (windigo in Ojibway, wintiko in Powhatan) which, to quote Forbes, refers to “an evil person or spirit who terrorizes other creatures by means of terrible evil acts.”

Comment: Mind Control is like an atomic bomb being set off in a child’s mind fracturing the child’s mind. It is the Most evil, Satanic program I have ever encountered Second to None in Vileness and Evilness. What is even worse is the alt media is complicit with the CIA in this program generally not […]

“Not Any Hollywood Celebrities Came to the Defense of the Christians” Quote From AntiChrist Comment: Hollywood is totally controlled by Synagogue of Satan Financing. You must be a Synagogue of Satan Cabal member to be a Hollywood Celebrity or a D.C. Politician. Source

Pakistani movie star Veena Malik tweets Hitler quote about killing Jews

Veena Malik, an actress who has starred in over a dozen Pakistani and Bollywood films and shows, tweeted a series of incendiary remarks about the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict, including a quote by Adolf Hitler about killing Jews. “I would have killed all the Jews of the world … but I kept some to show the […]

“QUOTE: “…The court in The Hague accepted the complaint for violating the Nuremberg Code of the Israeli government.

“QUOTE: “…The court in The Hague accepted the complaint for violating the Nuremberg Code of the Israeli government. Tap News / Weaver The complaint filed last week in the Hague tribunal for violating the Israeli government’s Nuremberg Code has been accepted. Now waiting for a decision Ruth Kiryati 27 Adar 5741 | Friday 11 March […]

Omaha middle school apologizes for Hitler ‘quote of the day’

A middle school in Omaha, Nebraska, has apologized to students and families after a quotation from Nazi Germany leader Adolf Hitler was displayed in a school hallway as the “quote of the day,” the Omaha World Herald reported Tuesday. A staff member had written the adage, “The man who has no sense of history is […]

Troll Applies Maxine Waters’ “Not Welcome” Quote to Cuomo, Democrats Freak Out About “Violence”

A Twitter troll edited Maxine Waters’ comments in which she urged people to harass Trump officials by applying them to Governor Andrew Cuomo, prompting top Democrats to freak out about “violence.” Waters originally made the comments in June 2018 when she told a boisterous crowd, “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to […]

ABC’s Hostin Blasts Trump Minions: ‘How Dare You Quote MLK – You Enabled a RACIST President’

ABC legal analyst Sunny Hostin blasted officials who support President Trump on Monday’s broadcast of “The View,” claiming they have no right to quote Martin Luther King Jr. because they “enabled a racist president.” Houstin said: “I remember the time when someone like Jemele Hill came forward and called Donald Trump a racist and lost […]

‘How Dare Trump Minions Quote MLK’…You ‘Enabled a Racist President’ Says ABC’S Sunny Hostin

Republicans should not say anything to honor Martin Luther King Jr. after everything they’ve done to enable a “racist president” according to ABC’s legal analyst Sunny Hostin  During Monday’s edition of The View, Hostin said people like Senator Ted Cruz, former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel and even the first […]

Israel police quote fake post claiming protesters called to use tear gas against them

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Jeffrey Goldberg Accused of Lifting Trump’s “Losers” Quote From End of Godfather II

Joe Biden’s former White House stenographer says the presidential candidate’s cognitive functioning and speaking ability has deteriorated significantly in the last few years. Speaking to the Washington Free Beacon, Mike McCormick, who worked as a White House stenographer for 15 years and with Biden from 2011 to 2017, said the presidential candidate is “not the […]

A Donald Trump Business Ally Says His Quote in Michael Wolff’s Book is Fake News

On Wednesday, The Guardian unveiled excerpts from a controversial new book about President Trump by journalist Michael Wolff. Now Tom Barrack, one of Trump’s closest friends and confidants in the business world, tells Fortune that the book attributes a disparaging quote to him that he never said—and that the author never asked him whether the quote was real. The book, Fire and […]

Quote by Hugo Chavez. Even more true now than when it was written

‘The hegemonic pretensions of the American empire are placing at risk the very survival of the human species. We continue to warn you about this danger and we appeal to the people of the United States and the world to halt this threat, which is like a sword hanging over our heads.’ – President Hugo […]

Turkish Reporter Says He Made Up Jared Kushner Quote Praising Erdogan

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A Quote from Jesus that Perfectly Fits the Situation

Yesterday I put up a post on the book  Judaism’s Strange Gods that included a video with comments by a member of Neturei Karta, the group of religious Jews who have called for the dismantling of the state of Israel. In the video, the NK member talks about Jews in Israel who, through such acts […]

What Losing 110 Pounds ACTUALLY Looks Like

A recent guest post found on from a woman named Elna Baker, titled “What Losing 110 Pounds Really Looks Like,” offers readers a firsthand look into the reality of what losing a significant amount of weight actually looks and feels like. We’ve become so accustomed to seeing Before and After pictures — on billboards, on television ads, in […]

Brilliant if true, Sanders proposes full reversal of USA policy in the Middle East

Sanders proposes full reversal of US policy in the Middle East Senator Bernie Sanders has made a historic speech about relations with Israel, Palestinians, Iran, Russia and the whole Middle Eastern situation. The speech contains the more detailed, concrete and comprehensive alternative ever presented to the policy Washington is following in the Middle East after […]

Details of UK Website Visits to Be Stored for Year

Details of UK Website Visits to Be Stored for Year November 4th, 2015 Via: BBC: The internet activity of everyone in Britain will have to be stored for a year by service providers, under new surveillance law plans. Police and intelligence officers will be […]

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