Posts Tagged ‘kick’

As San Francisco mourns Orlando, Trump pulls Clinton his way

“Love” was the word I heard most often Sunday in San Francisco from people mourning the deadliest mass shooting in American history, which took the lives of at least 49 at a gay nightclub, Pulse, in Orlando early Sunday morning. In a phone call to 911, the shooter, now dead, declared allegiance to the Islamic State, […]

North Korea reactivates nuclear weapons plant, UN says citing satellite imagery

“There are indications the reprocessing plant at Yongbyon has been reactivated,” a spokesman of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said on Monday, as quoted by Reuters. The information obtained by the IAEA refers to “activities related to the five-megawatt reactor, expansion of enrichment facilities and activities related to (plutonium) reprocessing,” the IAEA head Yukiya […]

Imam Khamenei: Those Standing against Syria Hostile to Islam

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei, stressed his country’s firm support to Palestine and Syria. Imam Khamenei received  the head of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement Ramadan Abdullah Shallah and his accompanying delegation on Sunday. “Since from the very beginning, the Islamic Republic of Iran considered supporting Palestine as […]

Are You Giving Away Your Power? – Politics, Sovereignty and Personal Embodiment

30th April 2016 By Bernhard Guenther Contributing writer for Wake Up World It has been a while since I wrote anything political, mostly for the reason that I’m not a statist, I don’t believe in government (or any other authority ruling/governing me), nor in national identification, and frankly don’t care much for politics. Readers of my […]

Unfolding into the Multidimensional Landscape

25th April 2016 By Open Contributing writer for Wake Up World Do the past and the future really exist? Have you ever wondered why you can’t remember the exact details of your past lives? Have you also ever contemplated why, even though you may be able to expand into the higher realms, you still can’t […]

Watch Space Rock Crash Into Jupiter From Half Billion Miles Away

Two amateur astronomers spotted space rock smashing into the surface of Jupiter while filming the largest planet in the solar system. Video shows the flash of a large object, thought to be an asteroid or a comet smashing into the gas giant’s atmosphere on 17 March. Newsweek reports: On March 17, Irish astronomy enthusiast John McKeon […]

Dirty Game: The Proxy War

What is the role of al-Saudi in the war in Syria? What are its ambitions in this regard? Filed under: Al Qaeda, AngloZionist Empire, Arab Zionists, ISIL, Proxy War, Saudia, USA, Wars for Israel Source Article from

Woman Asks Most Ridiculous Question EVER To Man Buying Dog Food… His Reply Is PRICELESS!

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– Every now and then America’s Freedom Fighters likes to take a break from the every day problems we all deal with when it comes to the troubles our country and world are facing and like they say, ‘Laughter is THE BEST MEDICINE!’ We hope you enjoy! I have two dogs and […]

Cop Claims He “Accidentally” Pulled Out His Gun, Aimed, and Murdered an Unarmed Father

Nick Divito | Courthouse News Service BROOKLYN (CN) – Jury selection begins Thursday for the trial of a rookie New York City police officer accused of gunning down an unarmed black man in the dimly lit stairwell of a housing project 14 months ago. Peter Liang, 28, is accused […]

Fire engulfs passenger ship 1km off NZ coast, evacuation underway

The boat reportedly belongs to White Island Tours, according to the NZ Herald. Media reports suggest there were up to 53 passengers and 7 crew members aboard the ship at the time the fire broke out. Coast Guard and emergency services rushed to the coast of Whakatane after police received a call reporting the situation […]

Eric Holder’s Law Firm Tied to Alleged Ponzi Schemer Martin Shkreli’s Stock Offering at Retrophin

Eric Holder, who stepped down this year as the U.S. Attorney General after six years in office, rejoined the law firm he had left to accept the top slot at the Justice Department. That firm is Covington & Burling, which operates a revolving door between the Justice Department and its own front door. […]

Eric Holder’s Law Firm Tied to Alleged Ponzi Schemer Martin Shkreli’s Stock Offering at Retrophin

Eric Holder, who stepped down this year as the U.S. Attorney General after six years in office, rejoined the law firm he had left to accept the top slot at the Justice Department. That firm is Covington & Burling, which operates a revolving door between the Justice Department and its own front door. […]

Leader’s letter addresses Westerners’ misconceptions about Islam: US Analyst

“The letter addresses many misconceptions that Westerners, particularly Americans, have about Islam, and its history, culture, and traditions. The letter also addresses many misunderstandings concerning Islamic nations that are commonly held in the West,” Keith Preston, the chief editor and director of, told Tasnim. Following is the full text of the interview. Q: Leader […]

Killer Cops Are Treated Better Than Common Criminals

1101 people have been killed by police this year. I’ll say that again, One thousand one hundred one people have been killed by the police this year. While some of those are justifiable deaths, meaning someone was in danger, far too many were not. Police in the United States have killed people who held BB guns, failed to […]

Obama Administration says America’s legal gun owners are a threat, but ISIS is no threat at all

(NaturalNews) American gun owners can spot a gun-grabber a mile away, and they have known for several years now that their president is one […]

Britain Has Launched Deadly Bombing Raids On ISIS Since Paris Attacks

Britain has escalated the fight on ISIS by launching 17 deadly bombing raids on targets in Iraq in the last ten days, seven of which were in the past three days. Last week an RAF Tornado used a laser-guided Paveway bomb and killed 30 ISIS fighters in the battle for Sinjar as Kurdish forces liberated […]

Different Styles Of CopBlocking

This article was submitted VIA the SUBMIT tab by a contributor at Lehigh Valley Copblock. Copblock (n) – The idea that “Badges Don’t Grant Extra Rights” Copblock-ing (v) – To spread the message of BDGER through the filming of police, call floods of wrongful departments, and ensuring our constitutional rights are not violated. Copblocking isn’t […]

Russia’s Mid-East Takeover Continues as Afghanistan Requests Military Assistance From Moscow

Russia’s Mid-East Takeover Continues as Afghanistan Requests Military Assistance From Moscow More and more US allies are losing faith in the only superpower and turning to Russia for help Originally appeared at Zero Hedge Earlier this month, in what amounted to a dramatic shift in strategy, the Obama administration announced that the US would not be pulling all of […]

New song out: “David Duke Please tell me!” Also Dr. Duke historic speech in Syria. Dr. Slattery joins in as well.

Today Dr. Duke started the show by playing a couple of recordings, one a song by Robert Lloyd and another an excerpt from a speech he made years ago in Syria. Then he brought on Dr. Slattery to discuss events in Syria. They talked about the long-standing Israeli and Zionist connection to the Syrian civil […]

Life For The 1% Has Gotten Worse Since Occupy

Print Friendly Above Photo: It is hard for the wealthy to discuss their troubles as others see them as overprivileged. But one therapist tells them: ‘Money is not the only thing that defines you. Your problems are legitimate.’ Alamy. Wealth therapy tackles woes of the rich: ‘It’s really isolating to have lots of money’It’s tough at […]

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