Posts Tagged ‘cheaper’

Heating Homes With Natural Gas Is More Than 40% Cheaper Than Electricity: US EIA

Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Heating homes this winter using natural gas is estimated to cut down energy costs by more than 40 percent compared to electricity, according to a recent report by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Blue flames rise from the burner of a natural gas stove […]

Greek Taxi Drivers Overturn And Smash Uber Cars For Offering Cheaper Rides

The incident occurred on the Greek island of Rhodes in response to Uber drivers allegedly charging less than the permitted fare for rides to the airport. Local media outlets Dimokratiki and Rodiak captured the shocking aftermath of the Greek taxi drivers’ rampage outside Uber Greece’s premises in Rhodes. The photos show a VW T-Roc and… […]

Vertical Gardens: Researchers Determine Efficacy of Cheaper Cooling Method

Hot summers can be expensive, with air conditioners and fans driving up household electricity costs; however, researchers from the University of South Australia (UniSA) have identified a scientifically valid and inexpensive cooling method humans have known about for nearly a century. In a study from the UniSA, living walls or vertical gardens—walls that are entirely covered with […]

Penguins Refuse to Eat Cheaper Fish After Aquarium Cut Cost to Fight Inflation

Soaring inflation and the rising cost of living have forced millions around the world to tighten their purse strings. In Japan, that toll has even trickled down to penguins. At Hakone-en Aquarium in the Kanagawa prefecture south of Tokyo, zookeepers are buying their animals cheaper food to cut costs. Instead of being offered the usual […]

EU’s 2035 Combustion Engine Ban Means Auto Industry Is ‘Doomed’ Unless EVs Get Cheaper

Today in “saving the environment while destroying the entire global economy news”, major European auto manufacturer Stellantis is warning that unless EVs start to get cheaper, that the industry is “doomed” thanks to new deals to try and phase out internal combustion engines. The company said it is looking to cut the cost of making […]

DOJ: Outsourcing Firm Discriminated Against Americans for Jobs, Preferring Cheaper Foreign Visa Workers

A New York-based outsourcing firm, working with an India-based company, discriminated against qualified Americans for tech jobs in the United States, preferring to hire cheaper foreign visa workers, a Department of Justice (DOJ) settlement states.

Biden made ‘Obamacare’ cheaper, now sign-up deadline is here

With the Obama health care law undergoing a revival under President Joe Biden this Sunday is the deadline for consumers to take advantage of a special sign-up period for private coverage made more affordable by his COVID-19 relief law. A strong close would bolster Biden’s case that Congress needs to make permanent the temporary boost […]

It’s Cheaper to Buy Than to Rent for Over a Third of Australian Properties

Buying is now cheaper than renting in over one-third of Australian properties, aided by eight months of record low-interest rates, property researcher CoreLogic found. The company’s analysis showed that it is cheaper to repay home loans than to rent for 36.3 percent of Australians properties, up from the 33.9 percent reported in Feb. 2020. CoreLogic […]

As Wood Prices Surge 400%, Hemp Homes Are Cheaper, More Efficient, and CO2 Negative

Renegade Editor’s Note: The whole “reduce your carbon footprint” movement is a PsyOp, but that does not change the fact that hempcrete is awesome. By Matt Agorist This time last year, the price of lumber was $300 per thousand board feet. In only a year, the price has shot up over 400% to $1,686 for […]

UAE Jewish community leader beckons Israelis to visit: ‘Cheaper than Eilat’

A leader of the Jewish community in the United Arab Emirates said on Friday that he expects crowds of Israelis to visit the Gulf state once the normalization agreement between Israel and the UAE goes into effect. Solly Wolf said in an interview with Israel’s Channel 12 that he and the community were not surprised […]

Self-Producing Cells Have Been Used To Make Lab Grown Chicken – Cleaner, Cheaper & Healthier Meat?

Next Story Lab grown meat… have you heard of it? Maybe in a sci-fi book about the future, or on a TV show, but you may be surprised to find out that it is in fact a real thing, and its implications are huge. Imagine a world where vegans, vegetarians and meat eaters alike could […]

Bloomberg: Electric Vehicles Cheaper than Gas Vehicles by 2025

Bloomberg: Electric Vehicles Cheaper than Gas Vehicles by 2025 May 31st, 2017 I agree with this assessment much more than the one that said no gas cars by 2025. Via: Bloomberg: Now research from Bloomberg New Energy Finance indicates that falling battery costs will […]

Nearly 100 killed by lightning strikes in India in 2 days (VIDEO)

At least 93 people have died and 20 more received injuries in the past few days as lightning strikes along with heavy rains and violent thunderstorms swept through Indian states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. Most of the victims were farm workers, Indian authorities said. Just last night lightning left at least […]

Gardening More Meaningful than Voting in a Rigged Political System

Alex Pietrowski, StaffWaking Times The most effective change-makers in our society aren’t waiting around for a new president to make their lives better, they’re planting seeds, quite literally, and through the revolutionary act of gardening, they’re rebuilding their communities while growing their own independence. Every four years when the big election comes […]

How antidepressants ruin your natural serotonin so you can never be happy again … without your pills

(NaturalNews) The use of antidepressants has skyrocketed in recent years, despite a growing consensus that these drugs are dangerous and often ineffective in treating the conditions for which they are prescribed. Health experts in the US and the UK are concerned about the high rate of antidepressant use in both countries, and have […]

Obama Tells African Americans It’s Their Victimhood That Ties Them Together

Speaking at the Howard University graduation ceremony in Washington, D.C., President Obama told the graduates of the historically black college to “be confident in your heritage. Be confident in your blackness.” Obama also criticized people who are “successful and don’t realize they’ve been lucky. “First of all — and this should not be a problem […]

Obama Tells African Americans It’s Their Victimhood That Ties Them Together

Speaking at the Howard University graduation ceremony in Washington, D.C., President Obama told the graduates of the historically black college to “be confident in your heritage. Be confident in your blackness.” Obama also criticized people who are “successful and don’t realize they’ve been lucky. “First of all — and this should not be a problem […]

Obama Tells African Americans It’s Their Victimhood That Ties Them Together

Speaking at the Howard University graduation ceremony in Washington, D.C., President Obama told the graduates of the historically black college to “be confident in your heritage. Be confident in your blackness.” Obama also criticized people who are “successful and don’t realize they’ve been lucky. “First of all — and this should not be a problem […]

Obama Tells African Americans It’s Their Victimhood That Ties Them Together

Speaking at the Howard University graduation ceremony in Washington, D.C., President Obama told the graduates of the historically black college to “be confident in your heritage. Be confident in your blackness.” Obama also criticized people who are “successful and don’t realize they’ve been lucky. “First of all — and this should not be a problem […]

US Treasury raises new barriers to tax-evading mergers

US medical-device maker Medtronic is in advanced talks to buy competitor Covidien, based in Ireland, for more than $40 billion, The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday. Source Article from

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