Posts Tagged ‘heating’

Utility bills in America hit RECORD HIGHS as heating a home becomes a “luxury”

(NaturalNews) Last summer, the Biden regime proclaimed that “Bidenomics” is working, and that the United States economy has never been better. Meanwhile, actual… Source

Utility Bill Debt For Americans Hits Record As Heating Homes Now Seen As Luxury

The Biden administration has whined for months about the public’s negative views on the economy, arguing that people are operating on “false perceptions influenced by right-wing media.” Most Americans have figured out that government officials and the corporate media have a habit of misrepresenting economic data to convince the public that the economy has never […]

Nearly 5000 Britons Died Frozen to Death in 2023 Due to High Heating Costs

As winter tightens its grip, a disturbing report from the End Fuel Poverty Coalition reveals that nearly 5,000 people lost their lives in the UK last winter due to residing in cold and damp homes, exacerbated by the inability to afford soaring energy costs. The coalition, which comprises organizations such as Greenpeace, WWF, Green Alliance, […]

Russia wants to Nationalize Heating Infrastructure after Major Failures

Home » Europe, Politics, Social » Russia wants to Nationalize Heating Infrastructure after Major Failures     Addressing the challenges plaguing Russia’s public utilities sector, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin proposed a potential solution on Tuesday by advocating for the transfer of heating networks and power generation into state ownership. The statement comes in the […]

Russian City Heating FAILS, Leaving People Deal with -20 Freezing Temperatures

In the frigid town of Podolsk in the Moscow region, a dire scenario unfolds as more than 21,000 residents find themselves in the throes of life-threatening cold, with temperatures plummeting below a bone-chilling -20°C. The community grapples with an alarming heating crisis that has pushed citizens to the brink. Frustration and desperation reach a boiling […]

Heating Homes With Natural Gas Is More Than 40% Cheaper Than Electricity: US EIA

Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Heating homes this winter using natural gas is estimated to cut down energy costs by more than 40 percent compared to electricity, according to a recent report by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Blue flames rise from the burner of a natural gas stove […]


Joseph P. Farrell THE GIZA DEATH STAR For some time now I’ve been trying to warn that the statements of the Russian government and its major officials  – people like Deputy Security Council Chairman Dmitri Medvedev or even the Bad Vlad himself – need to be taken seriously. We all know this history. For years […]

Heating Restored in Freezing Kyiv After Russia Launches Another Major Attack: Mayor Klitschko

Heating has been fully restored to Kyiv after the latest Russian bombardment that targeted water and power infrastructure, the capital’s Mayor Vitali Klitschko said on Sunday. “The city is restoring all services after the latest shelling,” Klitschko said on the Telegram messaging app. “In particular, the capital’s heat supply system was fully restored. All sources […]

Ukraine war: Heating restored in freezing Kyiv after Russian bombardment

The city’s mayor Vitali Klitschko says that all city heating and water services were restored after a wave of air strikes on Friday. Source

Energy crisis: UK to cap domestic heating and electricity bills at £2,500 a year

The UK’s new prime minister, Liz Truss, says her government will cap domestic energy prices for homes to ease a major cost-of-living crisis. Truss added she will also approve more North Sea oil drilling and lift a ban on fracking in a bid to increase the UK’s domestic energy supply. She told MPs that the […]

Switzerland Begins Arresting Citizens Who Use Too Much Heating

People in Switzerland face arrest and a possible 3-year prison sentence if they use too much heating this winter. Under strict new rules, buildings that use gas heating systems are restricted to 19°C, hot water […] The post Switzerland Begins Arresting Citizens Who Use Too Much Heating appeared first on News Punch.

Swiss Face Up to 3 Years in Prison For Violating Heating Rules

Police in the UK are preparing for a widespread “breakdown in public order” caused by the cost of living crisis if new Prime Minister Liz Truss doesn’t authorize a big enough government handout. After a huge spike next month, energy bills are set to soar to around £6,522 a year by next April, a level […]

Swiss Face Up to 3 Years in Prison For Violating Heating Rules

Police in the UK are preparing for a widespread “breakdown in public order” caused by the cost of living crisis if new Prime Minister Liz Truss doesn’t authorize a big enough government handout. After a huge spike next month, energy bills are set to soar to around £6,522 a year by next April, a level […]

Heating restrictions leave Spanish bar owners cold

​Spaniards are still enjoying the sun at roadside cafés. It’s been a hot summer and a difficult winter lies ahead. The Spanish Government has passed legislation limiting air conditioning to a low of 27 degrees and heating to a maximum high of 19 degrees. Bars fear losing business ​Bars, Shops and offices will have to […]

Heating restrictions leave Spanish bar owners cold

​Spaniards are still enjoying the sun at roadside cafés. It’s been a hot summer and a difficult winter lies ahead. The Spanish Government has passed legislation limiting air conditioning to a low of 27 degrees and heating to a maximum high of 19 degrees. Bars fear losing business ​Bars, Shops and offices will have to […]

Heating restrictions leave Spanish bar owners cold

​Spaniards are still enjoying the sun at roadside cafés. It’s been a hot summer and a difficult winter lies ahead. The Spanish Government has passed legislation limiting air conditioning to a low of 27 degrees and heating to a maximum high of 19 degrees. Bars fear losing business ​Bars, Shops and offices will have to […]

Quarter of Brits Will Refuse to Turn on Heating This Winter

Almost a quarter of Brits say they will refuse to turn on the heating this winter because the skyrocketing cost of energy has become unaffordable. The energy price cap is set to rise in October, pushing up bills by 80%, meaning the average yearly household bill will rise from £1,971 to £3,549 ($2,300 to $4,150). […]

Energy Crisis: One in Four Britons Will Not Turn On Heating Over Winter Months – Poll

Just under one in four Britons will leave their heating off over the winter as the price of energy surges, polling has suggested.

COVID Propaganda Roundup: The Biomedical War Is Just Heating Up

Masses of normal people have increasingly woken up in the past 2+ lockdown years to the murderous multinational corporate state headed by the World Economic Forum. But rest assured that they’ve been likewise studying us in reciprocity. Source

Where Heating The Home Breaks The Budget

By Tyler Durden More than one quarter of the Bulgarian population isn’t able to properly heat their homes according to data from Eurostat. With a share of 27.5 percent, the Balkan state tops the EU average by almost 20 percent as the following chart shows. You will find more infographics at Statista Bulgaria is followed by […]

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