Posts Tagged ‘habit’

How’s Your Coca-Cola Habit Affecting Your Body? Is There a Healthier Choice?

It’s been around for generations; it’s etched into our modern history and culture; but that doesn’t mean we should be guzzling Coca-Cola by the gallon! Exactly how much sugar is in Coke? The answer might have you rapidly switching to a different thirst quencher! How do the different organs and structures of the body—your intestines, pancreas, […]

Joe Biden Breaks Mask Habit After Coronavirus Infection — Even in Close Proximity to Photographer

President Joe Biden broke CDC guidelines on Thursday by refusing to wear a mask around others while infected with the coronavirus. Source

As the Planet Wants to Go Green, France Has a Nuclear Habit It Just Cannot Kick

On July 28, French President Emmanuel Macron landed in Tahiti and said that France owed a “debt” to French Polynesia. The debt was related to approximately 200 nuclear tests France conducted in the 118 islands and atolls that comprise this part of the central South Pacific, which France has controlled since 1842. These tests were conducted between 1966 and […]

‘I Think I Can’: The Importance of Self-Discipline, Habit, and Perseverance

Self-discipline, which walks hand-in-hand with perseverance, is a key ingredient in the formula leading to success and happiness. In his book “A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy,” William B. Irvine again and again examines the advantages bestowed by self-control. His chapter titled “Self-Denial” addresses the benefits the ancient Stoics […]

With habit of ripping up records, Trump could leave a hole in US history

WASHINGTON (AP) — The public won’t see US President Donald Trump’s White House records for years, but there’s growing concern the collection won’t be complete, leaving a hole in the history of one of America’s most tumultuous presidencies. Trump has been cavalier about the law requiring that records be preserved. He has a habit of […]

CrossTalking – War as habit

CrossTalking – War as habit By While the mainstream media and the chattering classes obsess over Donald Trumps call to a Gold Star family, the Pentagons growing footprint in Africa was publicly revealed. It would appear it does not matter who is president. Rather it is accepted the U.S. will fight endless wars. CrossTalking […]

Still craving carbs? Try these 8 tricks to kick the habit

(Natural News) A lot of comfort food contains carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, and grains. And when you’re craving some garlic bread, spaghetti carbonara, or rice pudding, it’s easy to forget that processed carbohydrates can make it harder to lose weight. Since some of these foods are processed carbohydrates and eating a lot makes your […]

Is a Meditation Habit the Secret to Bulletproof Immunity? Science Says Yes

October 12th, 2017 By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World Usually we don’t think of our immune system as highly intelligent and flexible, but rather, a mechanical process that (we hope) will take care of business in the background with minimal issue. In the world of science, however, this orientation radically changed in the 80s […]

Why Turmeric Needs To Be A Daily Habit For Anyone Seeking Good Health

There are many important factors that help determine our quality of life. Proper nutrition, a healthy mindset, comforting relationships, and clean air are just some of the most important components to improve in order to lead a healthy and abundant life. One of the easiest and most beneficial aspect of our lives we have a […]

Turkey’s troubled history of unrest and military coups

     Since becoming a republic in 1923, Turkey has undergone several coups due to a constitution that states the military are not beholden to the country’s political leaders. The most recent attempt continues a history of unrest between politicians and the military. The Republic’s first president, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, implemented an ideology known as “Kemalism” […]

ITEL Radio: BREXIT, Nordic Resistance Movement, & Dennis Wise

Inside the Eye – Live! for Saturday, June 18. 2016, was an information packed show. In hour 1, we looked at some current events, including Britain’s pending vote to exit the European Union (BRExit). In hour 2, spokesmen from the Swedish branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement, joined to discuss some of the latest political […]

God brings “choke artist” Romney ‘out of the woodwork’ , so he can judge him and his leftist JEW endorsing enemies, prior to installing Donald J. TRUMP as US president

God brings “choke artist” Romney ‘out of the woodwork’ , so he can judge him and his leftist JEW endorsing enemies, prior to installing Donald J. TRUMP as US president . Related… Mitt Romney addressing rich contributors is a big deal right now for the leftist JEW media creeps. He’s telling his half-assed acolytes that 47% […]

National Action Speaks in Rothdale

Source Article from

Are You Giving Away Your Power? – Politics, Sovereignty and Personal Embodiment

30th April 2016 By Bernhard Guenther Contributing writer for Wake Up World It has been a while since I wrote anything political, mostly for the reason that I’m not a statist, I don’t believe in government (or any other authority ruling/governing me), nor in national identification, and frankly don’t care much for politics. Readers of my […]

Links Between Brussels and Paris Attacks Substantiated

nsnbc : Links between the Paris attacks and the attacks at Brussels Airport and the Metro in the Belgian capital are being substantiated. Paris attack suspect Salah Abdesalam reportedly seeks extradition from Belgium to France as soon as possible. The bomb maker for the bomb vests used in Paris is reportedly identical with the one […]

‘Disaster is Imminent’… Constitutional Attorney: "States Have The Legal Authority To Defend Border Under Constitution"

Obama Administration says America’s legal gun owners are a threat, but ISIS is no threat at all

(NaturalNews) American gun owners can spot a gun-grabber a mile away, and they have known for several years now that their president is one […]

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