Posts Tagged ‘healthier’

Bill Gates’ Study Claims Peanut M&Ms Healthier Than Grass-Fed Organic Beef

Candy products including peanut M&Ms and Reece Peanut Butter Cups are healthier than beef, pork and chicken according to the results of a Bill Gates’ funded study published in Nature. Bill Gates is determined to […] The post Bill Gates’ Study Claims Peanut M&Ms Healthier Than Grass-Fed Organic Beef appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Plant-based fast foods NO HEALTHIER than their regular counterparts, study reveals

(NaturalNews) Plant-based menu items in restaurants are no healthier than their counterparts that make use of meat, reveals a study.According to a paper… Source

Eat More Purple Foods for Cancer Prevention and a Healthier Gut and Heart

From Dr Mercola Story at-a-glance Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published October 9, 2017. Polyphenols1,2 (also known as phenolics) are phytochemicals, natural plant chemicals with powerful antioxidant properties. There are over 8,000 identified polyphenols found in foods such as tea, wine, chocolates, fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants — which in addition […]

Addicted to Sugar? This Halloween Candy Claims to Use Healthier Ingredients

For years, man has sought the ideal diet to inspire optimal human performance. Indeed, ever since our ancestors discovered how to hunt and gather, society has pushed towards a utopian culinary endgame where there’s enough food for everyone, and all of it is nutritious and tasty. And is that really too much to ask? Apparently […]

The Sweet Truth: Is Honey a Healthier Alternative to Sugar?

Long-term excess sugar can cause fatty liver, inflammation, and metabolic disorders, increasing the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Honey is a natural sweetener that humans have used for thousands of years, and many believe it has unique health-promoting properties. So is honey healthier than sugar? The Composition of Honey The scientific name of […]

How’s Your Coca-Cola Habit Affecting Your Body? Is There a Healthier Choice?

It’s been around for generations; it’s etched into our modern history and culture; but that doesn’t mean we should be guzzling Coca-Cola by the gallon! Exactly how much sugar is in Coke? The answer might have you rapidly switching to a different thirst quencher! How do the different organs and structures of the body—your intestines, pancreas, […]

Buying a Healthier Planet (And Better Products)

Regeneratively grown food nurtures the earth, delivers higher nutrition for healthier body Improving soil health is an overlooked key for nutrient-dense food and a healthier planet, and we can support farming that has this focus through the products we purchase. Whether you’re familiar with the term or not, regenerative agriculture is a top food trend […]

Buying a Healthier Planet (And Better Products)

Regeneratively grown food nurtures the earth, delivers higher nutrition for healthier body Improving soil health is an overlooked key for nutrient-dense food and a healthier planet, and we can support farming that has this focus through the products we purchase. Whether you’re familiar with the term or not, regenerative agriculture is a top food trend […]

Buying a Healthier Planet (And Better Products)

Regeneratively grown food nurtures the earth, delivers higher nutrition for healthier body Improving soil health is an overlooked key for nutrient-dense food and a healthier planet, and we can support farming that has this focus through the products we purchase. Whether you’re familiar with the term or not, regenerative agriculture is a top food trend […]

Women Choose Healthier Items When They’re Listed First on Menus

Researchers at South Australia’s Flinders University have found that by listing healthy food items first in an online menu, women were much more likely to make healthier choices. The team sought to discover whether menu placement impacted selections and could encourage healthier eating. They asked participants to choose from one menu which contained snack items placed […]

Ten Year Study: Unvaccinated Children Far Healthier Than Their Vaccinated Peers

15 december 2020 Dramatic graph showing pediatric office visit rates triggered by various illnesses in both vaccinated (orange) and unvaccinated (blue) children. In no case were vaccinated children healthier in these metrics — in fact, the exact opposite was true. THE CENTERS for Disease Control (CDC), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the National Institute of […]

Personal Care 101 for a Healthier, Safer Lifestyle

April 5th, 2021 By Alex ‘Earthie Mama’ Du Toit Guest Writer for Wake Up World As women, we all have a routine with the personal care products we use. From our everyday  beauty products to our preferred face wash, we’re constantly applying different ingredients and chemicals to our bodies. With personal care products being mass-produced in order […]

Yerba Mate: The Ethical and Healthier Alternative to Coffee

December 15th, 2020 By Paul Lenda Staff Writer for Wake Up World For a quick and easy pick-me-up, many in the West turn to coffee. Yes, that brown liquid that comes from roasted coffee beans. With around 100 mg of caffeine per cup, it delivers a powerful energy boost when you need it. However, drinking […]

Groundbreaking Study Shows Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier Than Vaccinated Children

The Most Revolutionary Act By Alix Mayer, MBA This study adds to a growing list of published peer-reviewed papers that compare the health of vaccinated children to the health of unvaccinated children. These studies suggest we have long underestimated the scope of vaccine harms, and that the epidemic of chronic illness in children is hardly […]

Calorie restriction can make you healthier… but there are a few things to consider first

(Natural News) Intermittent fasting and other restrictive diets are all the rage these days — and new research has shown calorie restriction can provide tremendous health benefits. The most comprehensive study of calorie restriction to date was just published in Cell Metabolism, and its findings show that a decreased food intake has a profound […]

Less Wealth Divde: Happier, Healthier, Less Enviro Destruction

Above: Holiday shoppers scramble to get deals at Walmart on the day before Black Friday, Nov. 23, 2017 in Bentonville, Ark. (Gunnar Rathbun/AP) Countries with lower rates of wealth disparity tend to have happier citizens and offer a better quality of life. A more nearly equal distribution of wealth also has substantial environmental benefits, as less […]

8 Inspiring Steps to Live a Healthier Life and Naturally Avoid Disease

Phillip Schneider, Staff WriterWaking Times Your health is one of the most important things that you can focus on throughout your life. Unfortunately, not everyone takes it very seriously and many people live much of their lives feeling lethargic and in full of pain. Despite the fact that food and medicine is more readily […]

Self-Producing Cells Have Been Used To Make Lab Grown Chicken – Cleaner, Cheaper & Healthier Meat?

Next Story Lab grown meat… have you heard of it? Maybe in a sci-fi book about the future, or on a TV show, but you may be surprised to find out that it is in fact a real thing, and its implications are huge. Imagine a world where vegans, vegetarians and meat eaters alike could […]

Which Is Healthier For Men – To Pee Standing Or Sitting?

In public places and sometimes at home, men are encouraged to use the sitting position as to reduce the spattering of urine. Sitting posture while urinating prevents the spread of diseases, maintains hygiene, and empties your bladder fully. Men who sit and pee have better prostate health and might experience a longer, healthier sex life. […]

Cannabis Cuisine: 5 Marijuana-Based Recipes for a Healthier Life

May 31st, 2017 By John Levy Guest writer for Wake Up World Creative Cannabis Cuisine Medical marijuana is both a preventative and treatment for many human afflictions, but smoking is not a healthy or effective way to ingest its medicinal properties. Cannabis edibles are much healthier for you — which is just one reason why cannabis cuisine is […]

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