Posts Tagged ‘dog’

DEA Changes Wire Tap Policies After Getting Caught Doing Unconstitutional Surveillance

The Drug Enforcement Administration has revamped its wire tap protocols, but only after coming under fire. Now, the DEA will seek input from prosecutors prior to wiretapping instead of superseding their authority. These developments represent an curveball for police surveillance amidst national calls for overall reform. Over the last decade, phone surveillance by the DEA and […]

Ukraine’s ill-preparedness halts naval phase of US-led NATO drills

     The naval phase of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Sea Breeze-2016 military exercises has been postponed because of Ukraine’s ill-preparedness, a military-diplomatic source told RIA Novosti on Monday. The next phase of the US-led NATO Sea Breeze-2016 drills was due to kick off Monday in the Black Sea. The exercises involve 3,000 troops, […]

Panic & chaos in Nice: Terrifying videos show immediate aftermath of truck attack (GRAPHIC)

People were seen grabbing their children and running as sirens echoed in the background in one video. Crowds of tourists had gathered for the holiday to watch fireworks as the truck rammed into people, causing panic and mayhem on the streets. In another video, hundreds of people screamed and panicked as they ran from the […]

Investigations Drag On Two Years After Gaza War

This week marked the second anniversary of one of history’s bloodiest attacks on Gaza. Yet, despite a few echoes of solidarity with Palestinians from the British establishment, the government has since sold Israel arms licenses worth over £25 million. As ‘investigations’ drag on, there has still been no justice for the Palestinian people and so […]

Two Good Cops Suspended For Failing to Report Bad Apple Choking Handcuffed Man in Waco

Three patrol officers were suspended after the McLennan County District Attorney’s Office previewed dashcam video of the arrest and determined that one of the officers grabbed the suspect, Qualon Deshon Weaver, 35, by the neck, Waco police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said in a press release Friday. Street Crimes Unit Officers Kevin Spicer, Adam Beseda […]

Commander: Global arrogance stands firmly against Iran

Kashan, Isfahan prov., June 27, IRNA – Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi said that the global arrogance led by US has stood against Iran for 37 years. Speaking in commemoration ceremony of 7-Tir martyrs, Fadavi said the US knows that Islamic revolution has become stronger and has […]

Brexit – No vote changes nothing

     The morning’s headlines proclaiming the unthinkable didn’t make sense: the UK was leaving the EU; Cameron was resigning. The world had ended and been born anew. I’ll admit it, I was temporarily stunned. Jacob Rothschild had called for a Remain vote. What else was there to talk about? I hadn’t seen that one coming. […]

Grandmaster Putin – pulling Russia from the brink, restoring Russia’s place in the world

     The 1990s are behind us, as is the breakup of the Soviet Union. The 2000s balancing over the cliff, the years of the debt slavery to IMF, unlimited rule of the oligarchs, the status of the regional power, gangs of non-systemic opposition by the American embassy, isolation and haughty attitude – all of this […]

Ninth Circuit Court Rules Concealed Carrying of Firearms Not Protected by Second Amendment

Earlier today, a California appeals court upheld the state’s law that imposes permits and restrictions on the carrying of a concealed weapon in public. The Ninth Circuit Court, located in San Francisco, overruled a previous decision in “Peruta v. County of San Diego” by three members of the court that California’s requirement for citizens to […]

Google’s Larry Page Is Developing Flying Cars

Google co-founder Larry Page is backing two competing start-up companies involved in the development of “flying cars”. Tech Spot reports: The internet entrepreneur has sunk more than $100 million into Zee.Aero, which is located next to Google’s Mountain View, California HQ, since its inception in 2010. The news comes from Bloomberg Businessweek, which cited ten […]

After 75 Years Of Research, Harvard Study Found That Happiness Comes To This

Happiness is one of the most important things in life, yet it’s also one of the hardest to study. Psychiatrist Robert Waldinger is the director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, one of the longest and most complete studies of adult life ever conducted. Waldinger described some of the secrets to happiness revealed by […]

California Man Ticketed for Displaying “F=ck Trump” Sign on His Car

The Rancho Cucamonga police seem to have an issue with free speech and the display of a static “Fuck Trump” sign on personal vehicles. While this is just another form of free speech and tons of business use vehicles for advertising one officer, who probably supports Trump, decided that his butt-hurt was more important than […]

Airline passenger films huge super cell thunderstorm from 30,000 feet over the Midwest

     An airline passenger recorded impressive footage of lightning raging over the Midwest. It is so cool to see the frontier between the gloomy clouds and the clear sky above. Source Article from

9/11 Whistleblower Who Claimed WT7 Was A Demolition Murdered

One of the top demolition experts in the Netherlands, Danny Jowenko, was found murdered under suspicious circumstances after investigating the collapse of World Trade Center 7 after the 9/11 attacks and concluding that it was brought down by a controlled demolition.  Mr. Jowneko famously looked at a clip of a WT7 collapsing in 2006, and without […]

9/11 Whistleblower Who Claimed WT7 Was A Demolition Murdered

One of the top demolition experts in the Netherlands, Danny Jowenko, was found murdered under suspicious circumstances after investigating the collapse of World Trade Center 7 after the 9/11 attacks and concluding that it was brought down by a controlled demolition.  Mr. Jowneko famously looked at a clip of a WT7 collapsing in 2006, and without […]

9/11 Whistleblower Who Claimed WT7 Was A Demolition Murdered

One of the top demolition experts in the Netherlands, Danny Jowenko, was found murdered under suspicious circumstances after investigating the collapse of World Trade Center 7 after the 9/11 attacks and concluding that it was brought down by a controlled demolition.  Mr. Jowneko famously looked at a clip of a WT7 collapsing in 2006, and without […]

72yo Indian gives birth to her first baby, 20 years after menopause (VIDEO)

Some 20 years after her menopause, Daljinder Kaur gave birth on April 19 after using the in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) technique, whereby an egg is fertilized by sperm outside the womb in a test tube. Having reached the later stages of their lives, Kaur and her husband Mohinder Singh Gill had lost almost all hope of […]

ZOG Moving to Shut Down First Amendment, Prosecute Wrongthinking Bloggers

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 9, 2016 tfw no freedoms. In America, we feel like it could never happen. But it’s already happening. Washington Examiner: Regulators in Washington are showing increasing interest in tightening rules on political speech on the web, arguing that the dissonant voices enabled by “new media” have become too influential. If that […]

Culture-bound syndromes: Diseases you only get if you believe in them

     An exploration of syndromes that are unique to particular cultures. You can’t get your genitals stolen in America. At least, not while they’re attached to your body. But people can in Nigeria, Benin, China, Singapore, and Hong Kong. In all of these places, there have been cases of koro (also called suo yang in […]

Lancaster University Offers PhD In Comic Books

The University of Lancaster in the U.K. is now offering a doctorate in comic book studies under the guidance of Tintin expert Dr. Benoît Peeters. The Tab reports: Dr. Peeters, a French comic book writer, novelist, and critic has been appointed by Lancaster University as the UK’s first ever visiting professor of graphic fiction and comic art. […]

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