Posts Tagged ‘violating’

Violating intimacies

Israeli soldiers have photographed themselves posing with the lingerie of Palestinian women they have displaced or killed in Gaza. They join a long line of conquest images, from Abu Ghraib images to the spectacle of Jim Crow-era lynchings. Source

Ron DeSantis Orders University of Florida to Shut Down Pro-Palestine Group for ‘Violating Law Against Anti-Semitism’

By Chris Menahan Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Tuesday ordered the University of Florida to shut down their Source

Italy: Austria violating European solidarity on migrant issue by intensifying border controls

Italy’s Transport Minister and firebrand right-wing leader, Matteo Salvini, on Monday criticised Austria’s decision to intensify border controls between the two countries to stop migrants’ crossings, at a time when Rome is grappling with continuous arrivals of hundreds of seaborne migrants, Anadolu Agency reports. Vienna’s decision to reinforce controls on vehicles coming from Italy is […]

Elon Musk: ‘How Soon Can’ New Mexico Governor ‘Be Removed’ for Violating Second Amendment?

Elon Musk responded to New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s (D) order banning concealed carry by asking how soon the governor can be removed for violating the Second Amendment. Source

Washington Wants to Create Biological Crises Violating Int’l Laws [on Behalf of British Empire]

18 Aug, 2023 12:31 HomeRussia & FSU Washington wants to create biological crises at will – Moscow The US is grossly violating its obligations to the international community, Russia’s embassy has said Technicians wearing personal protective equipment suits stand behind a biohazard sign. ©  Arun SANKAR / AFP The US wants to harness the power of dangerous […]

EU Fines Meta A Record $1.3 billion For Violating EU Privacy Law

In a landmark decision, Meta has been slapped with a colossal €1.2 billion ($1.3 billion) fine by European Union authorities for violating EU privacy laws. The core issue at hand involves the contentious transfer of personal data belonging to Facebook users to servers based in the United States. The ruling was announced today by the […]

Swiss Face Up to 3 Years in Prison For Violating Heating Rules

Police in the UK are preparing for a widespread “breakdown in public order” caused by the cost of living crisis if new Prime Minister Liz Truss doesn’t authorize a big enough government handout. After a huge spike next month, energy bills are set to soar to around £6,522 a year by next April, a level […]

Swiss Face Up to 3 Years in Prison For Violating Heating Rules

Police in the UK are preparing for a widespread “breakdown in public order” caused by the cost of living crisis if new Prime Minister Liz Truss doesn’t authorize a big enough government handout. After a huge spike next month, energy bills are set to soar to around £6,522 a year by next April, a level […]

Chauvin gets 21 years for violating Floyd’s civil rights

ST. PAUL, Minn. — A federal judge on Thursday sentenced Derek Chauvin to 21 years in prison for violating George Floyd’s civil rights, telling the former Minneapolis police officer that what he did was “simply wrong” and “offensive.” U.S. District Judge Paul Magnuson sharply criticized Chauvin for his actions on May 25, 2020, when the […]

Lebanon Warns Israel Over Violating Its Territorial Waters & Disputed Territories

The Lebanese leadership has warned Israel of violations of their nation’s territory, with Israel’s activity in the maritime zone being labelled “provocative and hostile” by Michel Aoun, Lebanon’s President. Will the dispute over maritime and land borders between Tel Aviv and Beirut lead to an escalation? A potentially explosive dispute has emerged between Israel and […]

Report: CIA Tortured 311 Danish Orphans for Two Decades, Violating the Nuremberg Code

According to a new documentary out of Denmark, which interviewed former victims, the Central Intelligence Agency secretly carried out experiments on 311 orphaned children. The experiments were meant to reveal psychopathic traits and map out the link between schizophrenia and heredity. According to the report, the children were tortured in clear violation of the Nuremberg […]

Derek Chauvin pleads guilty to violating civil rights of George Floyd and 14-year-old boy

Convicted of murdering George Floyd in a state trial, former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin pleaded guilty Wednesday in a federal case to violating the civil rights of George Floyd and a 14-year-old boy. On September 4, 2017, Chauvin repeatedly struck a black teenager in the head with his police-issued flashlight while pinning the teen […]

Pastor in Nepal Sentenced to Two Years in Prison for Violating Anti-Conversion Law

Nepalese Christians Fear Further Use of Anti-Conversion Law 11/30/2021 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that a Christian pastor in Nepal has been convicted of violating the country’s harsh anti-conversion law. The pastor has been sentenced to two years in prison and a fine of 20,000 Rupees (approximately $165.00). […]

Hypocrite Pelosi Caught Violating Mask Mandate AGAIN

24-year-old Slovak hockey player Boris Sádecký has tragically died after collapsing on the ice during a match on Friday. Sádecký, a professional player for the Bratislava Capitals, was announced dead after reportedly suffering a cardiac arrest. He was placed in intensive care but subsequently died in hospital. Professor and heart disease expert Dr. Joel Kahn […]

USCIRF Urges State Department to Make Designations for Countries Violating Religious Freedom

New Factsheet from Congressional Commission Outlines Rising Persecution for State Department 11/09/2021 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has published a factsheet reiterating its recommendations to the U.S. Department of State regarding countries to be designated as violators of religious […]

John Kerry Caught Violating Mask Rules Yet Again

Prominent British author Peter Hitchens warns that if people continue to blithely accept lockdown restrictions, their grandchildren will still be wearing masks in 2050 and no one will remember why. “If people don’t object to this now, their grandchildren will be wearing masks in the 2050s, although nobody will remember why,” tweeted Hitchens. If people […]

Lockdown Architect Caught Red Handed Violating Lockdown to Have Affair With Mistress

As the evidence continues to pile up that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the epicentre of the COVID pandemic, and that a cover up was orchestrated, China’s government run Academy of Sciences has shortlisted the bio-lab for its ‘Outstanding Science Achievement’ prize for work with coronaviruses. Talk about rubbing it in. The very scientists […]

Yet Another Lockdown Architect Caught Violating Lockdown Rules

As the evidence continues to pile up that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the epicentre of the COVID pandemic, and that a cover up was orchestrated, China’s government run Academy of Sciences has shortlisted the bio-lab for its ‘Outstanding Science Achievement’ prize for work with coronaviruses. Talk about rubbing it in. The very scientists […]

DeSantis Pardons All Citizens Convicted of Violating Social Distancing, Mask Mandates

Anybody living in Florida who was unconstitutionally arrested or fined for not “social distancing” or wearing a face diaper will be pardoned of their “crime,” thanks to Gov. Ron DeSantis. In a 3-1 vote, the four-member Board of Executive Clemency approved the Republican governor’s decision to pardon anyone who was unfairly punished by state or […]

Gretchen Whitmer Apologizes, Admits She Made ‘Mistake’ in Violating Coronavirus Orders at East Lansing Bar

Michigan. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) apologized after Breitbart News busted her Sunday for violating her own coronavirus orders at an East Lansing bar. Breitbart News obtained a photo showing Whitmer and her appointed chief operations officer, Tricia Foster, among a group of 13 people at the Landshark, a dive bar in the college town, on […]

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